“HOW TO SET UP A FEY ATTACK CITYYou can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice. Shakira Power at any cost; this is what it means to be Fey. Twisted by Camelot’s dark portals, the Fey have willingly sacrificed their humanity in the search for greatness. With the portals’ dark magic fueling their endeavors, the Fey tread to despicable ends to garner a vast militaristic society. Vowing to crush any that dare get in their way, the Fey relentlessly seek only one thing: more power. With fortresses standing tall among the frozen mountaintops, the maze-like cities of the Fey are seemingly impenetrable and impossible to escape. In fact, many barbarian sieges against Fey cities have only led to the brutal massacre of attackers that have gotten lost in the labyrinth of their twisted structures. Hardened by the harsh cold, decrepit wastelands they call home, the Fey have grown into the war machine they are today and revel in the power they have obtained.

How To Set Up a FEY Attack City

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You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.


Power at any cost; this is what it means to be Fey. Twisted by Camelot’s dark portals, the Fey have

willingly sacrificed their humanity in the search for greatness. With the portals’ dark magic fueling their

endeavors, the Fey tread to despicable ends to garner a vast militaristic society. Vowing to crush any

that dare get in their way, the Fey relentlessly seek only one thing: more power. With fortresses

standing tall among the frozen mountaintops, the maze-like cities of the Fey are seemingly

impenetrable and impossible to escape. In fact, many barbarian sieges against Fey cities have only

led to the brutal massacre of attackers that have gotten lost in the labyrinth of their twisted structures.

Hardened by the harsh cold, decrepit wastelands they call home, the Fey have grown into the war

machine they are today and revel in the power they have obtained.

If You want an attack city, it has to be a Fey city (to Ascension level

6 )and the simple reason for that is, that in a Fey city you can

sacrifice troops to boost their stats (even more )in attacking &


All Blessings Available for a Fey City ( Asc Lvl6)

Major Blessings

•Summon Death: Allows you to train Executioners in the new Fey Barracks

•Black Magic : Unlock Fey battle spells

Minor Blessings

• Reinforced Walls: Double the durability of your Wall

• Expedited Sentencing: Reduce the Executioner’s training time by 30% by increasing upkeep by 15%

• Dark Ritual: Allow two simultaneous Rituals in the Fey Altar ( important)

• Reallocated Labor: Increases your Mountain production boost by 100% at the cost of reducing the production boost

gained from Forests by 50%

• Relic Hunter: Increase Fey Throne Room item find by 10%

• Channeled Suffering: Increase Ritual duration by 10%

• Fill the Ranks: Increase the maximum March size by 10% at the cost of 5% reduced March Speed ( important)

• Blood Lust: Increase Attack and Speed by 50% for all Infantry troops at the cost of decreasing HP by 25% and

Accuracy by 10%

• Empowered Iron: Increase the bonuses given by the Ore Guardian by 15%( important)


Empowered Iron: Increases attack bonus of iron guardian by

50% ( important)

Dark Ritual: allows 2 sacrifices ( important)

Blood lust: Increase Attack and Speed by 50% for all Infantry

troops at the cost of decreasing HP by 25% and Accuracy by

10% ( important)

• Rest is up to you, above symbols are from my Fey City

IF you find that you do not have the correct blessings applied,

consider a revised diplomacy for example, to redo your blessings.

It is normally used for changing to a different City Fraction, but you

can use from Fey to Fey and thus change the blessings to what you

want and need.


THE 2 FEY ALTARS at LVL 10 ,for the full 40% sacrifice bonus

You can see easily in Battle DashBoard if you have that full bonus

The Fey City has the Sacrificial Altar(s) to increase the Base

Fighting and survival statistics of your troops. Here is an

example of what Sacrificing Onagers can do,

Notice the “+” numbers in GREEN. That is the boost you get

when you sacrifice troops.

BUT, the sacrifice has to be in progress when your troops

land on an attack or when you are defending and the attacking

troops hit you. If your sacrifice runs out before, you get no


NOTE : You need all 4 guardians in your attack city. Get them

all to level 12 (if u can for set bonus).

The Wood Guardian for Defense

The Ore Guardian for Attacking

Build an apothecary for revival of troops.

You need it to for the Fey Battle Spells…

(Available at Level 4 Ascension) - Fey Battle Spells

You will be able to unlock a new major blessing at level 4 Ascension. This

new major blessing is called Fey Battle Spells. First spell that you can

unlock is called Lifesteal. It let your wounded troops revive at the end of the

battle while defender wounded will be killed at the end of the battle. You can

see whether it is available in your Rally Point, under Spells tab.

So In order to get the max out of your Attack Fey City, it needs

to be at lvl 6, to have all the blessings, and the Fey Spells

Once you use it, it has 8hrs cool down time, which mean you cannot use it

for another 8 hours, unless you speed it up with hourglass.( yes )

How to use the Fey Spell? It is easy, you will see a new row in

your rally point before you send the attack. Check the small box by

Lifesteal to activate the spell. You cannot activate it once you have

sent the troops,

How it works? First, you must have an apothecary if you want to use the

spell, otherwise it's useless. Secondly, the amount that you revive depends

on your apothecary level, the % of revived you get is just like the %

wounded in apothecary.

No Apothecary

With (level 4 apothecary for example) but didn't activate the Fey Spell:

Says wounded not revived

With level 10 apothecary and activated the Fey Spell:

Says Revived, not wounded

Above report is to show how it works, as an example.

Use Iron Skin and Blood Fury when

attacking & defending

for 50% attack and defense bonus.

You can craft them, so do it

You can apply from Battle Dashboard as well.

And the HealthBoost! Obtain Via Staunch Or Vigor Banner

OH? Have you set a Marshall? In Your Fey City..

And a Champion?......... , Easy to check in your Dashboard ;) ,

then we are good to go…

Always fight from your Fey! The other cities are for training troops, gathering resources,

and feeding your Fey cities and whatnot..

Review also the tutorial, max reviving if you have a Fey city


: Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it

gives you and edge, or advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The

objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players have

a better under understanding of the game. The more players participate, the

better the overall experience is for all players. More attacking and defending

means “lively” domains full of activity.