Genre Research

Genre research

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Genre Research

Horror Making a horror movie trailer would be one of the easiest options I think, as you don’t need many computer effects, you can use everyday life to create a horror scene. Horror films are usually located in dark eerier places such as: haunted houses, woods, abandoned areas and ally ways, this is because they are remote and secluded which created tension. For props sharp object, fake blood, and cobwebs are popular as it create real fear, shows harm could be done. To create a horror film successfully the editing pace needs to be fast and jumpy to make it tense and so the audience don’t know what to expect next. Characters are usually villains such as ghosts, killers or evil, their identity usually isn't shown to make it more mysterious. Screams and shrieks are popular sound effects of horror films, and enhancing noises of the location to suggest it’s a derelict area. Music for horror films is easy to find and create – it can be created on garage band. Increasing the volume suddenly will make the audience jump and doing it gradually creates tension.

Comedy Comedy is an important and popular category in cinema, it is used to evoke laughter and humor to the audience. I think comedy is harder to do than horror as you need to have an exceptional script in order for it to be successful. However locations for comedy can be anywhere, such as a classroom, office or town – they are easy to access and don’t need a big budget. Characters are usually equally the dominant character and each bring in a different element of comedy. You usually have clashing characteristics which form unexpected friendship groups. In comedy props are simple, alcohol tends to be a popular prop as it allows characters to say funnier things. The Hangover plays on the after effect of alcohol and how it makes you feel. The editing pace is fairly constant and music used is usually up beat soundtracks to reflect the humorous mood.

Rom ComRomantic comedies are probably one of the harder ones to create, as you need a larger cast of characters who of which need to be comfortable with romantic scenes. Furthermore rom coms are usually filmed in large cities and towns to give the audience a background the characters lives and show how events could take place in real life, another popular setting is colleges where young people meet new love interest. These locations may be hard to film as they are in pubic areas so may disturb members of the public and would have to ask for permission before filming. Prop such as flowers, chocolate and letters are used in rom coms to show the romantic side, all of these are very easy to source. As for the editing pace it tends to be slower than other films as it is seen as more romantic, plus a kiss would usually be shown so a slower pace would make this look more passionate. The music ends to be current music with significant lyrics to help tell the story and set the mood.

ActionAction films consist of a hero who the audience likes and a villain who the audience dislikes. Action films would be hard to create as they use lots of props and usually have locations such as cities and often tend to go abroad. As for props they tend to be, cars, planes, boats, helicopters, bombs, guns and many more, which would obviously be difficult to get our hands on to create a professional looking film trailer. The editing pace is generally constant until it gets to the action filled scene where it speeds up significantly to fit the mood. To go with this fast pace sound effects such as gun shots, explosions and car noises tend to be used, while a sound track is being played which would be fast paced to fit in with the fast action of the film, it will reflect what is happening on the screen and make it seem more realistic. The main character tends to be tough, and more often than not male.