Countries which use what

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Countries which use what

The DINAR as currency

,Countries in dark green currently use it-kuwait iraq jordan bahrain, libya , algeria, tunisia, serbia and macedonia

Countries in light green previously used it – sudan, south yemen, iran, croatia..

Shows the natural distribution of an animal-



There are several opinions on the origin of the name of this state-

It is widely believed that X takes its name from the 36 pillars of the devi temple there

The old state had 36 feudal territories

Another view, is that X is the corrupted form of the word  which means Raj or "Empire of the Chedis”


The Mullaiperiyar dam, the subject of so much controversy in recent times, is located in Kerala, but has been leased to Tamil Nadu after a 1886 treaty between the then Travancore State and the Madras Presidency.

For how many years is this lease?

Answer999 yrs

 X is a proposed particle physics research project to primarily study Y in a 1,300 meters (4,300 ft) deep cave near Bodi west hill in  Theni, Tamil Nadu.

When completed, X will house the world's most massive magnet, four times larger than the 12,500-tonne magnet in the CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.


X– India Based Neutrino Observatory (INO)


Shown below is the the Chaturbhuja temple in Gwalior fort.It is famous for an entirely different reason – What ??


The earliest unequivocal use of a glyph, or symbol, for zero -- is a stone inscription in a temple at Gwalior, India, dated 876 CE

Tarangini Mitra loved to pirouette. To dance by spinning on one foot came naturally to her. On one of her school functions, her talent was spotted by a certain Mr. Padmasee, a reputed ad film maker who approached her mother and said “We just want her to do the spin, like she does so gracefully. The small twist would be counterbalanced by a jingle. She does the move, packs her bags, gets the cheque and leaves. Think of it, she’s going to be the first ________”.

AnswerNirma Girl

The logo illustrates the central idea of X, as articulated in "The X Way" – "man living in harmony with man, man living in harmony with nature, and man living as part of nature.“

As a graphic, this logo is a "rebus" or visual pun. On the one hand, it depicts a tree,

 On the other hand, it shows interlinked figures of the people who have come together to create this in sept 2014





The general ideas on the creation of the seal for this Indian government organisation were as follows:› the seal should emphasize the

Governmental status, but not too closely;

› it should have something Indian in the design;

For this purpose, various seals were examined and sketch of Tiger and Palm Tree, was found most suitable.

Identify the organization.

The following cartoon by Hindustan Times when The Orbital Sciences Corporation’s Antares rocket exploded was meant as reply of which now infamous cartoon by a US daily

AnswerNew York Times cartoon when India sent the Mars observer

Mahesh Chandra Mehta, a famous lawyer, filed a case before the Supreme Court of India in 1984 to shut down the Mathura Refinery, owned by Indian Oil corporation. This case went on for 15 years and in 1999, the Supreme Court instead, ordered the closure of 53 Iron foundries and 107 other factories near Delhi leading to the unemployment of around 300, 000 people. This led to protests and other cases being filed. Finally, the Supreme Court ordered these industries to use compressed natural gas instead of coal and coke. This case however attracted the attention of the world press and the industries drew criticism from the likes of Bill Clinton and others. Give the Reason/the issue

Answerclosure of industries causing degradation of Taj Mahal

“You can almost feel the night as the chirp of crickets surrounds you. The city's sunk in deep sleep. In the distance, one can hear the hum of a factory. Into this soundscape, a slow hissing seeps in and grows strong. As the lethal orchestra ends, one can hear a human voice gasping for breath.”

The exhibit by Samar Singh opened to the public at exactly 12.05am IST representing the intervening night of December 2 and 3, when the event occurred 30 years ago



These are the ancient Runic alphabets , two are marked separately.

How do we see these two today very commonly

AnswerThe Blue tooth logo

You will be shown a list of something Identify what's the list about Give the missing one

2004- Tamil 2005 – Sanskrit 2008 – Telugu 2008 – Kannada 2013 – Malayalam 2014 -??


ODIYA – 6th classical language in India

The Rath Yatra in Jagganath temple has given rise to an English term meaning-

“Literal or metaphorical force regarded as mercilessly destructive and unstoppable”  as a reference to the Ratha Yatra temple car, which was reputed to crush devotees under its wheels.

The word can be compared to the use words like  steamroller or battering ram to mean something overwhelming.


‘X Y X’, shouted the English engineer, Mr W L Lake, at his men as they watched elephants emerging out of the dense forest with oil stains on their feet". This is possibly the most distilled – version of the legend explaining the siting and naming of XY where the first oil well in Asia was drilled

AnswerDIG BOY DIG– Digboi

The work in India on X starts roughly a week ahead of presenting it with a customary 'Halwa ceremony' in which Halwa is prepared in large quantity and served to officers and support staff involved.

They remain isolated and stay in the office until X is over .

This ceremony is performed as a part of the Indian tradition of having something sweet before starting an important work. What impotant work ?


One of the myth about this dish is that it originated in the kitchen of Thanjavur  ruler Shahuji during the 19th century from the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.  Shahuji trying to make a dish called amti, experimented with pigeon peas instead of mung bean,  and the court named it X  after the guest of the day, Sambhaji, second emperor of the Maratha Empire.



Clue question

 His ancestors, known for their Sanskrit scholarship, originally hailed from Malwa(Ujjain), Madhya Pradesh and hence came to be known as ---

2nd clue

He became the President of the Indian National Congress in 1909 and 1918

He played an important part in the removal of untouchability and in giving direction to the Harijan movement. The Harijan Sevak Sangh was founded at a meeting in 1933 at which he presided.[11]

The slogan "Satyameva Jayate" is also a legacy given to the nation by him as the President of the Indian National Congress in its session of 1918 at Delhi,

The "Mahamana" title was conferred to him by Mahatma Gandhi

Last clue

X is most remembered as the founder of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) at Varanasi in 1916 , the largest residential university in Asia and one of the largest in the world,[3


The --- were two winds or storms that are said to have saved Japan from two Mongol fleets under Kublai Khan, these were the first events where the typhoons were described as "divine wind" as much by their timing as by their force. 

The same word was used for  suicide attacks by military aviators from the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II, designed to destroy warships more effectively than was possible with conventional attacks



Warner Bros owns a catalog of about 6,000 feature films in a library that last year helped generate nearly $4 billion in licensing fees

The shortlist of films that drive much of the library's value include "The Wizard of Oz," "A Christmas Story," "Caddyshack" and another film that had an unsuccessful run at the box office when released, but has over the years proved to be a great hit. Apparently, In the days of videocassettes, this was the top rental of 1995.

Why the film didn't make any money during it's theatrical run is attributed to a variety of reasons - Lack of female roles,- - it's title with a religious connotation- - or probably being overshadowed by three of the biggest hits/ most iconic films of the decade releasing in the same year.

What film?


Movies that supposedly overshadowed Shawshank were

Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park and Pulp Fiction.

All released in the same month

The word X referred originally to one who attended a horse for his employer, that is, a horse groom.

Hence Like constable andmarshal, also originally stable staff,X  became the title of a subordinate official in a royal court or noble household

But, today the word finds itself on the other side of the divide from constable and marshal. It is most often used to describe a hired guard or minion of a master criminal.

What word whose equestrian reference comes from the old English word hengest meaning male horse?


X  is a vocal group created by German record producer Frank Farian. Originally based in Germany, the four original members of the group's official line-up were singers Liz Mitchell and Marcia Barrett, Maizie and Y

Farian selected the name X based on an Australian tv detective named Napoleon Bonaparte

I dentify X and additional 5 points for Y


 X is located in wooded hills 100 km north-northwest of Washington, D.C., in Catoctin Mountain Park ] It is officially known as Naval Support Facility Thurmont and is technically a military installation

First known as Hi-Catoctin, Franklin Roosevelt  renamed it "Shangri-La“

X received its present name fromDwight D. Eisenhower, in honor of his father and his grandson


Karan Singh, is a member of the Rajya Sabha and has authored several books - Hinduism,Essays on Hinduism etc . He was born in

Cannes France in 1931. The question is, who was his father?

AnswerMaharaja Hari Singh

Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947, acceding the whole of his princely state Kashmir including Jammu, to the Dominion of India.

In the Imerial library of Paris, X had access not only to the rich collection of Sanskrit manuscripts but also to the Sanskrit books which had up to that time been issued Culcutta presses.

He spent five years of laborious study, almost living in the libraries of Paris, and unmoved by the sorrounding turmoils, including Napoleon's escape, the Waterloo campaign and the Restoration.

AnswerFranz Bopp

was a German linguist known for extensive comparative work on Indo-European languages.

When Richard Linklater was asked about how he felt after filming ‘Boyhood’, at The Sundance Film Festival.

He replied with the name of another Oscar-winning movie that also referenced the time taken to film his movie.

Which movie?

Answer12 years A slave

Harald Gormsson was a King of Denmark and Norway. 958AD – 986AD

Harald erected the Jelling stones ,And his biography is summed up on the stones as-

“The Harald who won the whole of Denmark and Norway and turned the Danes to Christianity”

because he unified Denmark and Norway

How is he remembered very commonly today –due to something in the field of communications and technology

Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson The Bluetooth logo consists of the runic

alphabets for his initials, H - and B -  The Bluetooth communications protocol is

named after the king, because he unified Denmark and Norway much like the technology whose goal was to unify computers and cellular phones

Harald must have had a conspicuous bad tooth that has been blue/ black,

Jelling stone

Mulvantrai Himmatlal X, was an Indian cricketer who is best known for his record setting opening partnership of 413 runs, with Pankaj Roy, in 1956, a record that stood for 52 years

X caused controversy in 1947/48 on India's tour of Australia, when he ran out Bill Brown - X broke the wicket at the non-striker's end during his run-up while the batsman at that end was out of his ground. He had done the same thing to Brown in an earlier game also.

But his running out of Brown infuriated the Australian media, and running someone out in this way is now referred to as “X” - ing

X = Mankad , Vinoo Mankad Mankading Four other instances of 'Mankading'

have taken placed in Test matches. The latest one was by KapilDev against  Peter Kirsten in 92-93

X wrote his famous theorem in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica & he noted that he had a proof but it was too large to fit in the margin, so he didn’t write it.

It is among the most notable theorems in the history of mathematics & the proof remained elusive for 358 yrs

Y came across this theorem on his way home from school when he was 10 years old &he decided to be the first person to prove it and he did it after 30 yrs

Identify X ,the Theorem ,and additional 5 points for Y

X= Pierre De Fermat, Fermats Last Theorem

Y= Andrew Wiles

The proof is over 150 pages long and consumed seven years of Wiles' research time

For solving Fermat's Last Theorem, Wiles was knighted.

Larry Hillblom was studying law at University of California, Berkeley's in the late 1960s and had little money.

Hillblom put up a portion of his student loans to start the company, bringing in his two friendsAdrian Dalsey and Robert Lynn as partners, They shared a Plymouth Duster that they drove around San Francisco to pick up documents & then rushed to the airport to book flights using a relatively new invention, the credit card.

Described is the Begining of  a world market leader company ??

DHL Express – Dalsey Hillblom, Lynn

Black Mirror is a British television series that examines modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies. The director describes the theme as -- If technology is a drug ,and it does feel like a drug – then what, are the side-effects? This area – between delight and discomfort – is where Black Mirror, is set

What does Black Mirror refer to or REPRESENT- - a very common feature of todays life??

AnswerMobile/Monitor screens

The 'black mirror' of the title is the one you'll find on every wall in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV,a monitora Smartphone

X is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British author James Hilton. Hilton describes X as a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided by a lama, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains.

X has become synonymous with any

earthly paradise, and particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia – a permanently happy land



Following are Meislers works in front of train stations in Liverpool, Berlin and--

Gdansk & Holland. What do they represent ?


The Kindertransport  is a rescue mission that took place during the nine months prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. The United Kingdom took in nearly 10,000 predominantly Jewish children from Germany, Austria,


X-- is one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. He was also inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Dance Hall of Fame as the first and only dancer from pop and rock music.

Other awards  include13 Grammy Awards,

as well as the Grammy Legend Award

X was intended to boost the demand for cars, and thus for car tires. It contained useful information for motorists, including maps, hotels and petrol stations

Subsequently it has come to represent something entirely different and its publication in france sparks a media frenzy which has been compared to that for annual Academy Awards for films & speculation is rife, and media discuss who might lose, and who might gain a Y.

Marshal Georgi Zhukov was a famous Russian war hero.

When Eisenhower introduced ______ to Zhukov, the Russian liked it. But he also knew how Stalin would react if one of his generals was seen with ________ an American imperialist symbol.

The folks at ________ were as accommodating as could be. A chemist removed the caramel color, and they put it in a clear bottle with a white cap and red star. The first shipment of White ______ had 50 cases.