Fort Sumter’s Battle Fort Sumter’s Battle

Fort Sumter Battle

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Student-created Powerpoint on the beginning battle of the Civil War

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Page 1: Fort Sumter Battle

Fort Sumter’s BattleFort Sumter’s Battle

Page 2: Fort Sumter Battle

What led to the Battle..

Lincoln just became President. Fort Sumter needed relief supplies. In January of 1861 President Buchanan tried to supply Fort Sumter but the ships left after being shot at.

Page 3: Fort Sumter Battle

The fort was in South Carolina so if Lincoln sent the supplies down there he risked war. Because the south could see it as an invasion.

What led to the battle continued …

Page 4: Fort Sumter Battle

The South’s ReactionThe South’s Reaction

When the south heard the ships were coming, they decided to attack the fort before they got there. It was easy for them since the fort is on an island off the coast of South Carolina.

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At 4:30 A.M. on April 12, the South attacked. Their shore guns opened fire on the fort for 34 hours. The fort crumbled and it caught fire.

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The Union lowered the flag in surrender. Surprisingly not a single person died in the battle, but the Civil War had begun.

The Battle Continued…

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Lincoln’s ReactionLincoln’s Reaction

Dear Diary,

I have been a-pondering about Fort Sumter. I am split into two! I cannot figure out whether it would be necessary to fight a whole war and lose all those precious lives for this cause.

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There has to be an alternative to this. I don't want to lose the South’s oath to this civil dispute; I will be accused of protecting my home state!

Lincoln’s Reaction Continued…

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Lincoln’s Reaction Continued…

Can't I just hold everyone together? I'm such a failure! There is so much stress now.  

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I wouldn't be doing my job if I let it fall apart. By the constitution, I

know I should do everything in my power

to do what's best for my country, yet keep it


Continued again…

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I wish it could all fall into place! I cannot let slavery separate this country and let the whole economy be


And again…

Page 12: Fort Sumter Battle

Since anything could happen after that,

this country may be seized and claimed by another country, while it's drowning

in chaos. Please God help me make the

right decision!

Abraham Lincoln


Page 13: Fort Sumter Battle

The North’s ReactionThe North’s Reaction

The North was outraged. Especially President Lincoln as you saw in his diary. This meant war. The country was now divided. There would be no agreements made. Their minds were made up.

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The End