For the first part of the ancillary products for the promotional package for a new film, I will be analysing posters from different films in order to make our own for our own film.

Fish tank

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Page 1: Fish tank

For the first part of the ancillary products for the promotional package for a new film, I will be analysing posters from

different films in order to make our own for our own film.

Page 2: Fish tank

Secondly analysing Fish Tank poster.

Firstly colours used in this poster are mainly pink and blue connotating that there is a male and female character involved. The ripped shreds of wallpaper show us the powder pink colour underneath suggesting that the girl in the poster is a child on the inside and is covered up by this bland exterior that she has to be.

The colour of baby blue may connote that there is a male influence, the use of using baby colours may suggest that there is a young theme addressed.

Also the rips in the wallpaper also signifies violence, bad behavior and could even by symbolise the girls suffering as nail scratches are apparent in the walls.

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The love heart shown in the bottom corner gives an idea of ‘romance’ theme, along with a young teen girl in the poster gives the impression that it has a teenage romance as a theme within the film. But the heart is not completely coloured in showing an absence of love. Also again shown in the colour pink showing that the girl is more likely to have drawn this.

The wall completely contradicts the girls appearance which could signify that beneath the surface this young teen is secretly trapped within the walls of her troubled home. Following on from this this could be the reason she is staring out the window, like she is a goldfish within the fish tank therefore relating to the title, like she is a fish trapped in the tank.

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The Mise-en-scene of the costume here can connotate her style as her large hoop earrings and gold necklace, signifies that she may be classed as a ‘chav’ as the way she is in costume meets the conventions of this stereotypically.

Her make-up seems to be in a perfect condition showing that she takes pride in how she looks, which I believe suggests again she is ‘chavy’ as you would never see a chav in the street without make up.

Her top which is short and shown to be a simple material suggests her economic class (lower) this is again backed up by the wallpaper being ripped and broken.

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Fonts, they use a contemporary font for the title, to promote how the movie is set in a modern day era. Written in a rich blue which may suggest the feeling of sad and negative emotions felt by the teenager through out the film.

The dominant primary focus of the poster is the title ‘FISH TANK’ as it is in the centre of the poster and is matched at an eye line view of the actress. This may intrigue the target audience of a British social realism film, further emphasising both a separation of british society and establishing the genre.

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The film has been awarded a variety of awards from independent film festivals, including Cannes and Edingborough. This will appeal to the target audience as it exemplifies the ideology of cultural diversity.

The film poster has been reviewed by various newspapers including the Guardian and magazines such as Total film.