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Fathers characteristics by zodiac signs

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“Learn more about your Father by his Zodiac”

Assess your Father's mood & temperament, mind & own definition of Fatherhood, by simply reading what's in store for your Father's Zodiac Sign.

So, read on.....

The Aries Father The Aries father wants his children not only to have what he didn't have, but also to be

what he isn't. He respects those children who are high achievers and who can stand up to him. Arien men take the duties of fatherhood very seriously. They read to their children,

take them on educational trips and expose them to art and music from an early age. Arian fathers have a striking appearance, to say the least, and because they love the outdoors immensely, they are absolutely reckless and carefree in their own individualistic way. Arian man needs to meet his match both in business and in his personal life. An Arian

father also makes a fantastic fuss over his daughters if any. However, dad's temper can be as terrifying as a tornado, and he'll rant and rave. Yet once he's stopped shouting, he'll be

all smiles again and peace will reign. Most Arian dads are in love with life, and their childlike enthusiasm will be intoxicating and infectious, to his children. He would love his kids to be competitive, passionate, and the one thing he would certainly not entertain in

their minds is failure.

The Taurus Father

The Taurus father may lay the law down and he can be unsympathetic to the attitudes and interests of a new generation. This man cares deeply for his children and wants the best for

them, but he doesn't expect the impossible. Being a responsible parent, he offers a secure family base but he may find it hard to let them go when they want to leave. Taurean men

are gloriously generous and straight forward people, who expect to find loyalty in everyone around them. His home is very important to him, and his strong, steady, nature ensures security to his environment. Your Taurean dad will provide a large luxurious and steady home to his family. Tradition and trust will be important to him, and these are traits he

would most definitely want his children to have. His great sense of humor and love for good food will entertain his kids, as he will take them all over town, to all the exotic eating joints.

Money-management is an art with him and, he would not tolerate extravagant expenditures without purpose.

The Gemini Father

Some Gemini fathers are so absorbed with work that, they hardly see their offspring. They are fairly laid back in their approach and, while they cope well with fatherhood, they can

become bored with home life and try to escape from their duties. At home, Gemini fathers will provide books, educational toys and as much computer equipment as the child can use, and they enjoy a family game of tennis. A Gemini father is usually a charmer loves to talk, as he is a natural communicator and he makes an excellent worker. Jobs, where they can be in contact with others, all the time, where their lively imagination is used are best suited for

them. Most Gemini dads are made, not born. Never take your Gemini dad for granted

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especially when he is mentally and physically tired at the end of the day, allow him to unwind and to recharge his batteries again. And when he does this, he will be ready to

paint the town again with his family and children.

The Cancer Father

The Cancer fathers are true family man who will happily embrace even stepchildren as if they were his own. Letting go of the family when they grow up is another matter. Cancerian sulks, moodiness and bouts of childishness can confuse or frighten some children, while his

changeable attitude to money can make them unsure of what they should ask for. This father enjoys domesticity and child rearing and he may be happy to swap roles. Cancerian fathers are really soft and sentimental, no matter what their tough exteriors speak of them and lots of them will cry at the drop of a hat. They allow their hearts to rule their heads and

are very emotionally expressive. Basically, they need to be needed and know that they're loved. Children are a must for a Cancerian man and it goes without saying that he makes a doting dad. Even so, he will be more maternal in his feelings than paternal. He`ll look after his family, take the kids out on weekends, and his life will revolve around his home and all those who live in it. He's a natural dad, and needs to have an emotional connection with his


The Leo Father The Leo fathers happily make sacrifices for their children and they truly want them to have

the best, but they can be a bit too strict and they may demand too high a standard. These men can be wonderful fathers as long as they remember that children are not simply small

and rather obstreperous adults. Leo fathers like to be involved with their children and encourage them to do well at school. Leo men are personality plus and the natural show-off

of the zodiac. Usually, the Leo father looks good and may have long, lavish hair to prove it amongst other things. They love doing things in style, and treat these loved ones

extravagantly. He has a high degree of stubbornness and won’t give way easily on things, but if you ever want to get round a Leo man, flatter him, it never fails. He is ruled by the Sun

and the Sun represents fatherhood. Kids will mean a lot to him and he`ll want his own collection of cubs. He`ll provide and protect them whenever necessary. He`ll expect respect from his children and their accomplishments in school/ college/ life will mean a lot to him,

as he likes to be proud of his own.

The Virgo Father The Virgo fathers may be embarrassed by open declarations of love and affection, and find

it hard to give cuddles and reassurance to small children. Yet, they love their offspring dearly and will go to any lengths to see that they have the best possible education and

outside activities. Virgo men can become wrapped up in their work, forgetting to spend time relaxing and playing with their children. One of the wonderful things about Virgo

father is their tremendous talent for organizing everything under the sun - starting with them. Their search for perfection makes them spend a lot of time thinking about how to get

about things practically. Clothes are important too and he is likely to lavish his loot on sophisticated suits and terrific ties. The Virgo man appears slightly cool and some of them

very distant, they find it hard to commit themselves emotionally, and because

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demonstrations of affection don't come easily to him, he may find it difficult to be a good dad. He'll want to be, but it hard for him to unbend.

The Libra Father The Libra fathers mean well, but they may not actually perform that well. They have no great desire to be fathers but welcome their children when they come along. They may

slide out of the more irksome tasks by having an absorbing job or a series of equally absorbing hobbies that keep them occupied outside the home. These men do better with

older children because they can talk to them. Libran men are walking, talking proof that the age of chivalry is not dead, as they will stand up for you on buses and trains and open doors for you. The tremendous trait of Libran father is his amazing ability to be sociable they are great diplomats who hate to hurt anyone. They love to look good, and simply love the best. Sometimes he can be very cold, but one must remember that, it comes from his mind and not his heart. As a doting dad he will long for the day his child is old enough to talk to him,

and his keen sense of justice will instill all the right ideals and values in his children. At times he may not have enough time with his kids, and prefer to go for a game of golf but he

will soon return to play with his kids in the kitchen...

The Scorpio Father The Scorpio fathers provide love and security because they stick closely to their homes and

families and are unlikely to do a disappearing act. These fathers can be really awful or absolutely wonderful, and there aren't any half-measures. Difficult ones can be loud and

tyrannical. These proud men want their children to be the best. Scorpio men are all powerful; they exude a stunningly strong and acutely attractive ambience. There is a

staggering strength about the Scorpio father. He has great stature and magnetism. The Scorpio man can be very loyal in his relationships and need people around him who rely on him and totally believe he's right. Usually he would make a good dad as long as he can curb

his inquisitive, jealous nature; he won't flinch before reading his kids diaries to see what they've written about him, but he will find it easy to shown affection and his feelings and

emotions will be very profound.

The Sagittarius Father Sagittarius fathers are cheerful and childlike themselves. They will give their children all

the education they can stand. They happily provide books, equipment and take their offspring out to see anything interesting. They may not always be available to their

offspring, but they make up for it by surprising their families with tickets for sporting events or by bringing home a pet for the children. Many Sagittarian men are bachelors,

born and bred and will still feel free if they eventually tie the knot. The Sagittarian man is always striving for better things, they are tantalized by travel and the thought of visiting far-flung corners of the globe excites them endlessly. When it comes to being a dad, the

Sagittarian father doesn't do too well. Very often, he won't be keen on babies but once his children begin to grow up, he`ll change his tune and enjoy them more. They will be able to participate in proper conversations and he`ll get them thinking about the meaning of life

and other philosophical things. He'll have shown them his irresistible jovial side and be full

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of fun and have a good laugh with them now and then.

The Capricorn Father

Dutiful and caring, the Capricorn fathers are unlikely to run off with a bimbo or to leave their family wanting. These are true family men who cope with housework and child-

rearing, but they are sometimes too involved in work to spend much time at home. However, they can be stuffy or out of touch with the younger generation. They encourage

their children to do well and to behave properly. Capricorn fathers have an aura of respectability and many of them will become pillars of society. The Capricorn man has got

it all worked out in advance. They know exactly what they can do and will do it well. Fathers are extremely important to the Capricorn man and he`ll want to follow in his

footsteps. He can become a workaholic sometimes sacrificing the needs of his family, but their need for security will make desire, the tried and tested, rather than anything new and


The Aquarian Father The Aquarian fathers cope best when their children are reasonable and intelligent. But, if

they are not, they tune out and ignore them. Some Aquarian men have no great desire to be fathers but they make a reasonable job of it when they have to. Some Aquarians will spend hours inventing games and toys for their children while all of them value education and try

to push their children. The Aquarian father is traditionally the most attractive man in the zodiac. All men born under this sign have charisma and magnetism and attract people to

them like magnets. You either love or hate an Aquarian man. He is an extreme to a degree, and will revel in his ability to shock. Self employment was invented for Aquarians and

unusual professions will attract them, where the jobs won't have a regular routine. Aquarian man love children but would want them to get independent soon. His unorthodox

approach to life will shine through in every respect, as his kids would love him for it. He will love playing sports with his children, but will enjoy games and teach them more about

games in which they have to use their minds like chess and bridge.

The Pisces Father The Pisces father doesn’t always push their children. They encourage their kids to have

friends and a pet or two. Some are kind and gentle, happy to take their children on outings and to introduce them to art, culture, music or sport. Others are disorganized and

unpredictable. This is one of the most psychic signs of all, and Piscean fathers can often sense instinctively how their loved ones are feeling. As a result they are both emotionally

and physically fitted for fatherhood. As they are full of emotion, the Piscean man is not frightened to show a lot of love to his kids, and by doing so, can draw very close to them. He

is very devoted and radiates a lot of warmth, which his children will adore in him, but his kids must remember that their dealing with a dad who is hypersensitive and can feel

nauseated by unpleasant signs, sounds or situations.