Evaluation Question 4

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WHO GAVE ME FEEDBACKHaving completed my final product and rendered the final film I posted the piece online to YouTube hoping to receive constructive criticism. The feedback I received was from a wide variety of age groups, this included a range from 13-50.

This was broken up into three different audience groups, consisting of a young audience ranging from 13-17 which is my main target audience. I also received feedback from my age group of 17-21 this is also covers a strong majority of my target audience however not as much as the younger range. The last audience I got feedback from was initially not of any concern due to I thought the content would not be relatable to this age group of 40+ however I want to let the film be open to as my viewers as possible.


The target audience for my film trailer would consist of the younger age group of 13-17. I believed from the start of this process that the younger age group would be the best target audience for my trailer.

The reason for this is due to the fact the genre and the sub genre of gaming is most relatable to this age group. The largest community of gaming is within the ages of 13-17, they have a large understanding of the modern games of which are related to in the trailer. Also the intense action scenes are mostly more enjoyed within this age groups. However I want my trailer to open to as many views as possible optimising the amount of people viewing the trailer. So the other age groups of 17-21 and 40+ are just a relevant.

WHAT I LEARNED POSITIVES The majority of the feedback I received was mainly positive, it varied from the shots taken to the special effects used.The most popular response was the use of VFX in the trailer, the feedback was that each shot looked realistic and the audience was always thinking if it was real or not. The other feedback I got back was that the pace of the trailer was correct at suspense times, for example one viewer mentioned the use of the crescendo before revealing the school was a exciting moment. The smooth stabilised shots were always a positive comment too, the use of the glidecam allowed shots to be smooth and not shaky. Even the action shots were not shaky and this helped add a professional feel to the trailer. The feedback I received was also about the look and style of the trailer, the quality was clear many said and other commented on the colour correction used. They said it was vibrant and the image looked professional which made the trailer more intense.

WHAT I LEARNED NEGATIVES The feedback also gave me a insight of some of the areas where I could improve on. The majority of the feedback was positive however some were negatives. For example I learnt that the action shots in some places were too fast for some views to understand what was going on. Also the titles used in the trailer have been mentioned to be too dark and to fast to read. Due to I wanted the trailer to appeal to a wide range of audiences I need a specific time for the titles to be on the screen for. Some of the other constructive criticism I have received has been related to the lack of clarity regarding the characters in the trailer. Especially the two best friends of main protagonist are not clearly developed. However I have received feedback that the main two characters have been introduced clearly.


Having received the feedback, I went out to make the improvements on the trailer to optimise the success of the product.

I started out to change the pace of the trailer, the trailer was edited and cut. Overall the trailer was shortened by 6 seconds which made a noticeable difference. Having showed more people the trailer they mentioned the pace had improved and this added to the intensity of the trailer. The second improvement I made was the clarity of the titles. I made the titles more clear and lengthened the time shown. Making these improvements have hopefully made the overall satisfaction of the trailer more enjoyable. Which hopefully will optimise the scale of the audience for my product.