Elysium A ficcional society by César Villalobos


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Page 1: Elysium

ElysiumA ficcional society by César Villalobos

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Elysium is a conception of the afterlife that developed over time and was maintained by certain Greek religious and

philosophical sects and cults. Initially separate from the realm of Hades, admission was reserved for mortals related to the gods and other heroes. Later, it expanded to include those

chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic, where they would remain after death, to live a blessed and happy life, and

indulging in whatever employment they had enjoyed in life.

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FlagThe dark blue represents


The ligher blue represents justice.

The golden olive wreath represents honor, glory and


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HistoryWhile Elysium has had more than its share of problems since its fundation two centuries ago, it has had few violent conflicts.

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EducationEllysians study under strict supervision until the age of twelve. From there on, the government decides what they're best at and what they need, to assign them to that job. They may study higher levels until they are twenty-years-old depending on career and specialization.

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EconomyEllysium is Socialist.

Everyone works for the Government, gives to the

government what they produce, and receives a share

according to overall production, their work and

respective wage.

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JobsJobs that can be done by computers or robots must be performed that way, so members of the community can be employed for more complex jobs.

As civilians progress in their jobs, not only will they make more money, but they might become the leader of their career.

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MilitaryThe Elysian Armed Forces are a Defensive Military, rarely invading, but extremely good at their job.

As any other job in Elysium, it recuits via mandatory testing at the age of twelve.

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ParagonsNot all citizens have the title of Paragon.

The title can be earned by contributing to society, achieving leadership at your career, by application, and/or being exceptionally good at more than one thing at the age of twelve.

Paragons are like all other inhabitants, except they have immunity from prosecution (immunity to being judged for lower-level crimes).

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GovernmentThe Government is a Democratic Council made up by

all Paragons (yet they remain in their original jobs, too). They decide on political issues, assign jobs, pass

laws, judge the trials for crimes, and calculate the distribution of goods and services.

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Local Governments?Since Elysium is a small country, its Government is a Unitary State, in which the central government is ultimately supreme.

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Trouble in the GovernmentThe Council is often divided by regional ideologies and generation gaps.

Some of the Elysians also think they should be allowed to pick the Council. This has divided the country in conservatives and liberals.

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ReligionIn our utopia, there is no official religion, and all cults that do not harm an individual foreign to it are allowed.

Religious leaders must have another job since no religion is official and they must contribute to society in "a more productive" manner.

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Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is handled by the Elysiean

Watch, a sector of the military appointed

specifically for this duty.

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Legal and Criminal SystemWhoever is found guilty of crime(s) will have a punishment selected by the Council. It can range from a fine in his monthly wage to ostracism (being expelled from society).

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FamiliesFamilies are not government-

regulated, and allow for all kinds of marriages and

parenting. The most common family

unit is small. (parents+children)

Children move out of their homes whenever they want

(above the age of 20) and the government shall provide

a home.

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Peers and Free TimeWhenever you have time off your work (weekends, holidays, or at a certain time), there are many ways to spend your time, meet others, and have fun.

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Current Debates in the Council• Religious figures should be

forced to perform another job.

• A Federation would be better than a Unitary State.

• Make military service voluntary.