Editing of our film A timeline and walkthrough

Editing Process

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Editing of our filmA timeline and walkthrough

Starting logosWe noticed that many films have the movie logos appear before the film starts. We wanted to replicate this with our film.

We created an intro logo for our company on imovie using two images photo shopped to clap a directors board together in a stop motion style. When we imported it into final cut we put the perspective tile effect on and added a trumpet blare. We also used fades to make the transitions less brutal.

We also noticed some films have companies that manage their sound such as Dolby. We created an imaginary sound company and made a logo for them in Photoshop. We added a rain effect to the logo in final cut and also a radio sound effect to emphasize the role.


For the title font we used HURTMOLD with the blur effect. We changed the positioning of the names so that they were out of the way and it created a really good effect.

Sniper scope


One of the more complex editing processes was incorporating the sniper scope in the camera shot of the two guys. We found a sniper scope green screen effect on Google images and imported it into Final Cut. From there we used the Luma-keyer to remove the green and super-impose it over the footage.

Editing the gun out

When in the editing process we noticed a major contingency error. In the shot where the two guys drop to the ground, Greg our actor accidently dropped the gun. A couple of shots later he pulls the gun out of his pocket. To fix this we cut out the video footage from a couple of seconds earlier and imposed it over the gun area. It was slightly noticeable but overall it worked well enough to use.

Gunshot Sound effects

There were 3 stages to the Gunshot sound effect. The initial bang, followed by an air whistle that was originally a firework. After that we found a bullet impact sound effect on wood, it gave the right sound.

Tense waiting shot

Throughout the film we utilized sound effects to fill in our incapability to use visual effects software. We used a deep breath sound effect and heart beat sound effect to try and bring the viewer into the scene.


The stabilization effect was essential in the final production of our final film. We used it to smoothen up the shots and add the effect of panning and tracking. The running scenes and our final shot where the camera ascends to the sky worked incredibly well thanks to this tool