Doctor Who? Questions Answer these questions the first time you listen. 1. Why did Charlie decide the make the video? 2. Who likes Doctor Who in Charlie’s family? Charlie Charlie’s mum Charlie’s brother Charlie’s sister Answer these questions the second time you listen. 1. Who or what is The Doctor? 2. When was the first episode of Doctor Who on British TV? 3. What did Charlie’s mum and uncles do while they watched Dr. Who? 4. What is a dalek? 5. How does Charlie describe the special effects? 6. What happens to the Doctor when he dies? 7. Is Doctor Who always a good programme to watch? 8. Why is Doctor Who so popular? Based on the ‘Doctor Who?’ episode of the videoblog Charlie is so cool, like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf6H4gkErt4 Sandy Millin

Dr. who beginner's guide

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Doctor Who?


Answer these questions the first time you listen.

1. Why did Charlie decide the make the video?

2. Who likes Doctor Who in Charlie’s family?

Charlie Charlie’s mum Charlie’s brother Charlie’s sister

Answer these questions the second time you listen.

1. Who or what is The Doctor?

2. When was the first episode of Doctor Who on British TV?

3. What did Charlie’s mum and uncles do while they watched Dr. Who?

4. What is a dalek?

5. How does Charlie describe the special effects?

6. What happens to the Doctor when he dies?

7. Is Doctor Who always a good programme to watch?

8. Why is Doctor Who so popular?

9. What do daleks say?

Based on the ‘Doctor Who?’ episode of the videoblog Charlie is so cool, like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf6H4gkErt4 Sandy Millin

Page 2: Dr. who beginner's guide

Doctor Who?


Charlie: One thing that I find myself mentioning an awful lot in these video

blogs is Doctor Who…Doctor Who…Doctor Who…Doctor Who…Doctor

Who…Doctor Who…but, what is it? What the hell am I talking about? Well…

Doctor Who is a British TV show about a 900-year-old alien who travels

through time and space in a blue box, which, if you’re someone who’s never

experienced Doctor Who, probably sounds like the weirdest idea for a TV

show that you’ve ever heard. But it’s a bit of a national treasure for us Brits,

probably cos of it’s longevity. I mean, it’s been on TV since 1963. In fact, my

mum actually saw the first ever episode when it was being broadcast.

When you saw the first ever episode of Doctor Who, how old were you?

Charlie’s mum: I was very, very young. I’d rather not give my age away.

Charlie: OK.

Did you use to hide behind the sofa when you were watching it?

Charlie’s mum: It does sound like a bit of a cliché, but my brothers and I

definitely did hide behind the sofa when we were watching the daleks.

Charlie: For people who don’t know what a dalek is, my mum has one here.

It’s basically a Doctor Who enemy, bad guy, person.

So, there’s been no escaping Doctor Who in my life.

Charlie’s mum: No, not in your lifetime, Charlie.

Charlie: One of the loveliest things about old Doctor Who was that the special

effects were adorable…which is basically a nice way of saying that they were

terrible. In fact, nowadays, I could do better special effects just sitting here in

my bedroom.

One of the reasons that Doctor Who has been on TV for so long is that the

character, the Doctor, the 900-year-old alien…he has this way of cheating

death. Whenever he dies, he regenerates; every single atom in his body starts

afresh. He gets a new body, he gets a new personality and he keeps on living,

which in terms of the real world means that some other actor comes in and

starts playing him.

Based on the ‘Doctor Who?’ episode of the videoblog Charlie is so cool, like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf6H4gkErt4 Sandy Millin

Page 3: Dr. who beginner's guide

Doctor Who?

Now I usually cite Doctor Who as being my favourite TV show, which to a

casual viewer of the show might seem a little bit of an odd thing to say. I

mean, sometimes the show can be brilliant. You know, great stories, scary

monsters, witty dialogue. When it’s good, it’s the best, but when it’s bad, it’s

really, really, really, really bad. For example, there’s one episode called ‘The

Unicorn and the Wasp’ in which a giant wasp kills a man with lead piping, and

then the giant wasp goes and falls in love with a human. It’s…it’s absurd. I

mean, that’s just my opinion, but it’s really, really, really bad.

So, given that it’s pretty hit and miss, I mean, why is it so popular? Why is it

my favourite TV show? Well, not only does it have this massive legacy

attached to it, but I think, and this is just me speculating, I think that people

love the bad episodes as much as they love the good episodes. There’s a

great community attached to Doctor Who called ‘Whovians’ and I guess I

would consider myself a Whovian, and I see Whovians as wannabe TV critics.

You know, people who love to pick apart the plot holes and point out the bad

dialogue and cringe at the really bad CGI, but also, when they can, revel in

the brilliant acting and amazing plot twists.

I guess I’m making this video to try and justify to you and to myself, I guess,

why I consider Doctor Who to be my favourite TV show. I know for a fact that

my brother and sister think I’m a bit odd in liking Doctor Who as much as I do,

especially my brother, who thinks it’s awful. Which it is at times, you know, I’ll

admit that, but I think that’s one of the great things about it. But this is just the

opinion of one person. If you like Doctor Who, tell me why, and if you don’t

like Doctor Who, tell me why as well. I’m interested. And if you’re someone

that’s never seen Doctor Who, then I would definitely recommend it.

Voiceover: You’ve just had the almost imponderable joy of watching ‘Charlie

is so cool, like’, which makes you, like, cool.

Charlie: And given that Doctor Who’s a science fiction show, I wore my

Science t-shirt today.

Charlie’s mum: Exterminate, exterminate. That’s a really bad impersonation.


Based on the ‘Doctor Who?’ episode of the videoblog Charlie is so cool, like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf6H4gkErt4 Sandy Millin