Digipak research I am going to analyze a few albums of similar artists and the artist I will be using for my Music Video. As a group we have chosen Rihanna's ‘Stay’ and chosen to analyze a few of her albums, we will them gather our feedback and see if there are any similarities. I will be doing this to help find and gain ideas for our own Digipak and create connections with the audience.

Digipak analysis

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Digipak analysis of Rihanna and Beyonce for A2 Media Coursework

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Page 1: Digipak analysis

Digipak research

I am going to analyze a few albums of similar artists

and the artist I will be using for my Music Video. As

a group we have chosen Rihanna's ‘Stay’ and chosen

to analyze a few of her albums, we will them gather

our feedback and see if there are any similarities.

I will be doing this to help find and gain ideas for

our own Digipak and create connections with the


Page 2: Digipak analysis

Digipak Analysis

I will start off with analyzing Rihanns's Album


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Front cover

For the front cover Rihanna has used a close up to catch the attention of the audience. The contrast between her

skin tone and her hair and lips create a flawless eye catching effect. The red lips, red blushed cheeks and

bright red hair are all ways of catching the male gaze as well as the attention of others. The close up of the artist follows the theory of Goodwin's theory as the audience

likes to receive close ups to create a bond and find features that attract them to the artist. Again the red hair, cheeks and lips are shown for people to stop and look

also connoting a hint of seductiveness.

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The CD cover follows a floral theme showing Rihanna leaning in front of a rose bush, here we see the clear difference between the front cover and the CD cover as this shows a different side of the artist. The floral colour with a light washed over colour

gives a lost and innocent look as well as showing beauty. The CD itself has a white wash with slight hints of a light red,it is

shaped in a rose again showing innocence with beauty. I like this as it does not only show Rihanna as a seductive mature lady, but a young woman who is still searching for answers showing

an innocent and gentle side.

CD & Cover

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Back CoverThe back cover of Rihanna's Digipak links with the front cover as well as the CD cover, for the back cover the light pink wash over theme has been used again to help the red and white contrast

and stand out. The back cover shows the meaning of each sing Rihanna sings and what meaning they have for her not only this

but who she has written each song for.Rihanna shows a seductive side as she is dressed in lingerie

again showing her outer attractiveness catching the male gaze. But the white colour shows innocence as well as purity this could

be as it could have a link with her songs and the meaning of each one. The other side shows the track list and the name of each song again giving the same feeling as she sits looking

lonely creating a connection with her audience.

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PostersRihanna has included posters of herself in the Digipak for her

fans, the close up shows emotions through her gaze and creates connections with the audience. This is useful as it can attract people to buying her Digipak. I find this method effective as it

can help with promoting the artist as well as gain people attention, I would like to add in a few posters in our Digipak as it

gives a more effective marketing effect.

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Beyonce – I Am Sasha Fierce Front Cover

Beyonce uses a different technique compared to Rihanna instead of contrast between vibrant colours and colour

washes she uses a simple black and white contrast. For the front cover she has used a a contrast of herself one showing a natural side (Make-up-less) while the other shows a more

bold and fake side. This creates a relationship with the audience as they can understand her feelings and what she is going through. The album front cover gives a simple but strong impression using the contrast of white (Pure/natural)

and black ( Fake/unnatural) side.

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The back cover of her album shows a more mature and seductive side. The side of her she shows mostly on TV and for music videos, entertainment side. Here

we see the white and black contrast repeated giving a more appealing look for the male gaze. The black clothes create a stand out effect and attract attention to her body. I could use this as it can easily attract the attention of people and give the album unique look. Also the theory of 'the male gaze' has been used as here Beyonce is shown as a object for males to gain


Beyonce – I Am Sasha Fierce Back Cover

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Beyonce – I Am Sasha Fierce CD

The Album contains two CDs both the CD's contain the same image, showing a natural side of Beyonce connoting the album is about her life and giving a

more personal side of herself, this creates a connection with the audience as Beyonce shows a image of herself opening up to others. On the other hand the name of her album shows can connote a more fierce and proud side, she is showing her true self and letting everyone see her natural side, giving

a 'fierce' vibe.

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Beyonce – I Am Sasha Fierce CD Cover

The CD cover gives a more appealing side to Beyonce again showing her more feminine and attractive side, the contrast between her clothes and the background as well as her skin and the background creates a stand out eye catching effect as her features stand out. The far shot of her sat down shown body language connoting defensive and closed up side of her, as she has to put on an act to gain the favour of people, closing her true self out. The contrast between the gold writing and dark background gives the CD cover a nice finishing touch I would like to use this for my album cover as it stands out and creates

a strong eye catching effect.

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The posters that come with the album contain the same theme of black and white, the

posters follow the theory of Goodwin showing close ups of the artist for the

audience to get better views of them and find the attraction of the artist. I would like to use this as I find this method effective

as close ups of the artist creates a connection with the audience.

Beyonce – I Am Sasha Fierce Posters