Olly Murs – Dance With Me Tonight Final Edit Evaluation Paige Ward Iain went through different types of music videos and shown us examples, he told us we would be creating our own music video and we had to do research for it. I created three different mind maps for performance based, concept and narrative music videos, I had to find three different music videos which fit them and all three were different genres. I had to research each song and music video and had to talk about the use of digital effects, the editing, camera techniques, genre, tempo, target audience and their needs and the lyrics. I also included print screens from the music video to help explain certain parts better. Once I finished the mind maps I had to research the purposes and benefits for the artist/band and target audience, Iain gave me a table which I had to fill in about each music video I had already researched about on my mind maps. Once I finished the research for the different types of music videos I had to create mood boards on the genre I was going to do which was rock, what camera angles has been used in past music videos, what clothes they would be wearing, what sort of setting I would want to use and props which I may use. I also had to write about each and why they’re important when producing your own music video. Once I finished the mood boards I had to go on tagxedo and find certain images off Google which included the genre I wanted my music video to be and props which I was going to use. The words which made the images had to do with the image I was trying to create so I went onto Wikipedia and copied certain information which was useful. I found a lot of images I wanted to use didn’t look right as a word image, even though it was easy to use tagxedo I found when I inserted the images and the words the image didn’t look like what it was supposed to it was complicated and took a while to get some right and how I wanted them to look. I had to write about what job roles which are needed when producing a music video for example director, camera person, sound operator and lighting. Even though there are many more people within the crews I only had to research about these four. I then had to plan out how much producing my music video would come up to, I was given a budget of £4000. I had to plan how much the producer, director, cast, camera, lighting, sound recording kit, locations, art dept.

Dance with me tonight final evaluation

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Olly Murs – Dance With Me TonightFinal Edit EvaluationPaige Ward

Iain went through different types of music videos and shown us examples, he told us we would be creating our own music video and we had to do research for it. I created three different mind maps for performance based, concept and narrative music videos, I had to find three different music videos which fit them and all three were different genres. I had to research each song and music video and had to talk about the use of digital effects, the editing, camera techniques, genre, tempo, target audience and their needs and the lyrics. I also included print screens from the music video to help explain certain parts better. Once I finished the mind maps I had to research the purposes and benefits for the artist/band and target audience, Iain gave me a table which I had to fill in about each music video I had already researched about on my mind maps.

Once I finished the research for the different types of music videos I had to create mood boards on the genre I was going to do which was rock, what camera angles has been used in past music videos, what clothes they would be wearing, what sort of setting I would want to use and props which I may use. I also had to write about each and why they’re important when producing your own music video. Once I finished the mood boards I had to go on tagxedo and find certain images off Google which included the genre I wanted my music video to be and props which I was going to use. The words which made the images had to do with the image I was trying to create so I went onto Wikipedia and copied certain information which was useful. I found a lot of images I wanted to use didn’t look right as a word image, even though it was easy to use tagxedo I found when I inserted the images and the words the image didn’t look like what it was supposed to it was complicated and took a while to get some right and how I wanted them to look.

I had to write about what job roles which are needed when producing a music video for example director, camera person, sound operator and lighting. Even though there are many more people within the crews I only had to research about these four. I then had to plan out how much producing my music video would come up to, I was given a budget of £4000. I had to plan how much the producer, director, cast, camera, lighting, sound recording kit, locations, art dept. and much more would cost. I had to do research on how much each would cost Iain gave me different websites which I could book certain items for. Once I finished the budgets and costs I had to produce a list of what equipment I needed and how much it would be to book it for 3 days. I then had to produce a proposal it had to include a brief of what exactly I wanted to happen in my music video, what song I was going to use, the general concept, my guidelines, rules which I was going to apply, the crew, concerns and pegs. In the pegs I included print screens from certain music videos and the link to the music video.

Me, Megan and Michael separately planned a music video script when we finished our own scripts we spoke about which script we was going to use and which would easiest. Once we decided which script would be easiest to film we

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Olly Murs – Dance With Me TonightFinal Edit EvaluationPaige Wardspoke about what would have to be changed for example there was a car in the first script and we didn’t have access to a car which we could film so we had to change that. When we discussed everything and decided and which script we was going to use we rewrote Megan’s script separately, once we finished changing the scripts we spoke about which would be the easiest and which one we preferred. Even though a lot got changed from the original write out of the script we still thought some of the script which we chosen could be changed. Instead of separately changing the script me and Megan sat together and changed certain parts together once we was happy with our script we started planning on making the music video.

We planned where we were going to film the music video we chosen three different places for example Salford Quays, Megan’s house and college classroom. Once we agreed on the destinations we took images and wrote about them for our blog while Megan was writing about the images I started the risk assessment for each destination. Michael hadn’t been in since we spoke about the scripts so it was just me and Megan producing everything before we actually went out filming. We also had to produce Production Schedule and Call Sheets for each location which we were filming at. Once everything was completed and we knew exactly what we were doing we decided on a day which we was all able to film and asked a variety of people if they would do it. We booked a camera for the days which we were planning to film as well as college times we filmed them in our own as well. Michael still hadn’t come back into college so me and Megan had to film everything ourselves with Megan being in the music video because we struggled to get people to do it at the times and days we only could I had to film the parts she wasn’t in on my own and Megan filmed the parts she wasn’t in with my help on telling them what to do. Once we finished taking all of our footage we uploaded them onto Q drive and renamed them then copied them onto my E drive. Then I started adding all the footage together and completed my rough edit. Once I completed my rough edit I had to write an evaluation about what I want to change when completing my final edit, once I did this I uploaded them to my blog.

I made a second copy of my rough edit and saved it as ‘final edit’ instead of remaking it completely I went off my rough edited and added the new footage which was taken and I went off my rough edit evaluation other than my script and storyboard when remaking it. While doing all this I had a music video diary which I had to complete and write in detail what I did each day I worked on my planning and music video.

I like how my final music video edit is quirky in some places for example when Megan and Michael are in the classroom and they’re pulling faces at each other, when filming some of the footage out of that scene they didn’t know which made it look better in certain footage because they was messing about and looked happier than when they knew it was being filmed, because they wasn’t just acting this made the footage look real. I also think it goes well with the song and the story in our music video goes with some of the words especially when they’re

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Olly Murs – Dance With Me TonightFinal Edit EvaluationPaige Warddancing together in the prom scene towards the end. The prom scene gives a bit of humour to the music video because of how they’re dancing in the music video. How the music video jumps back and forth in certain parts makes the music video looks good for example when Michael is throwing the stone at Megan’s window to get her attention because she can’t hear him. It goes back and forth to Michael outside throwing the stone to Megan and her friend getting ready for prom doing their hair and makeup. At first when Megan was sneaking out it was simple because we got more footage of this and filmed it from a variety of different angles when the footage is together it looks good with how the camera follows her in a way.

I dislike how it ends with her dad suddenly happy with them being together which doesn’t exactly make sense. Once Michael tells Megan he loves her Megan’s dad is happy they’re together and apologies. Also I think when we took the footage of the buildings we should have got more because majority of the footage which we took wasn’t the best quality. Also when Megan’s mum is coming downstairs I don’t think the shot is the best and it could have been shot at a different angle. When Michael and Tom are walking down the road to go shopping I think they could have acted a little happier to go with the song, also in the script it says they go in a variety of shops and you see them come out where we only filmed them going in, coming out and eating in the shopping centre. I think we should have filmed them coming out of certain shops but we chose not to and crossed them out on the printed script which we had with us when filming.

I changed the beginning of the music video by starting it off with the prom scene where they’re all dancing, then going to Megan getting dragged away, her friends looking upset because they’re getting dragged away and then her dad talking to the teacher. I kept majority of the class room bit the same where they’re pulling faces at each other but I made the whiteboard when it says ‘5 hours earlier’ so the hand only goes across once to wipe it off. Also in my rough edit when they was eating their dinner it went on a little too long and some parts wasn’t good quality because the shot was hand held. I cut two different clips down and put them together and tried to avoid the bad quality parts. We didn’t reshoot this part because we thought it looked quirky. I had to remove one of the buildings which we filmed because towards the end it was a little blurry and the camera moves too fast, even though it went well with the next part of the video it was obvious it wasn’t good quality. I also deleted Michael singing in the classroom because he didn’t

Look happy and it’s meant to be a happy music video. When changing all the footage around from my rough edit and improving I still tried to stay to my script as much as I could but I did switch a few parts because they didn’t make sense or look right after each other.

Me and Megan re shot certain footage once we finished our rough edits of the music video because we didn’t think certain footage was good quality. Majority

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Olly Murs – Dance With Me TonightFinal Edit EvaluationPaige Wardof the footage we reshot was at Megan’s house we filmed them hand held at first and when watching our rough edit a lot of the footage which was filmed there wasn’t good quality. When we first filmed the sneaking out scene there was only Megan on her own because her friend had to go even though we’ve filmed it as if she’s still there but you can see her we thought it would look better if her friend was there and is noticeable she is when filming. When we first filmed this scene we stuck to certain angles so instead when we were reshooting we got a variety off the same footage but from different angles. Also when we first filmed this scene the camera was hand held and even though it went with the song it wasn’t the best quality and parts were really unsteady. We also had to reshoot the shot where Megan is at the window to Michael being outside, when we first shot this it was hand held and wasn’t steady, it was terrible quality.

If I was to shoot it again I would get a majority of Michael singing instead of just like 4/5 shots, we should have got him to lip sing majority of the song so we had a better variety. I also think we should have picked a different place for the prom scene even though it looks nice because the first footage we got was too dark and didn’t look right when we edited in to make them brighter we had to reshoot when it was light and because a lot of the people who did it the first day couldn’t we had to get different people to do it last minute so we didn’t have that many people.