CLIQUE SCREENPLAY PILOT EPISODE EXT – COLLEGE SPORTS GROUNDS – 6AM The college sports fields are draped in a faint but fine mist from an overnight frost. A rugby ball is seen positioned in the centre of the field. MASON KHEELER kicks the ball towards a team member who sprints on ahead, ready to catch the flying ball. It lands in his hands before becoming smacked out by an opponent who charge in the opposite direction with the ball in hand. Several team members of two opposing sides are seen swarming the ball in an attempt to re-gain possession of the ball. Mason jumps in and brings the player with the ball to his knees before snatching the ball and drop kicking to the full-back who touches down with the ball. A WHISTLE is heard before the TEAM COACH steps onto the field. COACH Take five boys but I expect you back when I say so. Three players are seen drinking bottles of water before MASON is shown with a towel round his neck. He sits alone on the end of a bench on the side of the playing field. He looks around before stopping as a smile slowly becomes fixed on his face. SUMMER KNIGHTS is seen standing in the distance behind a small fence stand separating her from the playing field, waving high in the air with one hand whilst holding a mirror and mascara in another. MASON jogs across the muddy playing fields in front of players 1, 5 and 8 who watch whilst commenting on his every move. MASON stands on one side of the fence whilst Summer entwines her arms around him, pecking him on the lips. She looks down at MASON’S shirt which is smothered in dirt and mud. SUMMER Babe have you seen the state you’re in? MASON I’m scrum half love I can’t help it if I get the occasional smear.

Clique screenplay pilot episode

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The college sports fields are draped in a faint but fine mist from an overnight frost. A rugby ball is seen positioned in the centre of the field.

MASON KHEELER kicks the ball towards a team member who sprints on ahead, ready to catch the flying ball. It lands in his hands before becoming smacked out by an opponent who charge in the

opposite direction with the ball in hand.

Several team members of two opposing sides are seen swarming the ball in an attempt to re-gain possession of the ball. Mason jumps in and brings the player with the ball to his knees before

snatching the ball and drop kicking to the full-back who touches down with the ball.

A WHISTLE is heard before the TEAM COACH steps onto the field.


Take five boys but I expect you back when I say so.

Three players are seen drinking bottles of water before MASON is shown with a towel round his neck. He sits alone on the end of a bench on the side of the playing field. He looks around before

stopping as a smile slowly becomes fixed on his face.

SUMMER KNIGHTS is seen standing in the distance behind a small fence stand separating her from the playing field, waving high in the air with one hand whilst holding a mirror and mascara in


MASON jogs across the muddy playing fields in front of players 1, 5 and 8 who watch whilst commenting on his every move. MASON stands on one side of the fence whilst Summer entwines

her arms around him, pecking him on the lips. She looks down at MASON’S shirt which is smothered in dirt and mud.


Babe have you seen the state you’re in?


I’m scrum half love I can’t help it if I get the occasional smear.


Well you can at least make an effort.


Yeah Mason, make an effort to keep your whites clean!

Mason faintly smiles but doesn’t turn to face the others. Summer notices Mason scratching his arm, seemingly irritated. He removes his and to reveal a large graze on his lower arm.


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Oh my god, what’ve you done?


What, calm down it’s just a graze you should see what happened to David last week. Basically we were with the fly-half and…

Mason stops speaking as Summer reaches into her bag and pulls out anti-bacterial wipes before applying them to the graze. Mason’s expression clearly shows that he is uncomfortable with this


Summer eventually takes out a plaster and applies it to the graze.


I… I really don’t think there’s any need for…


Mason Kheeler! You are needed on the field now! Get over here!

Mason without looking back at Summer rushes onto the field again, Summer waving to him even though he is not paying any attention to her now. He gradually builds down into a jog before passing

various rugby players who begin laughing and pointing at the plaster which Summer placed. He walks up to the Coach who also begins to snigger at his plaster.


Hope this game isn’t too much for you.

Almost all of the players burst into laughter. Mason tries to laugh it off but can’t help feeling embarrassed. He looks over to Summer who is smiling and waving to him. Mason lowers his head

and sighs.


Opening credits follow:



Students are seen all over the place rushing to lessons or sitting and chatting. CHRISTOPHER BOOKE enters whilst being followed by LAURENCE JOHNSON who staggers behind him carrying a large

supply of books and bags.


Time Laurence?


Err… just gone past nine.

Christopher heads over to the Canteen stand and prepares himself a Coffee.

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You want anything?


Not particularly thank you.

CHRISTOPHER (Replying abruptly)

Suit yourself; your loss, not mine.

Christopher begins to slurp his Coffee.


What time is you’re lesson?

LAURENCE (Stuttering)

Err, n, not for another half an hour or so.


Then perhaps you wouldn’t mind lending a hand carrying my books to class do you? There’s a good chap.

Christopher walks off before Laurence has a chance to reply. He turns and follows behind as they head over to the table which AMBER WILDE is sitting at. Amber has her head in her arms whilst

groaning to herself. Christopher and Laurence stand over her before Chris picks up one of Laurence’s large books and drops it onto the table, Startling Amber.

AMBER (Startled)

Jesus! Watch it!


Good morning to you to.

Christopher and Laurence sit beside Amber. Christopher sits beside Amber whilst Laurence sits cautiously across the table from Christopher.


Chris please I’m not in the mood for your braggest behaviour.


Dearie me what’s the prop?


Right basically yeah, I was like with Amy last night and she was like I wanna go Smokey’s, but I was like lets go Weatherspoons but then she was like nah allow that, so I was like, why not, Dave and

Gabby are meeting there so then she was like getting all bitchy and…

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As Amber speaks, Laurence begins to lose track of the conversation but tries to remain interested.


Now repeat that entire sentence without using the word like.

Amber tries to speak but hesitates.


I was… with Amy and… she was… she wanted to go to Smokey’s but I was li… I said we should go Weatherspoons.

As Amber tries to re-word her sentence, Christopher and Laurence’s grins begin to gradually show until they are sniggering to themselves.

Amber smirks sarcastically at them before turning away fed up.


Oh c’mon it was only for a laugh.


Do I look like I’m laughing? I was nearly rushed to hospital last night.


Well this is new, do tell.


The doctors think that I might have Alcohol poisoning from last night. I mean, what kind of a service is that? Offering drink that could potentially kill me!

CHRISTOPHER (Sarcastically)

Yes this is rather serious I mean, everyone should be aware of what Amber Wilde should and shouldn’t consume.


I’m serious!

CHRISTOPHER (Sarcastically)

So am I… in fact tell you what, I’m going to write a complaint for you explaining the situation.

Christopher pulls out a piece of paper and begins writing on it, explaining the situation. Amber watches furiously while Laurence tries not to laugh.

Summer enters and strolls over to the table they sit at. Amber stands up.


Hey babe.

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They both peck each other on the cheeks.


Are you two free after this?


We certainly are.


Text us when you’re out yeah?

Summer and Amber exit the Canteen down the corridor.


Summer and Amber emerge from the corridor and begin to walk down toward their lesson, following the winding paths of the College.


How thing with you and Mason by the way?


Yeah it’s good.


Just good? This is your first working relationship that at least deserves a more exciting comment other than its good.


I’ve told you how things are going, I see him regularly, he sees me regularly it’s like any other relationship.


Any other relationship? No two couples have the same relationship. Every partnership is different.


The point is it’s my relationship and nobody else’s. I don’t want people judging the way things are going between us.


When have I ever judged you?

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Summer looks away from Amber, however Amber immediately realises why she has looked away.


Oh don’t bring him into this conversation!


What’d you mean bring him into this, bring who?

Summer and Amber walk out of shot.



TEACHER is seen standing at the front of the classroom, he is writing various points and quotes on the board whilst explaining the work he is showing.


The screenplay is one of the most important parts of a production for it consists of all the information needed so that the cast and crew can understand what lines they have to say, what

camera angles are needed and lighting angles that are necessary in order to achieve a certain look or feel for a scene.

Whilst Teacher is speaking, Summer and Amber are seen right at the back of the classroom. Amber is lazily watching whilst chewing a piece of gum, Summer is fussing with her mascara and applying



Summer! To achieve a low angled shot what would you suggest would be a perfect angle to accomplish this?

Summer stares at the Teacher, panicking whilst trying to think of a reply. Amber watches.

Teacher begins to get impatient before strolling over to her desk slowly. Summer panics, desperately trying to think of anything to say but no words are spoken. All that she says is just stutters.

Teacher stands alongside her desk before opening his mouth to speak. Before he can even breathe a word, LLILYAN bursts through the door panting.

LLILYAN (Panting)

Sorry I’m late, sorry, sorry! (Said with a strong Russian accent)

She makes her way through the classroom, dropping papers and picking them up again. Everyone watches with smirks and grins as Llilyan struggles to keep hold of all her work. Teacher walks back over to the front of the class before picking up a register and checking all of the names. All names

are ticked except for her name.


Err… Llilyan I presume?

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Sorry for being late… I got lost.


Perhaps ask the reception next time? Or a map?

Teacher then walks back to his seat and sits back down behind his desk.


I trust you don’t need one to find your seat.

Llilyan turns and looks around, all of the seats are taken except for a seat next to Summer right at the back. Llilyan makes her way to the back whilst everyone is fixated onto her with grins and smirks.

She slowly sits down before placing her bags on the table, taking out piles of books and written work. Summer and Amber are shocked at the amount of work she has already.

Llilyan opens one of her books before slowly looking up at Summer and Amber who are staring at her.

LLILYAN (Timidly)


Summer and Amber do not react. Amber continues chewing her gum. Llilyan looks back at her books before Summer turns to look at Amber. Amber shrugs her shoulders before turning back to focus on

the teacher again.


Summer and Amber are seen walking out of class along with everyone else before Llilyan walks past them both clutching her books as she makes her way into the canteen. They enter the main room of

the canteen before sitting down with Christopher and Laurence again.


Afternoon ladies.




It’s half past ten just to let you know.

Summer pauses for a moment before turning to Amber for help.


You arse.


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Shut up.


Goodness me I’m so offended, I might just go cry in the corner.

Summer picks up a plastic bottle and chucks it at Christopher but misses. The bottle lands on Llilyan’s work and knocks a few pages off of the table. This startles Llilyan who picks up the pages before

turning to look at Summer.

SUMMER (Apologetic)

Shit sorry.

Llilyan goes back to working whilst Laurence and Christopher continue to focus on how much work she is currently doing.


Who’s the tart?


Some new… girl in our class?


I... I don’t think it’s nice to refer to her as a tart, we don’t know anything about her.

Christopher and Summer pause and look at Laurence as he tries to stand up for Llilyan.

AMBER (Ignoring Laurence)

Made quite an entrance to say at the least.


Err, excuse me.

Everyone on Christopher’s table looks over to see Llilyan looking up at their table.


Do any of you have a pen I could borrow?

Everyone remains silence; Laurence is about to speak before Christopher speaks over him.


Why yes I do and I tell you what I also have to offer.

Christopher makes his way over to Llilyan’s table while the others all watch in disbelief.


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Trees rustle in the wind; a large puff of smoke is seen drifting upwards through the leaves. We then see SAUMEL FINNIGHAN sitting on a brick stairway some distance from the College smoking. He

takes another puff out of his cigarette whilst looking out across the landscape in front of him. Mason is seen walking back up the hill towards the College which catches Samuel’s eye.




Back off Sam.


Safe, I’ll catch you later.

Mason pauses. We see an impatient expression take hold before he turns back and faces Samuel who is now smirking to himself whilst still smoking.


Haha, that got your attention.


What do you want?


Nothing, was just gonna ask how you bitch tits are getting on?


For your information, Amber has begun to cut down on the alcohol. She’s much better off now…

SAMUEL (Interrupting)

I was on about your possession.

Mason tries to remain calm but his fists clench.


I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you but I though a relationship consisted of two people who actually like each other.

Mason is about to speak but is interrupted by Samuel.


And before you even ask, no I am not relating to Summer.

Mason hesitates for a moment, thinking about what Samuel had just said.


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Well of course I love Summer, why else would I be with her? You don’t remain with someone if you’re not happy.


Are you happy though? That’s what I’m trying to get at.

Mason does not respond but walks off back to the college.


Catch you later then.

Mason walks away before Samuel goes back to smoking. A fixed smirk covers his face.


Summer, Amber, Laurence, Christopher and Llilyan are all sitting around a table. People are chatting and going about their own business. As they are sitting, a point from a red laser pen is seen whizzing

around on Amber’s face. Laurence notices this.

LAURENCE (Stuttering)

Y, you got... something on you’re...

Amber sits up before the light catches her eye. She squints due to the brightness before holding a hand up to block it. She then looks round to be a few students on the other side of the canteen

holding the laser pen whilst smirking and laughing. Amber furiously stares at them before turning back to watch Christopher helping Llilyan with her work. Llilyan is seen writing the last sentence to a

question before turning over a page to reveal a whole series of questions.


Fuck my life!

Llilyan slams her head down onto the table.


I don’t think that’s going to help with your work doing that.

Everyone watches the two as Llilyan begins to sob. Christopher tries to comfort Llilyan by awkwardly patting her on the back. As Amber watches this, the laser pen catches her eye again. Amber tries to

block out the laser pen pointer again before looking back over at the boys still shining the pen.

AMBER (Sarcastically)

What clever people they are. Learning how technology works.

Everyone on the table looks over to see the boys smirking and laughing. Amber sticks her middle finger up at the boys.


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Mason is seen walking up past the college canteen window, he notices Summer out of the corner of his eye as she and Christopher try to calm Llilyan down. Mason looks through the window and

watches the pair of them with Llilyan.

SAMUEL (Moves alongside)

I imagine it hurts doesn’t it?

Mason turns to face him.


What? What the hell do you want?


Easy there mate, I was just saying it can’t be nice to watch Summer with Christopher that’s all the scheming prick.


What? Scheming?


You mean you didn’t realise? He’s been trying to get into her pants since you two first went out. You must’ve noticed surely.


Noticed what?


The way he’s been turning her against you, positioning himself between you two, he’s been using you as his errand boy and while you’ve been away he’s been filling in for you.

MASON (Slightly more furious)

Errand boy?


His term. He boasted about it to her. (Impersonating Christopher) “Your boyfriend makes a useful little errand boy, doesn’t he?” His exact words.

At this point Mason is red with rage.

I would’ve told you earlier, but I thought you knew. I’m terribly sorry Mason.

He walks past him before giving him a pat on the back while keeping his down. As he walks away he keeps his face concealed as he smirks. Mason looks back up at the window to see Christopher and

Summer talking. Summer rests her hand on a table before Christopher does the same but places his hand a few inches away from hers.

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The bastard!

He turns before being stopped by Samuel who suddenly appears alongside him.


Woah Mason. You can’t just storm in there and smack him down. Why not hurt him the way he hurt you, emotionally?




Between you and me (Conspiratorial whisper) He’s quite affectionate for Llilyan.



Samuel points through the window at Llilyan who is just wiping her tears away.


But what about Summer?


She’s just a side project. He wants Llilyan. What you should do I think personally is go out with Llilyan before he can, really rattle his cage.

MASON (Confused)



Just do it. What hope does Christopher have against you in a contest for Llilyan’s affection? Just trust me on this one. We both want to see Christopher humiliated and beaten don’t we? The

arrogant prick needs taking down a level or two but you’re the only man who really has a chance of doing it.


Well you clearly know this girl a lot better than I do, why don’t you just try this yourself?

Samuel stares into space before having a flash back of Llilyan throwing a cup of water in his face and then slapping him.


We don’t really see eye to eye, she hates me, but you…

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I don’t even know the girl.


Just say your friends of Christopher.

Mason thinks about the plan before looking back up at Llilyan.


Alright then.




Laurence and Summer are seen exiting the canteen. Llilyan continues with her work, Christopher and Amber are sitting with Llilyan still. They are sitting quietly before Christopher turns to Amber. Samuel

is seen hidden down the corridor listening in.


You got a lesson now?


Yeah thank god.


What you mean thank god? I’m really not that bad when you get to know me properly.

AMBER (Sarcastically)

Yeah I take your word for it.

Amber exits without looking back. Llilyan glances up for a second to see Amber leave before returning to her work. Samuel enters from where Amber exits.


Reading between the lines there, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit of a prick.


I’m less of a prick than you. No offence.


Yes, but I don’t want her to like me.

Christopher stands up and walks over to Samuel who is now leaning against a vending machine.

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Are you offering me advice? Assisting me in my courting of her?

As he finishes speaking he pulls out of his pocket a wallet and removes a five pound note.


If you want my advice then all I can offer is this, forget Amber. Why not go after Summer?

Christopher stops what he is doing and looks at Samuel in shock.


She has a boyfriend!


Yes, but their relationship’s on the brink anyway. Trust me I’m just looking out for your best interests.

Focusing more on his money now he head’s over to the canteen stand.


Well thanks.

Christopher walks away without looking back at Samuel.


No problem.

Samuel makes his way to the entrance of the canteen whilst reaching into his pocket and taking out a rizla. Mason is seen entering through the same part.

SAMUEL (Whispering)

Play it cool.

He winks at him before exiting with a huge grin.

Mason enters and looks around. He sees Llilyan working before turning around to see Christopher ordering food. He watches in anger and clenches his fist but manages to pull himself together and

calmly strolls up to him.


Hey Chris.

Christopher recognises the voice and makes a sour face at the informality before turning to face Mason with a faint smile.

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CHRISTOPHER (Trying to sound pleased)

Hello there Mason… how are you?


Pretty good thanks, I was training downhill, might make the team if I’m lucky.

Clearly not interested but tries to remain cheery.


Nice one how’s Summer?

Mason’s fist slowly clenches but tries to remain calm.

MASON (Bluntly)

She’s fine.


Are things… alright between you two… still keeping in contact?

Mason’s frustration increases.


That’s none of your fuckin business.

Christopher backs off slightly. Mason’s shouting catches Llilyan’s attention. She looks up to see Mason and Christopher together.


Well sorry, it’s just one hears rumours you know…

Mason calming down again.




I need to find Laurence.

Christopher walks back over to Llilyan’s table and picks up his things before exiting the canteen. Mason watches as he leaves before noticing Llilyan watching him still. He turns to her before she quickly returns to her work hoping that Mason hadn’t noticed. Mason watches for a moment as

Llilyan continues to work. Mason walks over and stands at her table.


Hey Llilyan.

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LLILYAN (Startled)

Oh, hello… Your Mason aren’t you?


That’s right.



Llilyan tries to pull off a faint smile before continuing with her work again. Mason sits down on the opposite side of the table to her.

MASON (Feeling and looking awkward)

Uh… your hair looks nice today.

Llilyan looks up again.


Um, thank you… your hair also looks… nice.

MASON (Smiling forcibly)

You have… pretty eyes.



At this point Llilyan has lost all interest in her work.


Pretty eyes… you have pretty eyes.


Has Samuel put you up to this?

MASON (Responding to hastily)



Kindly tell him to fuck off and leave me alone. Would you?


He didn’t send me I… Would like to go out… with me?

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What? What about err… Summer? Amber told me you to were… together.

MASON (Dully)

We broke up.


And now you want to go out… with me?


Yeah… we could go to the cinema.

Mason is gradually hating himself more and more with every word he utters but tries to maintain a straight face.

LLILYAN (Incredulous)

You’re serious?


Yeah… I’ll pay for tickets and everything.

LLILYAN (Puzzled)

Maybe another time.


Yeah sure.

Mason pauses for a moment before leaving feeling self-conscious. Llilyan is left confused and yet flattered. She turns to her work again.


Mason is seen walking down the hall. He is stressed out by what he has just said to Llilyan. As he walks down, Summer is seen entering the corridor from behind him.


Hey babe!

Mason stops but does not turn around. He feels fed up but turns to make an effort to speak to Summer. Summer jumps into his arms and kisses him. Mason does not respond apart from hugging.

MASON (Looking grim)


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Are you alright Mace?


Yeah I’m fine. You?

SUMMER (Concerned)

Are you sure you’re alright?


I said I’m fine.

By this point Mason is beginning to lose his temper.


Yeah but…

MASON (Angry)

I’m fine!

Summer pauses for a moment, shocked.


Alright… ell, that’s good.


I have to go.





Without hesitation Mason exits. Summer watches him leave her behind. Mason does not look back.


Summer enters the canteen, head held down in disbelief from how Mason just reacted to her. She moves over to Llilyan’s table before sitting down next to her.


I’m really worried about Mason. Does he seem normal to you?

Llilyan responds by making a non-committal noise.

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Yeah I know what you mean. He’s not himself.

Summer buries her head in her hands. As she does this, Samuel is seen entering whilst playing with a fire lighter.


Oh god… I hope he hasn’t met another girl.

Samuel returning hears this last bit and laughs obviously.

SUMMER (Snaps at Samuel)



Don’t you know?


Know what?


Sorry. He should be the one to tell you.

Summer storms off after Mason. On her way out she knocks a chair out of the way which captures Llilyan’s attention. Samuel turns his attention to Llilyan who quickly lowers her head and tries to

ignore him.


Hey, Lie-lion?

Llilyan sighs and tries her best to ignore him. Samuel sits down on the other side of the table to Llilyan.

Look, Llilyan. I’m sorry. I think we got off to a bad start.

Llilyan laughs harshly.


I want to make it up to you. I was thinking of organising a little get-together, you know just to help catch up on things. Everyone’s meeting in R215 later to sort things out if you’re interested.

LLILYAN (Half convinced

Thank you.


I’ll keep you notified if anything happens.

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Samuel stands back up and leaves with a fixed grin on his face, a sign of a probable prank waiting to happen. Llilyan returns to her work.


Amber and Laurence are seen working in class at the back of the classroom. Samuel enters and sits down next to Amber. Amber looks up but before she can even speak, the teacher speaks to Samuel.


Finally decided to join us did you?

SAMUEL (Sarcastically)

If that’s alright with you sir.

The teacher strolls up to him standing boldly up right, trying to outsize Samuel.


You’ve fallen behind quite severely on your work. I expect you critical methodology to be at least fifty per cent complete by the end. I will be checking it.

Samuels smile slowly grows smaller as he slowly slides onto his seat and pulls out a book.

AMBER (Without looking up)

Finally decided to show your face did you?

Samuel does not answer for a few seconds before looking up at Amber.


I’m so sorry are you talking to me?


No I’m talking to the stuck up knob next to me.


Not a nice thing to say about Laurence, how could you.

Laurence looks up as Samuel and Amber turn to face him. Samuel is smirking to himself as Amber turns back to her work.


You’re pretty damn full of yourself aren’t you, Samuel?


I couldn’t say. Would you like to be full of me?

Amber stops writing and looks up at him in disgust.

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Eurgh, No thanks, I’d rather sleep with Laurence.

Laurence goes pale and starts to shake nervously.

AMBER (Noticing)

It was a figure of speech, not a proposition.

SAMUEL (Pointing at Laurence)


Amber is clearly becoming more and more fed up with Samuel’s presence. She turns back to face him.


What is it with you? You know, I just can’t get my head around the way you behave.


I like the sound of where this is going.


You think you so special the way you just go out of your way to make people feel annoyed and miserable.


Well you do all that yes.

Amber gives up speaking to Samuel and continues with her work.


Fuck you Samuel.


Fuck me Amber?

At this point Amber collects her books and moves further back from Samuel.


Oh great I can’t speak to you now though.

Amber gives Samuel a disgruntled look before opening her books and continuing her work.


Christopher and Llilyan are seen sitting and talking about coursework. Summer is sat with them but has no interest in what they are discussing. She feels alone due to Mason’s behaviour. Samuel enters

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but stays out of sight. He watches as Mason enters from the Canteen entrance. Mason stops in the middle of the Canteen and looks over to see Summer at Christopher’s table. He becomes enraged before noticing that Summer has looked up at him. Mason turns and walks out, Summer jumps to

her feet, knocking a drink onto the floor which Samuel catches just at the last minute before placing it back on the able and taking her seat.


What’s happened?

Summer catches up to Mason. Mason stops as he notices her.


Mason, what’s wrong?


Who said anything was wrong?


You just seem… distant. Have I upset you?




Then what’s up?





MASON (Irritably)



It’s not… it’s not another girl is it?

MASON (Incredulous)


At this point Samuel has pulled out his phone and begun recording the discussion. Christopher and Llilyan remain fixated on the arguing couple.


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Is it another girl? Is that why you don’t like me anymore? Is she… prettier than me?


Summer, shut up!

Summer falls silent, sniffing, tearful and slightly fearful.


There is no other girl.


Then why don’t you say you love me anymore?

MASON (Bitterly)

Who said I ever loved you?

This is more or less the point at which Summer’s heart tears in half. She is now sobbing heavily.


But… you said…

Mason watches as Summer breaks down into tears. As this happens, inside him little pieces of him are being torn also. He compensates and numbs his pain with anger.

MASON (Shouting out of anger)

I said nothing! I lied! You’re thick, and shallow, and you’re so fucking irritating! You never fucking shut up!

Silence falls. Summer stares in shock as do Christopher, Samuel and Llilyan. Summer breaks out into wailing and slaps Mason across the face and flees. Mason stands silently for a while then also walks

out. Samuel stops recording and quickly turns to Christopher.


Hey check this out. If you back track on the video you can pin point the exact moment where Summer’s heart breaks.

Samuel plays back the argument before slowly skipping frame by frame the moment where Summer is shocked by what Mason has just said.


Right… about… there!

Samuel points out a part in the video which resembles Summer’s heart breaking in her chest. He laughs about it yet Christopher does not see the funny side of it. Christopher jumps to his feet and

follows after Summer. Samuel watches in disappointment before noticing Llilyan staring in disbelief at Samuel’s behaviour.

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Just trying to lighten the mood.


Christopher is seen looking around outside the college, the outside is dark due to the late time he walks down past the college towards the smoking corner that Samuel was sitting at earlier. He looks about before hearing faint sobbing in the distance. He looks around before noticing a faint silhouette

in the distance. He slowly walks over to fins Summer once more alone on a step.


Hey Summer… how you feeling?

Summer hides her face. It’s all red and blotchy, tearstained from running make up and she doesn’t wish for Christopher to see it. Christopher sits next to her.


Summer, what is it? Can I help?

Summer continues to sob before turning her head slightly to face Christopher.


It’s… Mason.

She buries her head in her hands again. Christopher sighs and puts his arm around her.

SUMMER (Increased sobbing as she speaks)

Mason… he said… he said he didn’t… love me.


Oh summer… He just an oaf… I don’t know how he could possibly not love you.

Summer makes a despondent noise and covers her face again as she sobs more.


There are many people who are like him that will make you feel like your falling forever but one day you’re gonna meet someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated.

Summer continues to cry but quietens down and rests her head on Christopher’s shoulder.


Now Summer don’t hide that pretty face.

Christopher gently pulls her hand away.


It’s not the apocalypse, you know. Stop crying, you’re ruining your make-up.

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Summer’s sobbing slows, and then stops. A few more tears fall. Christopher brushes the tears away as she looks up at him, giving a watery half smile.


You’re beautiful.

Summer smiles and hugs him gracefully. They both continue to hug for a lengthy period of time before the scene fades out.