Chapter 1.2

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Geogacy Setup

Geogacy Chapter 1.2

Today we visit our sponsors for this chapter. The Grunt family. I never understood why this family has such a bad reputation. They are a rather nice and caring family.

Dad! We are playing catch not bomb the rebels.

Sorry, I thought they were the same thing. (he he sissy boy)

We left off right before the birth of baby #3. Just in case everyone forgot, which I did, ^-^ I made a 3 kid minimium for all generation. This is the last required child in this generation. Do you hear that Hitomi?

Busy right now.

Oh sorry. Lets continue shall we?

Another boy and his name is Apatite. Sorry, Hitomi no girls this generation and I had some really good names picked out too.

Apatite: Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,CL)This mineral comes in all sorts of colors and kind of looks like candy. Think Jolly Rancher. Apatite is also one of the main minerals in your bones and teeth. Yes, people the human body and all other things are made up of elements and these elements make minerals, even in you!

Do not confuse Apatite with appetite, though they do sound the same. The word Apatite cames from the Greek word Apatan which mean "deceive".

*Note* If anyone is wondering what the random letters and numbers are after the name, that is the chemical formula. It shows what elements and the amounts that are in each mineral.

Hey! Wake up! The geology lesson was not that bad.

"I have just experienced the most peculiar apparition. I was gazing in the looking glass when suddenly what resembled candy began emerging from my shin. Quite the nightmare, truly."

"hmm A 9 letter word that begins with T."

ooh Crossword puzzle. I wait to play! What is the clue?

"Intimidate is the clue Lady Creator"

Oh this is easy, the answer is terrorize. Oh no wait tyrannize. Yep, it is that one.

"Euerka! I have it! The puzzle is won!"

Yay! I love this game. So, which was is terrorize or tyrannize?



Now, that is what I like to see. Dare I ask what has caused this sudden need to skill?

"Aspiration........ fulfillment......." *pant*

How can you get an aspiration boost from skilling, you are a pleasure Sim?

"A trimmed..... Physique.... can.... help with.... LTW..." *pant*

??? Now, I am really confused. Your LTW is 50 1st dates.

"Bingo... Madam Creator... Bingo"

Salutations, dear Lucy, the day finds you in good cheer?

Um? I am fine. How are you?

And so begins the 1st of 50 1st dates.

* Pist, over here. Little does Aragon know, that this is the only date he'll ever get. There is no way I am doing that LTW*

Since this is to be the only date he gets. I put some extra effort into making it a dream date. Too bad, they have only 2 blots instead of 3. Lucy has pretty genes. Well, if push comes to shove, I can always change his turn on's. Yet, I like to keep that as a last resort.

Aww! I love the 1st kiss interaction. Aragon almost looks sweetly innocent.

Ok everybody, Say it with me! "ALMOST"

Looks like your plant friends are coming along nicely.

"They are minions! Do not give them false hopes of friendship. They are mere means to my glorious ends and you will not fill their leafy stems with nonsense."

I can't believe I am about to say this. AL, go watch TV it is more wholesome.

Why are you not watching TV? There had to have been something interesting. We have a dish after all.

I did watch TV and it was an excellent suggestion. Thank you.

*Shock* (Wow, he actually listened to me) So, what did you watch?

A few older movies, `The Sim Father' and `Simface' they were awesome! Now, I am reading about organized crime so I can watch them again with a better understanding.

........Al sweetie, do me a favor. When your mom asks who suggested the TV tell her it was Circe, Ok? Please?

I don't believe you have met my husband. April this is Jin. Jin this is April, we are sorority sisters.

Pleasure to met you finally.

Wow, you weren't kidding he is hot.

Yes, I bagged a good one, didn't I.

You're not bad yourself foxy lady.

Hey! Put that thought bubble away before Hitomi sees it.

Time flies when your sims are being demanding. 3 days have come and gone and now it's time for Apatite's birthday. I felt really bad about not giving him any face time so, I decided to throw a birthday party. This way Hitomi can catch up with old friends too.

Aunty April, Aunty Gina, I must say, No two lovelier visions have I seen. Pray tell me dear lady what is your secret to eternal perfection?

Oh, that is easy. Our lot hasn't been played in months.

You hear that, Creator! MONTHS!!

I will! Just as soon as this chapter is finished. I Promise!

Clap your hands everybodySlide to the left Take it back now yalOne hop this time Right foot lets stompLeft foot lets stompCha Cha now yal

Mr. C The Slide ManCha cha slide.

Hey peolpe! There is a baby spinning going on. Where are you going Circe?

Umm...start a congo line?

You could at least tell the truth.

Ok, I am going to raid their fridge for cheesecake. What to come?

No, that's ok, have fun. *sigh* I give up.

7/9/9/9/1 !?!? Yes, I have another clone. This is odd, I have heard of the fabled 1st born glitch, yet I have honestly never experienced any glitches so, I am not to sure how to fix this. Well, the damage is done. I just have to make sure to fix this before the next generation.

What happened too your plant friends?


Ok Ok minions.

"They are dead. Insects came and ate them."

I'm sorry. This must be hard for you. But, don't be sad they are in a better place now.

"Sad? I am Thrilled! Those insects defeated my killer tomatoes They would make perfect minions!

"Ha ha I have found you! The time has come for all of you to realize that I, Albite the Mighty, am your one and only lord and master. Now, in the jar!"

*sigh* Al, they aren't going to fly into the jar. If you really want them as your friends--


-- as your minions, then you have to catch them.

"I see, I must defeat them before they will respect me as their leader."

.....Sure, that's it.

"Bring it on, insects of doom!"

Well, hello there, Apatite. Are you having fun with Mr. Bunny?

"Appy bored, noting fun. Bunny no fun, Appy want Kitty."

Aww, he wants a kitten. Well, I don't usually let my sims have pets, they cause too much lag. But, For a sweetie like you I'll get one.

"Appy lov kitty, pull tail and ears, kitty make fun sound."

Nope, I changed my mind no pets. Not in this family.

Wait don't grow up yet! Let me get the camera out first.

*phew* That was close. note to self no more 3 speed during toddler training.

It is all clear now; simple insects cannot make my dreams of controlling this town a reality. What I need are loyal followers and who better to follow me, then my own children. Yes, 6 is a round number to start with. My children will, of course, have the best mother. Someone with blonde or brown hair and she most have a job. Someone will have to make money, while I am raising my offspring in my image.

Family Sim-- LTW Marry off 6 kids. Turn on's Blonde & Brown hair. Turn off No Job. Ladies heed this warning and fee.

I let Albite grow out his hair. It looks good. Al is without a doubt a family sim. He plays with little Appy every chance he get.

No fun, bunny no fun. Appy make bunny fun, fo out window. Crush fun!

Wait a sec, little guy. Throwing it out the window will only be a temporary thrill. What you need is a hammer, pliers, and a matchbook. Trust me, Mr. Bunny will be loads of fun then.

At least they are bonding.... I guess.

Poor kiddo, you look so sad.

"Appy sorry."

Sorry? Did you do something wrong?

"Mommy say, bunny no go in oven"

Bunny? Oven? You didn't!

.....Oh my.....

(This is all that is left of Mr. bunny after a small kitchen fire involving a TV dinner, only 1 cooking skill, and no fire alarm. An alarm was purchased shortly after.)

I cannot believe you encouraged him to Barbeque Mr. Bunny. Are you even listening, young man?

"I would love to chat with you Creator Lady; However, I have heard a rumor that there is buried treasure just waiting for someone to find it. Just imagine the secret hide out I could build for my minions."


"Hmm. Not good. Well, got to go Creator.


That's odd, the water stopped running. Good thing the tub is already full.

Daddy, Appy gotta go potty......neder mind.

What's that-- ah geez.

Another 4 Sim days have past. I have been pretty lucky with the clothing the boys have grown into. I haven't had to spend one simloan on wardrobes.

...You did that on purpose.

"Man, I'm bored. There is never anything fun to do around here."

There is plenty to do, are you kidding? Go watch TV. No, I take that back. l am not having another Albite moment. How about your imagination. No, that's worse, I would be afraid of what you would think up.

"I told you it's boring around here."

I tried. Why don't you play with your food or something? I am going to see what Circe is up to. It's been too quite lately which probably means the cops are after her and she is laying low. see ya kid.

"yummy....hmm, I got it."

....It's a great idea. I mean think about it. People love TV, people love gnomes, put the two together and we got classic entertainment.

I don't know. I really don't care for gnomes. They're creepy if you ask me, with their point hats and the 'I will eat your heart' expressions on their evil faces.

Well, it doesn't look like you're in trouble.

"Do you mind? I am in the middle of a business discussion."

I will only take a moment of your time. You see, I am stressing over this clone glitch. It looks like the whole neighborhood is having 7/9/9/9/1 babies. I made a few tester families and I get the same results. How can I fix it?

"How should I know? I'm just a simself, you're the simmer. Can't you go to one of those forums you spend every waking moment at? Get off your lazy--"

"Hey, Mom can I use your car? We ran out of roast for the Cricketta"

Fine, go get the lazy Cow plant, that hasn't eaten a single trespasser in weeks, some dinner and always remember pedestrians are 10 points each, 25 if they run.


Excuse me, who are you?

"Root, who are you?"


"Hmm? Oh, that is my son Root. I thought I mentioned him already. Well, I did now. So, where were we?

Wait, your son? When did this happen? Who's the father? Why didn't I notice?

"Calm down. your panicked state is amusing, but annoying as well so, shut it. I'll explain what happened."

It started like every other day. Cat Cat was hard at work to earn those body point, which would get her to the top of the Adventure career track and I was in my Sanctuary of Green.

I don't normally use sprays; however, it gets difficult to maintain a large garden with Ladybug Lofts alone. I must have used too much that day.

Yep, Plantism. It was an odd experience, now that I think back. I felt like I was part of my Sanctuary of Green."

I, of course, explored my new circumstances and found that--

It sucked! Don't get me wrong, Plant Sims are interesting and it doesn't take much to make them happy. Sunlight, Water, & Love. Yet, that is where the problems lie. I want a large family one day and being a Plant Sim might scare away hopeful DNA donors.

Then it hit me. I am a Family Sim, who could make her own kids anytime I wanted.

Root was born. He is pretty much a clone of myself with the same personality and skill points.

Plant baby are born with all of their toddlers skills. I was disappointed. As a family sim, I long to teach my offspring the basic skills of life, yet some unknown force had already did so.

Time quickly passed. One second your spawning them from your head the next....

Adulthood. I was overjoyed that my baby grew up well and handsome. Yet, again, I felt cheated. My poor baby did not know the joy of childhood, no noogies from fellow teens, and worst of all no college degree.

That is when I decided that my future grandchildren would not share their fathers lack of childhood.

First off, I drank down the Gypsy's cure. It tasted like that sunny dee drink.

It's a good thing I have a Simco Club card so, I can buy in bulk.

It was also a good thing I own a salon, 'makeovers 'cause ya need it' because he needed it.

He is a pleasure sim with a LTW for 50 1st dates and he has got ambition to be the next crime boss too. I am so proud. Just think, with my influence we can created the ultimate crime family. "

That nice. I better go now. Need to finish the legacy and all that. See you later.

What has gotten you all excited?

"You made it back just in time. This is going to be great."

Why am I getting goose bumps?

What the--

Ha ha, You're holding a week old burger.

Very funny, Appy, now came over here and clean this dummy out.


That's it? I excepted more then a kid's prank. Where is the flame thrower and the acid spray?

Acid Spray?

Gee thanks, Now he's got idea.

*head hits keyboard*

Now that all 3 boys are eligible for private school, Aragon wasted no time and invited the headmaster over.

Did you enjoy the tour, Mr.. Um--- (what is this guy?s name)

I'I forgot to write in down. Please don't be mad. >.