Canadian Artists By Bryn Kerrigan - Ted Harrison - Ross Penhall - Emily Carr

Bryn's Canadian Artists Assignment

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Page 1: Bryn's Canadian Artists Assignment

Canadian ArtistsBy Bryn Kerrigan

- Ted Harrison- Ross Penhall- Emily Carr

Page 2: Bryn's Canadian Artists Assignment

Table of Contents

• Ted Harrison Info.

• Ted Harrison Pictures

• Ross Penhall Info.

• Ross Penhall Pictures

• Emily Carr Info.

• Emily Carr Pictures

Page 3: Bryn's Canadian Artists Assignment

Ted Harrison

• Ted Harrison has created many beautiful pieces of art; he has also illustrated a couple of children’s books such as The Cremation of Sam McGee. My two favourite pieces of his would probably be Walking Alone and Victoria Visions. These particular art pieces were done sometime around the 1980s. I really like how he mixes soft brush strokes with hard outlined edges. He uses vivid and dynamic colours including red, pink, purple, blue and sometimes yellow. I thought these two pieces have the elements of value, organic shapes and colour. Overall, I really like Ted Harrison’s artwork.

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Walking Alone and Victoria Visions by Ted


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Ross Penhall

• After researching other Canadian artists, Ross Penhall has to be my favourite. I like how his pieces look very realistic while using vivid and striking colours. If I had to choose just two pieces of artwork by Ross Penhall, I would choose Opposing Sides and Divided Sky. Both of them have a bright blue sky to make all of the other colours pop. He definitely knows how to draw organic shapes and texture quite well! Although I am not quite sure when these pieces were done, I do know that Ross Penhall used oils on canvas to create them.

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Opposing sides and Divided Sky by Ross


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Emily Carr

• Emily Carr is a very well known artist that has created many amazing pieces of artwork. She has certainly mastered the element of texture. Personally, Above the Gravel Pit and The Little Pine were two pieces that really stood out to me. I really like her use of value; she used shadows to make her art look realistic. Above the Gravel Pit was done in 1937 and The Little Pine was created in the 1940s. Although the colours that Emily Carr has chosen are quite dark, I think it helps the pieces stand out amongst the others.

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Above the Gravel Pit and The Little Pine by

Emily Carr

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