Made by: Mónica León & Andrea Ballestín

Andrea monica

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Este trabajo ha sido realizado por un alumno del IES FRancés de Aranda de Teruel dentro del proyecto LEONARDO DA... JUEGO, desarrollado junto con el IES Salvador VIctoria de Monral del Campo en el curso 2012/2013

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Page 1: Andrea monica

Made by: Mónica León & Andrea Ballestín

Page 2: Andrea monica

Leonardo da Vinci had a lot of jobs. He was born in Vinci and died in Amboise at 67 years old. He lived during Renaissance period.

After spending his childhood in Vinci, Leonardo studied with the painter Andrea Verrocchio. His first works were created in Milan. He worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice.

Vinci (Italy) Amboise (France)

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Leonardo’s two most famous works were the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Only a few of his works are known because of his constant experimentation with new techniques.

Leonardo developed a lot of ideas. Very few of his projects reached their construction because technology wasn’t advanced. Leonardo made much progress in anatomy, civil engineering, optics and hydrodynamics.

The last supper The Mona Lisa

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His best inventions throughout history :

- Vitruvian Man

-The self-propelled vehicle

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He began his studies in anatomy while he was learning with Andrea Verrocchio. Soon he performed numerous studies on muscles, tendons and other anatomical features.

Working conditions were particularly bad in that century. They gave him permission to dissect human bodies in Florence and later in Rome, he also collaborated with the doctor Marcantonio Della Torre.

He did many drawings of human anatomy. His drawings contain inaccuracies. He made one of the first drawings of a fetus in an uterus. He also drew numerous models with significant visible signs of disease, we don’t know why. He also studied the anatomy of many animals.

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Leonardo never published the contents of their manuscripts, that remained unpublished until the 19th century.

For over 300 years they remained hidden in a leather book. Leonardo left his books and drawings to his young assistant Francesco Melzi.

Francesco, didn’t publish them because his teacher told him to keep them and continue investigating on his own, the young man heeded him, and kept them until his death. Later, these manuscripts were left as an inheritance to one of the sons of Melzi, that didn’t know their value and left them hidden. He did not know the value but he knew that they were important to his father so he conserved them.

If Francesco had shown them, they would have transformed European knowledge of human anatomy, experts say.

As Leonardo told him to continue his work he painted some pictures like:

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Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian that called people who ate meat "Eaters of corpses". There were rumors that said he was homosexual, he was persecuted for this reason and was near to face the Inquisition.

In Florence, when Leonardo was Verrocchio’s apprentice, some people revealed against him accusing of pederasty. His guards helped him not to go to the tribunals. Leonardo died unmarried and without children.

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