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Analysis Of Opening Techniques Misery

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Page 1: Analysis Of Opening Techniques Misery

Film Techniques Examples of typical film techniques used and why– Illustrate your findings with references to actual onscreen moments.

Titling – colour, font style, over image or black, timing, credits presentation etc

The color of the font in the opening of Misery is red which highlights danger, blood and death.Titling on image, which shows us that the director wants to jump straight onto the opening scene for the audience to see.

Camera Movement (Panning, tracking, crane shot and crabbing etc)

Panning shot was used on this scene to focus on the car, which suggests something may happen.

Framing of Shot (CU, MLS, ELS etc)

Misery uses close up shot was used when typing which implies that it’s a thriller film this was because instead of using a computer he uses a machine.

Close up shot has also been used in the opening scene, which shows the match, and the lighter, which symbolizes that an accident may occur.

Camera Angles (high and low angles etc

The camera shot is balanced which suggests that theirs only one character which means that it’s equilibrium.

Selection of mise-en-scène including colour, figure, pops, lighting, objects, location and setting;

When the character was leaving he left in a bright day mood as he begins to be in the middle road the weather gets darker and the snow increases which highlights that danger is occurring.

Page 2: Analysis Of Opening Techniques Misery

Editing directions(Match cuts, jump cut, reverse shots etc)

The editing used in this opening scene is a quickening cutBetween the Champaign bottle and the lighter, which suggests that, he’s going to use those items.

Camera rolling when the car falls, which highlights that, he’s feeling weak.

Sound techniques(diegetic, non diegetic, silence, dialogue)

Diegetic sounds also were included when the main character was typing which suggest that trying to get his novel done.Non-diegetic sound has been used which was a piano playing in the background when he finished typing which highlights that he’s a good mood and calm atmosphere.

Actor’s positioning and movement

Narrative Questions

The main character onscreen types up his novel smoke his cigarette and drinking his Champaign.

Who is the hero and who is the Villain? How do you know?I can tell that the woman is the villain this is because of the way she acts towards him and her body language suggests that she’s suspicious. This also shows the audience that she has an obsession it’s because she knows every book that Paul Sheldon written.

Where is the story set? What does this tell you about the genre of the film?The story was set in a cold snowy area which symbolizes something tragic is about to occur. This is also based on the titling because it was written in red, which represents danger. This film also tell us it’s a psychological thriller genre because of Kathy bates obsession of Paul Sheldon.

How many principle characters?The principle character is Paul Sheldon whose is known as the hero who tries to get rid off Kathy bates because of her psychotic attitude.

Kathy bates is known as the villain because she makes Paul re-write his novel because she disagrees with his point of view of his story. After she loses control by spilling soup on him, which shows us, she’s a psycho. However she begins to change back into her calm mood.

How is the story told? Chronologically or does it switch between present ad past? What is the effect?

Page 3: Analysis Of Opening Techniques Misery

The story begins with a calm atmosphere (Paul Sheldon) that has just finished his novel ready to send it of was on his way to drive. Suddenly as the snow gets heavier he couldn’t see a thing suddenly he has an accident.

The effect was when he fainted after his accident he was thinking about the sequence of events which was interrupted by the interjection of his future event. This is known as a flash forward, which predicts what’s going to happen to the future.

What questions are you left with?

How is Kathy Bates represented on screen?

She is represented as a psycho, which tells us that she’s suspicious and has been up to unusual situation in her past.

Her body language, gestures and facial expressions towards Paul Sheldon onscreen tells us she’s obsessed. This is because she puts on a fake smile, stutters, speaking fast towards the main character (Paul Sheldon).