This was our first draft of our advert. This draft of our final product shows the progression and the direction in which we aim to take to strive towards our final product. The obvious fault with this draft is the fact that it isn’t finished yet as tings are missing from it and overall it has a very empty feel and needs more detail. Possible solutions to fix this problem would to (with continuous editing) add more reviews from well known reviewing sources perhaps to give it a more realistic feel. Another thing that will be added to this advert will be our institution logo next to the iTunes logo to again give it a more realistic feel. I feel what has went This is our latest draft of our advert. It is apparent that once again it is not finished and yet again more editing needs to be done to finally have our finished advert. The things that were previously mentioned such as making more reviews and adding our own institution logo have been achieved and overall in our opinion this gives it the realistic outlook that we are aiming for. New features have been started on the advert for example, we scrapped the idea of having tour dates to the let of the lead singer of the band face and went with moving the net more towards the centre and this has been done to ensure that we do not pack our advert with

Advert draft analysis

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This was our first draft of our advert. This draft of our final product shows the progression and the direction in which we aim to take to strive towards our final product. The obvious fault with this draft is the fact that it isn’t finished yet as tings are missing from it and overall it has a very empty feel and needs more detail. Possible solutions to fix this problem would to (with continuous editing) add more reviews from well known reviewing sources perhaps to give it a more realistic feel. Another thing that will be added to this advert will be our institution logo next to the iTunes logo to again give it a more realistic feel. I feel what has went well with this advert is the fact that it follows the stereotype of an indie bands advertisement for their albums. These stereotypes include things like the simplistic feel that the album as a whole has. We thought that making sure that we did not make the advert too flamboyant was essential as this would in turn fail to meet our main target of making our advert as realistic as possible.

This is our latest draft of our advert. It is apparent that once again it is not finished and yet again more editing needs to be done to finally have our finished advert. The things that were previously mentioned such as making more reviews and adding our own institution logo have been achieved and overall in our opinion this gives it the realistic outlook that we are aiming for. New features have been started on the advert for example, we scrapped the idea of having tour dates to the let of the lead singer of the band face and went with moving the net more towards the centre and this has been done to ensure that we do not pack our advert with unnecessary detail as this would fit our genre of music more and the stereotypes that come with it. We have also made changes to the advert as to the bottom centre of the advert we will include a small picture of the album cover to give the viewer a better inside to the feel of the album as a whole.