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A noite passada Sergio Godinho (lyrics translated)

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A noite passada acordei com o teu beijo (Last night I woke up with your kiss)

Srgio Godinho

A noite passada

(Last night)

A noite passada acordei com o teu beijo

(Last night I woke up with your kiss)

Descias o Douro fui esperar-te ao Tejo

(You were coming down Douro river i went wait for you at Tejo river)

Vinhas numa barca que no vi passar

(You came on a boat which I did not see passing by)

Corri pela margem pr beira do mar

(I ran through the margin to the seaside)

Sei que te vi num castelo de areia

(I know I saw you on a sand castle)

Cantavas Sou gaivota, fui sereia.

(You were singing Iam a seagull and Ive been a mermaid.)

Ri-me de ti, Ento porque no voas?

(I laughed about you Than why dont you fly?)

Ento tu olhaste, depois sorriste, abriste a janela e voaste

(So then you looked, and then you smiled, opened the window and flew away)

A noite passada fui passear no mar, a viola irm cuidou de me arrastar

(Last night I went for a seaside walk, the guitar carried me along)

Chegado ao mar alto abriu-se em dois o mundo

(Reaching the high seas the world opened in two)

Olhei para baixo vivias l no fundo

(I looked down, you lived deep under)

Faltou-me o p, senti que me afundava. Por entre as algas o teu cabelos molhava

(I felt I was sinking. In betwenn the algae, your wet hair)

A lua cheia escureceu nas guas

(The full moon darkened in the sea)

E ento falamosE ento dissemosAqui vivemos muitos anos

(And so we spokeAnd so we saidHere we have lived for many years)

A noite passada um paredo ruu

(Last night a seawall broke)

Pela fresta aberta o meu peito fugiu

(By the small gap, my cheast has escaped)

Estavas do outro lado a tricotar janelas

(You were on the other side knitting windows)

Vias nem segredo ao debruar-te nelas

(There were no secret for you as you leaned on them)

Cheguei-me a ti e disse baixinho Ol

(I came near you and quietly said Hello)

Toquei-te no ombro e a marca ficou l

(I touchted your sholder and the spot remainded there)

O sol inteiro cau entre os montes

(The hole sun fell in between the montains)

Ento tu olhaste,depois sorriste,disseste: Ainda bem que voltaste

(And so you lookedand then you smiled,and said:I am glad that you came back)
