2014 6 March

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Page 1: 2014 6 March


Page 2: 2014 6 March

Mention your score and the right ones u guessed in the comments please!

Request to the stalkers- Please start participating, it’s a harmless Quiz … ;)

Page 3: 2014 6 March

This Gentleman was taken for a spacewalk on 3 Feb 2006.But was left outside and was never to return back. He was an answer to a brainstorming session. Other names of his are  Mr. Smith, Ivan Ivanovich, RadioSkaf & Radio Sputnik.

There is a popular name of his too. Part of an experiment what’s being discussed here?

Page 4: 2014 6 March

One day my father was recalling some funny incidents of this man who also happens to be a qualified doctor like him.Two of them are as follows-

Once he was showing Hema Malini Dal lake and other attractions of the city on his bullet. When someone asked who she was? To which he replied very innocently- “Oh! Don’t you know? She is Hema Malini..!”

Another incidence took place when he was at the helm of affairs. He got to know that a truck with some smuggled items was passing through. Very dashingly he chased the truck on his bullet motorcycle before the police.

Who could this person be?

Page 5: 2014 6 March

Three greats of science are in conversation here. While there is a pair of famous rivals, there is also a pair of associates among the three.

Who are these three?

Page 6: 2014 6 March

In the year 2000 he headed the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association selection committee and selected himself to play for the state, a Ranji match against J&K. He didn’t stop there and made himself the skipper of the side too on his debut match.

His stats for the match were-

Batting : He batted in only one inning for seven minutes. Faced seven deliveries and made a zero.

Bowling : 5 -1-18- 2

Do you know who he is ?

Page 7: 2014 6 March

 An extract of An Essay on the Principle of Population-

“…..The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world…..”

Who was the writer of this essay forwarding a very popular theory co-relating population and resources?

Page 8: 2014 6 March

Ready for the answers?

Go ahead..!

Page 9: 2014 6 March