EAGES PROCEEDINGS EAGES 2001 International Ground Effect Symposium. Toulouse, France 12-15 June 2001 Euroavia Toulouse [email protected] http ://toulouse.euroavia.org Edited by St´ ephan Aubin 1

EAGES Proceedings - Introduction

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EAGES 2001

International Ground Effect Symposium.

Toulouse, France

12-15 June 2001

Euroavia Toulouse

[email protected] ://toulouse.euroavia.org

Edited by Stephan Aubin


Page 2: EAGES Proceedings - Introduction

ISBN : 2-9518420-0-7

Additional copies of this book can be obtained from :

Euroavia Toulouse


10 avenue Edouard Belin

31055 Toulouse Cedex 4


e-mail : [email protected]

EAGES web site : http ://toulouse.euroavia.org

Cost : 50 Euros

Printed by : SUPAERO - Escourbiac (cover)

This book was compiled using LATEX 2ε.

All the papers were corrected with the kind help of all the authors. They shall be thanked here for that.

250 copies of these proceedings were printed in 2002. 50 of them were distributed to the lecturers,

sponsors and main actors of the symposium.


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Euroavia Toulouse Introduction 3


For more than 100 years, Man has been successfully challenging birds. From Otto Lilienthalfirst glides in Germany, we followed the path of the eagles, always higher and faster, eventuallylanding on the Sea of Tranquility. Though, the path of the pelican still remains unheard of to thecommon knowledge. This big sea bird uses a phenomenon called the ground effect to rest duringhis long migrations.

In the fifties, two engineers proposed separately a new type of boat. Rostislav EvguenievichAlekseev was obsessed by speed over sea and wanted to overcome the cavitation phenomenon thatappeared on one of his inventions : the hydrofoil, while Alexander Lippisch, father of the deltawing, was asked to create a new type of very fast boat in the United States. These new crafts werewhat is now commonly called wing in ground effect machines.

Their creativity lead to very different crafts, covering a wide range of application from the hugemarine military transports or weapon carriers to small inspection or transport fast boats.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the two sides have started to work to make of this concepta commercial reality, offering an alternative to the fast but very expensive air transport and thecheap but very slow sea transport.

The EuroAvia Ground Effect Symposium was aimed to gather some of the most active actorsof the ground effect field together for students, to introduce to them the new challenges for whatis expected to be one of the new transport of our beginning century.

Among all the expert present should noticed the presence of Dmitrii Nickolaievitch Synitsinand Alexander Isakovitch Maskalik, followers of R. E. Alekseev, Hanno Fischer who worked withAlexander Lippisch in the seventies on the X-113 and X-114 and Gunther Jorg, inventor of anothertype of characteristic ground effect craft : the tandem configuration.

Time was given to long explanations and discussions during the symposium, and these procee-dings shall be considered as an introductive manual for any interested student or scientist, fromthe core of the ground effect world.

A lot of movies were also presented during the symposium and they will progressively be avai-lable on the WIG Page and on EAGES web site.

We hope these proceedings will fulfill all your expectations and give you a glimpse of the won-derful spirit of the symposium !

Bonne lecture !

Stephan Aubin

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I would like to thank first, in the name of Euroavia Toulouse, all the people and companiesthat got involved in the organisation and the financing of this symposium.

Thanks also to all the lecturers who offered to all the participants a wonderful week of scienceand exchange. As Graham Taylor said, EAGES was a social event. Namely, I shall thank Edwinvan Opstal for supporting us from the start, Hanno Fischer for his wonderful energy, Dmitrii N.Synitsin, Alexander I. Maskalik and their colleague Vladimir V. Tomilin for all their know how andtheir incredible (students) jokes, Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky for his kindness, Ingrid Schellhaas andher father Gunther Jorg for their patience, Graham Taylor for not getting crazy at the airport,for loving Cassoulet and for all the pictures, Jan Monchaux for all the things you did and YvesGoupil and Georges Gazuit for their attitude and youth.

The list would not be complete if forgetting Matthieu Scherrer and Jean Gael Duboc who hel-ped a lot during the realization of these proceedings, as well as all the people who corrected thisbook, especially -again- Edwin van Opstal.

Last but definitely not least, I send my deep acknowledgements to our three chairmen : AllanBonnet for always being here, Gregoire Casalis for all his little advises and Bernard Masure whohelped us to start everything.

The Editor, Stephan Aubin


Stephan Aubin Euroavia Toulouse Vice-President 2000-2001Stephane BurkeYann ChauvatJean Gael Duboc Euroavia Toulouse Treasurer 2000-2001Robin Moret Euroavia Toulouse President 2000-2001


Allan Bonnet Aerodynamics Dept., SUPAEROGregoire Casalis Applied Mathematics Dept., SUPAEROBernard Masure Orleans University

All the pictures of the lectures appearing in this book are courtesy of Graham Taylor. They canbe found on his web site, see appendix 1.

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1. Mario Mihalina

2. Sasa Mavrovic

3. Richard Rydberg

4. Helen Mc Gregor

5. Alexander I. Maskalik

6. Renato Serodio

7. Dmitrii N. Synitsin

8. Mats Larsson

9. Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky

10. Bo Svensson

11. Marcus Palmkvist

12. Rickard Andersson

13. Allan Bonnet

14. Hanno Fischer

15. Edwin van Opstal

16. Gunther Jorg

17. Graham Taylor

18. Stephan Aubin

19. Bernard Masure

20. Ingrid Schellhaas

21. Robert Mc Gregor


Stephane Burke (1), Gregoire Casalis, Yann

Chauvat (2), Cornelius Dima (3), Jean Gael Du-

boc (4), Michael Klaus (5), Benjamin Le Roux, Jean

Margail (6), Jan Monchaux (7), Robin Moret (8),

Aji Purwanto, Carlos Ribeiro (9), Vladimir V. To-

milin (10), Harry Trevisani (11), Matthieu Scherrer,

Laurent Boireau

And all the first year students from Jean Luc Boiffier

flight dynamics course on Tuesday 12th afternoon. . .

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Euroavia Toulouse Introduction 11


Introduction to WIG Technology

Edwin van Opstal, SE Technology 13

The Hoverwing Technology - Bridge Between WIG and ACV

Hanno Fischer, Fischer-Flugmechanik 45

Peculiarities of the Longitudinal Disturbed Motion of a WIG Craft

Dmitrii N. Synitsin, Technologies and Transport 71

Basics of Aerodynamics in Extreme Ground Effect

Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University 87

The Main Research Problems Solved in Designing Russian

Ekranoplans and which are Necessary to be Solved for Wide

Practical Realization of Ekranoplans

Alexander I. Maskalik, Technologies and Transport 111

Tandem Airfoil Flareboats as Efficient WIG Crafts

Gunther Jorg, BOTEC GmbH 129

A Practical Guide to Building Ekranoplan (WIG) Models

Graham Taylor, Independent Consultant 145

Lifting Line in Extreme Ground Effect

Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University 163

A Discussion with Hanno Fischer

Hanno Fischer, Fischer-Flugmechanik 183

Flight Testing in Ground Effect

Hanno Fischer, Fischer-Flugmechanik 195

Easy Ways to Study Ground Effect

Jan Monchaux & Stephan Aubin, SUPAERO 213

Hydrofret Concept

Georges Gazuit & Yves Goupil, Hydrofret 233

Appendix 1 : WIG related websites 247

Appendix 2 : List of WIG Books 249

Appendix 3 : What is Euroavia ? 253

Appendix 4 : Welcome in SUPAERO 257

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