. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Productivity etc Amit Upadhyay

Coverfox: Tech Productivity etc

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Tech Productivity etc

Amit Upadhyay





















Git Basics





















git basics

▶ pull request first





















git basics

▶ link to asana





















git basics

▶ commit often: once you have a minor piece working, commit





















git basics

▶ look at your pull request not individual commits





















git basics

▶ pre-commit hooks





















git basics

▶ name/email must be proper





















git basics

▶ tasks on pull request





















git basics

do not have long lived branches▶ do not have changes for long, figure out if some partial work

can be merged▶ longer the branch, worse the programmer▶ create new branch from existing ones, new pull request etc▶ disable features▶ be creative: getting your changes merged is your job.





















Code Review





















Code review

▶ self, then peer, then super





















Code review

▶ are there any hardcoded variables, that should be in settings?





















Code review

▶ is there any code that can be reused or made a utilityfunction?





















Code review

▶ do all files meet style guideline?





















Code review

▶ is there unit test for main thing?





















Code review

▶ is the copy approved by product team?





















Code review

▶ are human strings internationalized?





















Code review

▶ is there something clever being used? can anything besimplified?





















Code review

▶ are we using new library? if so is it justified/approved?





















Code review

▶ is there any commented out code?





















Code review

▶ is there any pending TODOs or FIXMEs?





















Code review

▶ can any logging, print, debugging calls be reduced?





















Code review

▶ are all user and api inputs validated?





















Code review

▶ are variable and functions name accurate, spelling, tense,grammar etc?











































▶ quickly changing file if file name is known






















▶ quickly searching for file if content is known






















▶ quickly looking for some word in currently open file






















▶ intellisense navigation of file






















▶ quickly seeing diff






















▶ highlight errors






















▶ jump to next error






















▶ learn keyboard macros (create & execute it)





















Style Rant





















Style rant

▶ import module not objects





















Style rant

▶ never do import * (why?)





















Style rant

▶ never do relative imports





















Style rant

▶ imports must be ordered (django, system, ours,requirements.txt)





















Style rant

▶ line length basics





















Style rant

▶ amitu’s style exceptions





















Asana Rant





















Asana rant

▶ everything you get a mail, add it to asana, on every mailfollow up, remind





















Asana rant

▶ look at your page and organize it





















Asana rant

▶ look at project





















Asana rant

▶ multiple projects for a task





















Asana rant

▶ refer other tasks as much as possible





















Asana rant

▶ close duplicate





















Asana rant

▶ sub tasks





















Asana rant

▶ what does asana and ack mean?





















Asana rant

▶ comment in asana





















Asana rant

▶ update description





















Code tips





















Code tips

▶ optimize for read**ability (written once, read 100 times)





















Code tips

▶ write comments first▶ delete comments afterwards if your english version and python

version are similar





















Code tips

▶ early returns/continue etc▶ its ok to iterate some lists twice or thrice)





















Code tips

▶ no big try blocks (try must have single statement)





















Code tips

▶ say what you mean, code is written for humans first





















Code tips

▶ do not try to optimize





















Code tips

▶ dont be clever, dont rely on “happens to satisfy need”.





















Code tips

▶ reuse (ask if what you are writing if motor product logic orgeneric thing)





















Code tips

▶ take pride in what you do





















Code tips

▶ understand what you are doings





















Code tips

▶ cost of development vs optimization (is it good enough?)





















Code tips

▶ perfection is enemy of done





















Code tips

▶ pay special attention to names. use spell checkers. mindgrammar.





















Code tips

▶ do not import from somewhere where it is not defined (unlessinit_.py)





















Code tips

▶ dont write generalised code. hate generics.





















Code tips

▶ move code around to see what looks better, would be easierto next guy





















Code tips

▶ read other peoples code





















Code tips

▶ dont automate till have you have done it 3-4 times manually





















Code tips

▶ do automate what you do 100s of times a day





















Code tips

▶ ask if i can make this simpler before being done.





















Code tips

▶ can i delete anything?





















Code tips

▶ multi line ifs are ok▶ multi line if must have or/and in front not end





















Code tips

▶ multi line if must have or/and in front not end

if ((datetime.utcnow() -

transaction.updated_on.replace(tzinfo=None)).days> 0

or (hasattr(m,

'refresh_transaction_before_proposal')and m.refresh_transaction_before_proposal()























Code Tips

▶ never do if not with else block





















Code tips

▶ make your functions tall not wide





















Code tips

▶ delete variables once they are not being used





















Misc Tips





















Misc tips

▶ never write more than few lines in ipython/python shell, usefile

▶ all.py





















Misc tips

▶ the business card technique





















Misc tips

▶ mail tagging for productivity (to reply, waiting, discuss)





















Misc tips

▶ make terminal, server and browser quickly switchable(milliseconds count)





















Misc tips

▶ scrum notes





















Misc tips

▶ scrum: discussion ideas





















Misc tips

▶ database template stuff





















Misc tips

▶ use oh-my-zsh





















Misc tips






















Misc tips

▶ Ctrl-R





















Misc tips

▶ Ctrl-a/e/Alt-delete/b/f





















Misc tips

▶ use pocket





















Misc tips

▶ snappyapp





















Misc tips

▶ uniformity is a good, boring is good, done is better, simple isperfection





















Misc tips

▶ use pyenv





















Misc tips

▶ use ssh config file

ControlMaster autoControlPath /Users/amitu/.ssh/tmp/%h_%p_%r

Host awsHost aws.coverfox.comUser ubuntuPort 333





















Misc tips

▶ Work from home folks make it a point to attend the scrum





















Misc tips

▶ Sprint naming - use dates to make those uniform across teams