Ways to Live a Fuller and Happier Life


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Ways to

Live a

Fuller and



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Day to day, we go about living our lives. We meet new people, make decisions, have arguments, and make

mistakes. As people, we have aspirations and dreams. We also have good days and bad days. Life is full of

finding balance and achieving big and small wins, while learning to forgive and grow from big and small


Sometimes, life can be a struggle. Life decisions can be difficult. We chase our dreams and sometimes we

put them on hold for any number of reasons. Half the time, we may not even know what we want. Even if

we know what we want, it can still feel confusing trying to break out of old patterns and achieve

something new. Other days, we just feel lost somewhere between trying to manage relationships, work,

money and everything else that life throws at us. But it is possible to lead a happier and fuller life, no

matter your life circumstance, These 6 tips below can help you move forward into a happier, fuller life.

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Let Go of Perfection

You will never be happy if you are constantly in the

pursuit of perfection, because perfection is

unattainable. You can perceive something as perfect,

but if you constantly search for perfection, you will

only ever find more flaws. You are coming from a

headspace that leads you to believe it isn’t good

enough, and that negative headspace can’t be filled

with more tinkering and changing; it can only be

filled with love and acceptance.

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Let Go of the Idea That You Know Everything

The concept that you know everything and that you

are always right is a closed mindset. You can’t learn,

grow, and change if you aren’t open to new ideas

and ways of thinking. Practice saying things like: “I

did not know that,” “What do you think about

this?” and “Is this true, or is this something I have

just known my whole life?” Question your reality

because it might be just repeated, old, and outdated


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Let Go of Your Ego

When you’re performing for imaginary people’s

imaginary expectations for you, you can only lose

because you are creating the expectations and

making them unrealistic. It is a constant practice to

let go of the ego. Practice gratitude and letting go of

those all-consuming thoughts.

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Let Go of Constant Comparison

If you really want to learn how to live a fuller

happier life, you have to stop comparing yourself

to other people. Comparing yourself to others is

futile because you aren’t the same. You haven’t

walked in their shoes, and you don’t have their

resources or skill set. You are different, and

focusing on comparing yourself to them will only

bring negative results.

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Let Go of Focusing on Negative Situations

Find another solution. Think outside of the box! It

is so easy to focus on the bad that is happening to

you, but try not to focus on all the lack; practice

gratitude and focus on all that you have.

Redirect your attention to potential solutions to

your problems. Reach out for help if you need it.

You can control how you perceive and handle


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Discover Your Values

Who are you? What do you believe in? If you want

to learn how to live a fuller happier life, start with

working out who you really are, what you truly

believe in, and what your values are. Once you

know who you are, what you value, and who you

want to be, live your life in this way, despite what

others may think of your choices.

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Discover Self-Compassion

Life is hard, confusing, and messy. You aren’t a God.

You are just a person trying to figure it out like the

rest of us. Give yourself a break; you don’t have to

have it all figured out. Always speak to yourself with

kindness, even after you have done something wrong.

Learn from your mistakes and be kind to yourself,

and you will be so much happier. After all, it’s hard to

be happy when there is someone living in your head

constantly being mean to you.

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Discover How to Live With No Regrets

Do you want to wake up at 70 or 80 or 100 and

realize that you have regrets? Money comes around,

time does not. If you want to do something, go do

it. Now. Live your life right now, because you never

know when you will wake up regretting all the

things you never did.

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Discover Balance

If you want to learn how to live a fuller happier life,

you need to find balance. Do more things you love!

Have more fun!

Spend some time finding balance in areas that you

are lacking. For example, a workaholic will most

likely need to have adventure. Someone who is

constantly stressed may need to incorporate yoga

or meditation into their routine. Find a way to

stabilize your actions and emotions to live happier.

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Discover Your Self-Expression

If you learn how to express yourself emotionally

and creatively, you will find a new world of

happiness and fulfillment. Embrace your inner artist.

Speak your truth, and say how you truly feel,


Part of living authentically is expressing who you are,

even if people don’t like it. Live your truth, and find

your tribe. You are wonderful and important, and

you will find happiness in expressing who you really


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Leave Your Comfort Zone

To live your fullest life, it means you have to leave

your comfort zone and achieve your goals.

Everything you want is on the other side of your

comfort zone. Fear and happiness may seem like

opposites, but they aren’t. Fear is just the step to

help you up to the cookie jar that is happiness. To

get there, you must be brave enough to get on the

step and risk falling off.

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Take One Day at a Time

Focus on living your best day each day. Don’t focus

on how bad the past has been or what the future

could be. Every day is a new day, and your past

mistakes were lessons for you to apply today so

you don’t repeat your mistakes. Focus on how you

can improve today to be happy, fulfilled, and hit your

goals in the future.

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Surround Yourself With People Who Lift You up

You are only as happy as your environment. If you

are surrounded by negative people who don’t

believe in you and try and keep you down, your

ability to be happy and fulfilled will be capped. If

there are people in your life trying to sabotage

your happiness, you’ll have a difficult time

overcoming those negative emotions.

You are a combination of the five people you hang

out with most, so make sure they are on your

team and will to spread positivity wherever they

go. Don’t be afraid to change up your people; you

are doing them a favor, as well.

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Do What Makes You Happy

Not everyone is going to understand what you are

doing, and people will try and tell you that you are

crazy and hold you back. However, if it makes you

happy and fulfilled, do it anyway. Prove them wrong.

Innovators have to push the boundaries of what is

possible, and this applies to your life. You are an

innovator, too. Your project is your life, and you have

to be willing to continue down your path despite the

negative voices that may come your way.

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Take Personal Responsibility

If you are responsible for everything that happens

to you and you do, then you can change it. Take

responsibility for each thing that happens to you,

and use the knowledge you gain to prevent the

same mistakes in the future. However (and this is

key), don’t use it to blame and torture yourself

about how bad a person you are. Use it to learn

and apply to the future, without self-shaming. None!

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Learn something new

It is never too late to learn something new. If there is

a skill you’ve always wanted to master, go for it. This

fits the tip I shared first, but it goes further than that.

By learning new things, you are developing yourself

personally as well as mentally.

And of course, you never know where your fresh

knowledge can take you.

New things will give you a fuller life and a new

purpose. Once you’re done with one goal, move to

the next one.

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Be thankful

Even if something didn’t turn out as you planned it,

most things turned out pretty great for you. The first

thing is your health. If you’ve reached this point, you

have your health to be thankful for. If you have a

family that stands beside you, that’s another thing to

be grateful for.

Happiness in life depends on your perspective. If you

set goals that your life doesn’t fit at the moment,

you’ll be unhappy. If you’re thankful for the things you

have, you’ll be happy. In both cases, you’ll have the

same, which means that happiness depends on you.

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Help others

It’s never too late or too much when it comes to

helping others. No matter how generous you’ve

been in your life, middle age isn’t a reason to stop.

The more contributions you make to someone’s

life, the better you’ll feel about yourself. It is the

great things you do that keep you young and happy.

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Smile as often as you can

Smiling has amazing effects on others, but also

yourself. Did you know that smiling is actually

considered to be healthy in an actual, medical

way? It boosts your mood and helps you feel

happier. So, smile at every chance you get.

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If you’ve found a spot for exercise in your

schedule, good for you. If you haven’t, it’s not too

late to start. Exercise is one of the most essential

things you need to do to keep your health intact.

Moreover, it is known to release endorphins and

reduce stress, all of which will help you live a fuller


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Change your nutrition

We all know how important food is for our

bodies and our brain. Still, most people don’t take

the time to plan their nutrition and often fill their

bodies with junk food, eat at irregular intervals, or

rarely consume vitamins, minerals, etc.

This is the time to make a change you should

have made a long time ago. If you want to feel

better, younger, and happier, change your nutrition

to a healthier one.

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Spend some time with your family and loved ones

These are the people you live for. That’s what life

is all about. If your life was too busy to do this

before, you might be able to find more time about

it now. Spend some time with your loved ones.

Take them out on a well-deserved vacation and

strengthen your relationships. People are social

beings, and being with people that you love will

certainly make you feel great.

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Most of us carry some burdens for years, even

decades. Do you have people you have been mad

at for too long? Very often, we can’t even

remember why a relationship broke off, why we

lost a great friend, or got mad at someone.

If you want to get rid of that entire burden and

kill the stress, you need to learn to forgive and

forget. Make a list of the people you’ve been mad

at and forgive them. Even if you don’t want to

have them again in your life, forgive them in your


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Learning how to live a fuller happier life is completely in your control. It is all about attitude, mindset, and

actions taken to create the life you want. It can be scary and overwhelming, but if you take small steps

and practice gratitude, you can find your happiness. You deserve to be happy, so choose it.

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