Prepared by: Ruquia Batool ZAKAK AND INTEREST

Zakat assignment

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Page 1: Zakat assignment

Prepared by: Ruquia Batool


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Zakat is a certain fixed portion of the wealth and property that a Muslim is obliged

to pay yearly for the benefit of the poor in the Muslim community. The payment of

Zakat is obligatory, as it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is the major

economic means for establishing social justice and leading the Muslim society

towards prosperity and security.

Every Muslim who owns a fixed, minimum amount of wealth (called Nisab), and

who satisfies certain other conditions, must pay Zakat. The Qur’an mentions Zakat

in many places. For example, Allah (S.W.T) says:

“Take Sadaqah (obligatory charity) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily, your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.” (9:103)


The word “Zakat” is an Arabic word that shows two literary meanings i-e




It means the purification of soul, character, life and wealth. Zakat purifies the

human soul by keeping a person away from illegal sources of earning, eliminating

the love for materialism and by overcoming the sense of pride for being wealth.

Wealth is dear to everyone but who spends wealth on others attains goodness and

purity . As Quran says in Sura al Toubah:

“take alms out of their property , thou wouldst cleans them and purify them



It means that a person who pays Zakat regularly , his individual wealth as well as

the community wealth keeps on growing by the blessing of the Almighty Allah .

Moreover Allah protects the wealth on which Zakat has been paid and in this way

the peace of mind of the person who pays

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In economics, Zakat can be technically defined as follows:

“Zakat is a transfer payment which Sahib –e – Nisab Muslims make at given rates

by themselves or through the Islamic state to the poor and the needy in or after the

month of Rajab.


Spiritual purification resulting from paying zakat

Legally / Syariah

– Transfer of ownership of specific wealth to specific individual (s) under

specific conditions

– Religious payment made by a Muslim from his wealth or income or

business or crops or animals in the form of money or crops or animal

according to certain rate to the zakat authority that is Pusat

Pungutan Zakat (PPZ).

Assessment of Zakat

For the assessment of Zakat, the following must be kept in view.

1. Sahib-e-nisab muslim:

A muslim who owns and keeps in his or her possession at least 7.5 tola gold or 52.5

tola silver or cash money to the equivalent value is considered a sahib e nisab

muslim . it is his compulsion to pay Zakat at its prescribed rates by Quran and


2. Exposed and unexposed wealth:

Zakat is paid for two type of wealth i-e

Exposed/Visible wealth (Amwal-e-Zahirah)

Unexposed wealth/Invisible wealth (Amwal-e-Batinah)

Exposed wealth is the wealth which is exposed to the society e.g. agricultural goods

, camels , sheep, minerals, etc. on the other hand unexposed wealth is the wealth

which remains unexposed to the society e.g. gold , silver , cash , liquid assets etc.

3. The rates of Zakat:

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Zakat is paid at the following fixed rates.

Gold, silver cash:

For at least 7.5 tola gold , 52.5 tola silver or the equivalent value in terms of

business inventories or commercial goods or cash money , the rate of Zakat is 2.5%

of the total value of the goods or money.


Zakat which is called usher, is paid at the rate of 10% from the agriculture output

of the land which is irrigated by natural sources and is paid at the rate of 5% from

the output of the land which is irrigated by artificial sources like canals , tube wells



a. Zakat is paid on the commercial animals at the following rates:

b. One goat from 40-120 goats . two goat from 121-200 goats and three goats from

201-300 goats.

c. One cow from each 40 cows.

d. One camel from each 5 camels

d. Minerals

Zakat is paid on mineral e.g. coal , iron , salt , etc at the rate of 20%.

4. Time Span:

One year must elapse over the asset. It is necessary that one year elapses over the

asset which is subject to Zakat.

5. Exempted

The following properties and assets have been exempted from the levy of


Personal effects like clothes, articles of furniture, household goods except

ornaments and utensils of gold and silver.

Horses and asses for conveyance or Jihad.

Arms or weapons for personal use.

Cattle employed in farming or transportation of goods.

Tools of a professional for his personal use.

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Residential house.

Slaves and servants.


Food for the owner and his family.

Agricultural land and factory building and machinery etc

The Usage of Zakat Fund.

The revenue generated from the zakat tax is to be used for the following persons

and projects

Beneficiaries of Zakat:

The following can be beneficiaries of Zakat.

1. The poor:

These are the people who cannot be treated as sahib-e-nisab.

2. The needy:

These are the people who are unable to earn their living e.g. handicapped, disable ,

orphans etc.

3. Collectors of Zakat:

These are the people who collect and distribute Zakat among the poor and the

needy . their salaries are paid from the Zakat fund.

4. The new Muslims:

These are the people who have recently converted to Islam.

5. The Slaves:

Zakat can be used to make free the slaves and prisoners of wars from their masters

and enemies.

6. The debtors:

People who are heavily indebted can get Zakat to repay their debts provided that

the debt is not taken for sinful purpose.

7. The travelers:

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The travelers can get Zakat to complete their journey in case they fall in need of


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8. Mujahideen:

Zakat can also be given to Mujahideen to prepare them for jihad . Also the

dependents of the martyrs and the religious educational institutions can seek

assistance from the Zakat fund.

Thus, Zakat is a source of financial assistance for the poor and needy persons.

This list is based on the following verse of the Qur’an:

“The alms (zakat) are only for the poor, the needy, those who work (to collect) them, those (unbelievers) whose hearts are inclined (towards the truth), the slaves, the debtors, in the way of Allah, and the traveller. So does Allah ordain. Allah is Knowing, Wise.” (9:60)

Economic and Social Importance of Zakat:

The following facts reflect economic and social importance of Zakat.

1. Purification of soul:

Zakat purifies the soul of contributor from the evils of miserness . It makes them

humble and God-fearing. It also creates wealth discouraging love among people.

2. Healthy growth of community:

Zakat leads to the healthy growth of the economy and the community. It uplifts the

less fortunate members of the society.

3. Narrow down the economic inequalities:

Zakat narrows down the economics inequalities in the community to the minimum

possible limit. The rich may not grow richer ant he poor poorer.

4. Wider circulation of wealth:

Zakat increases the speedy circulation of wealth. It discourages hoarding and

provides an automatic mechanism for the flow of wealth from rich to the poor thus,

it widens the circulation of wealth among the community.

5. Main source of income:

Zakat occupies a central position in the financial structure of a Muslim state ,

because it contributes too much towards national treasury and it provides sufficient

fund to Govt.

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6. Fair distribution of wealth:

Zakat meets an important purpose for spreading and distributing wealth that

becomes just and equitable .It guarantees that income is not centralized rather it

moves very rapidly among different groups of society.

7. Minimizes unemployment:

Zakat is very vital instrument for removing unemployment .the money received by

the people can be used and poor can start a business.

8. Economic stability:

The problem of instability does not take place in an Islamic economy due to the

mechanism of Zakat. Zakat promotes the velocity of circulation of money due to

which AD for goods and services rises. This determines the level of investment,

income and unemployment on stable footing.

9. Self-reliance:

Zakat eliminates poverty and diversity from the society. It brings amount

prosperity. People can take care of each other and in such a way Zakat enables an

economy to be self-reliant.

10. Capital accumulation:

By Zakat , people can use their liquid assets to promote capital formation in the

country . They invest their assets due to which growth rate of the economy goes up

and the country gets prosperity.

11. Mobilization of resources:

Such individuals who get income in the shape of Zakat are in a position to utilize

the available resources. In this way, maximum use of resources becomes possible.

12. Social security:

Zakat fund not only covers the poor and the disabled, but it also provides social

security to the unemployed individuals.

13. Social welfare:

Hospitals, schools and handicrafts centers for the poor can be constructed by

making use of Zakat fund. This promotes social welfare in the country.

14. Anti-social activities:

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Zakat is paid obviously from rizq-e-halal. Thus, the Muslims who pay Zakat refrain

themselves from anti-social activities like hoarding, smuggling etc.

15. Control of crimes:

the major cause of crimes particularly theft is due to poverty of people. The problem

of poverty can be easily overcome by Zakat. In such a way , crime rate can be


Zakat and Modern Economy:

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought about the greatest revolution-

even economic and political miracle- in the human history. In Madina, where our

prophet first implemented the system of Salah and Zakat, immediately the

economic conditions of the people changed. He is reported to have said “if a single

person where to sleep hungry in a town, then GOD’s protection is lifted from such a


This Hadith emphasizes that no one under this system should go hungry. This

Zakat system created the first universal welfare system in human history. History

tells us that there was a time when hardly anyone was in need of charity, during

the khilafat of Umar (R.A).

Primarily, Zakat is an act of Ibadah, but also in itself it is a unique distributive

mechanism which seeks to ensure that wealth and property are not expropriated

and controlled only by a few people, and that everyone can equally enjoy the

provisions and bounties of Our Lord, The Creator, The All Mighty- Allah


In context of the economy, being a significant component of Islam, Zakat forms the

backbone of the Islamic economy-its role being both diverse and endless. It covers

all the aspects of an economy- from social, political to downright psychological.

By nature, we human beings are selfish beings. Implying that we require a

compelling force to make us part with our money. Divine orders make that happen

for the people who fear the consequences. Sacrifice, suppressing selfishness,

humility etc are the qualities instilled by Zakat in the hearts of the believers.

At the societal level, it’s primary objective is the eradication of poverty- which is the

mother of all social evils, by ensuring that the rich live up to their responsibility by

distributing a portion of their wealth and fortune to the poor and the needy of the

society at large.

Finally, at the economic level Zakat plays probably the most important role that it

ensures, that wealth and property are not held and controlled only by a section of

the society, this concept in Islam is completely against the western practice of

capitalism, which ensures that wealth is controlled only by the top few.

Zakat being the distributive mechanism that it is seeks to establish such a society

in which wealth and property are both equally distributed so that inequity and

injustice can be eradicated from the society.

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In the Noble Quran, Allah Subhanahu’wata’la has constantly reminded us of doing

good deeds and avoiding the bad. We Muslims need to return towards adherence of

the Noble Quran .i.e. to practice justice, fairness and equality. Then we will

understand that Zakat not only leads to economic progress of individuals and

human beings but to their spiritual progress as well.

Interest Defined:

The standard dictionary definition for interest is as follows:

“A charge made for a loan or credit facility” OR

“Any excess paid or received on the principal” At first glance it seems reasonable for a charge to be levied in exchange for

receiving a loan. The capitalist system believes in money’s unbridled right to a

return irrespective of the level of profit or loss generated by the project to which the

money was loaned.

Islam fundamentally disagrees with the above view; and instead proposes that if

capital is lent on a ‘loan’ basis then it must be repaid with no excess; any excess

being interest.

The Qur’anic Ban on Interest: ‘The first ever verse revealed on Riba was Surah Ar-Rum, verse 39, where Allah


‘And whatever Riba you give so that it may increase in the wealth of the people, it does not increase with Allah’

The next occasion when interest is mentioned is in Surah Nisa, verse 161 where

Allah says;

‘And because of their charging Riba, whilst they were prohibited from it’.

Failures of Interest Based Economic System:

1. Banks are given too much power:

The ability to create money gives banks and other financial institutions incredible

levels of power by permitting the creation of artificial wealth for which they have

carried out no corresponding real economic activity. These elite have an

unacceptable level of control over society’s wellbeing. Abuse of this power takes

many diverse forms but can perhaps best be understood by examining the impact of

debt on the third world.

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2. Economic growth is hindered:

As money is permitted to attract a rate of return, banks are able to generate profits

through interest. Banks will invariably prefer to lend to those who have the

greatest collateral because they represent the lowest risk of default. Those who

have the most viable business plans are not always those who have the greatest

collateral. Consequently, interest based banking inhibits economic growth by

failing to promote the best business ideas which, if supported would result in

higher economic growth.

3. The rich get richer:

Those with the most collateral are by definition the wealthiest in society, By giving

these people preferential access to money, capitalism has a persistent tendency to

favor the rich and discriminate against the poor, ensuring that the rich just keep

getting richer, and the poor just keep getting poorer.

4. Inequality:

Social and economic inequality grow with a passage of time (the rich get richer and

everyone else gets poorer, many absolutely and the rest in relation to the rapidly

growing wealth of the rich).

5. Status Gap:

With such a gap between the rich and the poor, egalitarian social relations become

impossible (people with a lot of money begin to think of themselves as a better kind

of human being and to view the poor with contempt, while the poor feel a mixture of

hatred, envy and queasy respect for the rich).

6. Political Influence:

Those with the most money also begin to exercise a disproportional political

influence, which they use to help themselves make still more money.

7. Corruption

Increase in corruption in all sectors of society, which further increases the power of

those with a lot of money and puts those without the money to bribe officials at a

severe disadvantage.

8. Anti-Social Attitudes and Emotions

The same market experiences develop a set of anti-social attitudes and emotions

(people become egotistical, concerned only with themselves. "Me first", "anything

for money", "winning in competition no matter what the human costs" become what

drives them in all areas of life. They also become very anxious and economically

insecure, afraid of losing their job, their home, their sale, etc.; and they worry about

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money all the time. In this situation, feelings as well as ideas of cooperation and

mutual concern are seriously weakened, where they don't disappear altogether, for

in a market economy it is against one's personal interest to cooperate with others.

Finally, the market economy leads to periodic economic crises, the economy stops

growing, fewer things are made, development of the forces of production slows

down, investment drops off, etc


Zakat is one of the vital and most significant features of the Islamic finance and

economics System. Unfortunately for all of us ‘Zakat’ which is one of the Five

Pillars of Islam, has been reduced to just a ritual which we perform once a year and

most of us don’t bother to perform it also as a ritual. The concept of Zakat is the

foundation stone of the Islamic finance and economic system. Islamic Economic

system is best alternative to interest based economy, because interest based

economy have many inherent consequences like instability, shaken by periodic

crises and requiring massive bailouts. So to overcome all these difficulties and

loopholes there must be a system which contain all set of rules based on a

foundation of social justice, with the government responsive to the needs of society,

individuals members of society committed to ethical standards in all their dealings.

Then and only then can the fully functioning Islamic financial system as envisaged

in the Quran and interpreted by The Prophet be put into practice. In the meantime,

the best we can hope for is a system that proceeds methodically on the roadmap

that we have tried to outline and with a strong commitment to ethical regulation,

supervision and enforcement in order to develop the essential foundation of the

Islamic financial system.