Workflows, Provenance & Reporting A Lifecycle Perspective Professor Carole Goble FREng FBCS The University of Manchester, UK [email protected] 3 rd – 6 th September 2013, Rome, Italy

Workflows, provenance and reporting: a lifecycle perspective at BIH 2013, Rome

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Workflow systems support the design, configuration and execution of repetitive, multi-step pipelines and analytics, well established in many disciplines, notably biology and chemistry, but less so in biodiversity and ecology. From an experimental perspective workflows are a means to handle the work of accessing an ecosystem of software and platforms, manage data and security, and handle errors. From a reporting perspective they are a means to accurately document methodology for reproducibility, comparison, exchange and reuse, and to trace the provenance of results for review, credit, workflow interoperability and impact analysis. Workflows operate in an evolving ecosystem and are assemblages of components in that ecosystem; their provenance trails are snapshots of intermediate and final results. Taking a lifecycle perspective, what are the challenges in workflow design and use with different stakeholders? What needs to be tackled in evolution, resilience, and preservation? And what are the “mitigate or adapt” strategies adopted by workflow systems in the face of changes in the ecosystem/environment, for example when tools are depreciated or datasets become inaccessible in the face of funding shortfalls?

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Page 1: Workflows, provenance and reporting: a lifecycle perspective at BIH 2013, Rome

Workflows, Provenance & Reporting A Lifecycle Perspective

Professor Carole Goble FREng FBCS

The University of Manchester, UK

[email protected]

3rd – 6th September 2013, Rome, Italy

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The Scientific and Technical Ecosystem

Mobilising Big and Broad Data• Streaming• Sweeps through models• Integrative analysis• Results synthesis• Heavy compute

Interoperability, plugging together• Multi step chains, Multi software / data• Mixed resources / platforms• Incompatibility smoothing• Trans-disciplinary, Alien processes


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inputs: data, parameters, configurations


Workflow nutshell• A series of automated /

interactive data analysis steps

• Process data at scale• Import data / codes

from one’s own research and/or from existing libraries

• Pipelines & analytic and synthesis procedures

• Chains of components• Bridges between

resources• Shield from change

and operational complexity

• Releasing capacity



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Applications• Applications components

of workflows• Compose applications

into workflows• Incorporate workflows

into applications

Infrastructure• Provision physical

resources to support application workflows

• Coordinate resources through workflows

• Optimise and adapt to change

[Foster 2005]



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Assembly of Components

InteroperabilityCovering up incompatibility

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Flexible variation


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Workflows: maturing approachUnderpin integrative platforms.

Established in many disciplines, notably chemistry and biology, esp. ‘omics: assembly, synthesis, annotation, analytics.

Overlaps with metagenomics, phylogenetics and genetic ecology

Powering service based science and science as a service http://www.globus.org/genomics/solution

Sandve, Nekrutenko, Taylor, Hovig Ten simple rules for reproducible in silico research, PLoS Comp Bio submitted

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Ecological Niche modelling, population modelling, Metagenomics and Phylogenetics ‘omics pipelines and analytic workflows http://www.biovel.eu

Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis http://camera.calit2.net/index.shtm

Combine species occurrence data with global climate, terrain and land cover information, to identify environmental correlates of species ranges. http://www.lifemapper.org/species


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Taxonomic Data Refinement


• Synonym expansion • Taxonomic name resolution• Occurrence retrieval• Spell checking• Geographic and taxonomic cleaning• Temporal refinement• Data processing log

[Matthias Obst, INTECOL 2013]

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Data Operations in Workflows in the Wild

Analysis of 260 publicly available workflows in Taverna, WINGS, Galaxy and Vistrails

Garijo et al Common Motifs in Scientific Workflows: An Empirical Analysis, in press, FGCS

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Large ScaleEcological Niche Modeling Workflow


Step 1: Explorative modeling-Use unfiltered data -Use fixed parameters: Mahalonobis distance (Farber and Kadmon 2003)-Native projections-Test the model, distribution of points, number of points

Step 2: Deep modeling-Filtering environmentally unique points with BioClim algorithm (Nix 1986)-ENM with Support Vector Machine (Cristianini & Shawe-Taylor 2000) and Maximum Entropy (Phillips 2004)-Parameter optimization (if necessary) on the model test results-2 masks (model generate, model project)

Data discoveryData discovery

Data assembly, cleaning, and refinement

Data assembly, cleaning, and refinement

Ecological Niche Modeling

Ecological Niche Modeling

Statistical analysisStatistical analysis

Analytical cycle

Pilumnus hirtellus

Enclosed sea problem (Ready et al., 2010)

[Matthias Obst, INTECOL 2013]

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Workflow-enabled science• Common Templates• Prepared components• Systematic assembly• (Steered) automation

• Hybrid combinations• Variations• Extensibility• Customisation• Parameterisation

• Repeats• Cross-run synthesis• Routine, pooled methods• Tracking

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Repeated model sweepsTen insect species were modelled: European spruce bark beetle – Ips typographus L. Bordered white moth (syn. pine looper) - Bupalus piniarius L., (syn. B. piniaria L.) Pine-tree lappet - Dendrolimus pini L. Mottled umber - Erannis defoliaria Clerck Nun moth - Lymantria monacha L. Winter moth - Operopthera brumata L. Pine beauty moth - Panolis flammea Den. & Schiff Green oak tortrix - Tortrix viridana L. European pine sawfly – Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr. Common pine sawfly – Diprion pini L. Tortrix viridana Image by Kimmo & Seppo Silvonen Lymantria monacha



steps Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa presentation, INTECOL 2013

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provenanceprocess (log)results (origin)

ReportingRecord of scienceReproducibility Transparent process

Integrate with reporting systems

Know howTraining

See Penevpresentation

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Provenance the link between computation and results

W3C PROV model standardrecord for reportingcompare diffs/discrepanciesprovenance analyticstrack changes, adapt partial repeat/reproducecarry attributionscompute creditscompute data quality/trustselect data to keep/releaseoptimisation and debugging

PDIFF: comparing provenance traces to diagnose divergence across experimental results [Woodman et al, 2011]

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Collecting -> Using ProvenanceInstrumenting, cross-tool interoperabilityReporting at different scales

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Publishing with Provenance

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Summary: Infrastructure Productivity






EnvironmentEnvironmentLegacy, others and your own software, datasets, services, codes, and platforms. optimise and manage use of computing infrastructure, HPC, clouds and platforms



Support the design, config. and execution of workflows. manage utility actions for data, logging, security, compute, errors…shield incompatibilities / complexity / change

Parameterised, integrative, multi-step (data) pipelines, analytics, computational protocols. That can be repetitively reused. dependency-rich interoperability.


AppsAppsDomain/task specific apps that incorporate (an ecosystem of) workflowsIntegrate

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Summary: User Productivity: Capability Raising

AccessAccessFramework to access and leverage heterogeneous legacy applications, services, datasets and codes. Shielding from complexity.

CustomiseCustomiseRapid development: Flexibility, Extensibility, Adaptability, Reuse. Reusable Workflow Components

ProcessProcessAutomated plumbing + InteractionSystematic, repetitive and unbiased analysis and processing and error handlingEnsembles, comparisons, “what ifs”

CustomiseCustomiseRapid development: Flexibility, Extensibility, Adaptability, Reuse. Reusable Workflow Components

ProcessProcessAutomated plumbing + InteractionSystematic, repetitive and unbiased analysis and processing and error handlingEnsembles, comparisons, “what ifs”

CustomiseCustomiseRapid development: Flexibility, Extensibility, Adaptability, Reuse. Reusable Workflow Components

AccessAccessFramework to access and leverage heterogeneous legacy applications, services, datasets and codes and combine with yours.Shielding from complexity.

ProcessProcessIntegration, Reusable workflows/componentsAutomated plumbing + InteractionSystematic, repetitive and unbiased analysis Ensembles, comparisons, “what ifs”

Process reporting. Citation tracking. Reproducibility, Provenance, Audit. Quality Control. Standard Operating Procedures.RecordRecord

CustomiseCustomiseRapid development: Flexibility, Extensibility, Adaptability, Reuse. Reusable Workflow Components

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Workflow Commoditiesbuilding cohorts, capturing traits,

explicit reporting, clear instructions

• Workflow templates• Workflow sets• Libraries of sub workflow parts• Design practices for mix, match

and reuse • Future proofed design predicting

need to adapt• Discovery and exchange• Workflow engineers• Workflow custodians

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Seeding a workflow library

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Workflow Commodities exchanging, curating, preserving, packaging, life cycle management


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Katy’s student’s 200 hoursTracking where data went

Workflow Commoditiesgetting credit, capability, engineers and custodians

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Application Buildinguser variety, outcome focused

• Right apps, right users.• Commodity apps:

– Web. Spreadsheets. R.

• Customisation• Mixed workflow / scripting• Deployment / Portability

– Web based / desktop– Virtualised deployments– Cloud hosted service– A cloud-enabled local host

• Local ownership• Capability building





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Who are the users?• Policy makers?• Biodiversity researcher?• Computational scientist?• Tool developer?• Service provider?• Infrastructure provider?• Digital custodian?

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Workflow management systems• Integrated into community frameworks,

coupled into tools• Virtualised (Web) Services

• Scaling, Optimisation• Interoperability, Using provenance• No one workflow language/system

• Specialisation & its cost• Plug-ins for common community

platforms and resources• Mitigating and adapting to changes in

infrastructures and resources.• Sustainability and engineering




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Population dynamicsThe life cycle of infrastructures

• Dynamics: Mitigate, Adapt, Disperse, Die

• Standard and maintained prog. interfaces (APIs)

• Standard formats and ids• Stability, reliability, repair• Interoperability• Semantic descriptions• Sustainability of services

and infrastructure• Instrument resources for

citation & microattribution• Coupled services and


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Impact of dependencies

[Zhao et al. Why workflows break e-Science 2012]

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Scale.Standards data formats, programmatic interfaces. Governance.

Workflow commoditiesDesign practicesCredit

A seamless, pluggable service. Scale. Adaptability. Specific-Generic tension. Putting provenance to use for data credit.

Embedding workflows in common applications Integration into reporting and publishing lifecycles

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BioDiversity Virtual e-Laboratorywww.biovel.eu



SCaleable Preservation Environmentshttp://www.scape-project.eu