“One thing that the woman still needs to learn is that nobody gives you power. You should take it alone!” Roseanne Barr

Women who you are thankful

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“One thing that the woman still needs to learn is that nobody gives you power.

You should take it alone!” Roseanne


A woman we are thankful to, for initiating and coordonating the investition project for the new school building inaugurated on the 1st of September, 2001.

Teacher of Romanian Language and Literature since 1985.The headmistress of this school between 1990 – 2003.

“The greatest joy that the teacher job gave me, was to be a teacher in the same school where I was student. An old school(over 100 years old) having wonderful teachers and special pupils, making up a big family, stood over, day after day, by the chestnut trees in the yard of the school, today, the only ones more reminiscent of the old school.” Iuliana Mihalea

The most important challenge for me, as a headteacher, was to ensure good conditions for study and work. Building a new school, became a priority for me, a dream and a hope for my colleagues… In September 2001, our dream became true, we inaugurated the new school building!

“In the new house” with my last generation as a form teacher-


State Secretary,subordonated to the

Prime Minister in 2008.In present – Deputy in

the Romanian Parliament.

Primary School Teacher , Teacher of English Language since 2012.The headmistress of our school between 2008 – 2012.

At scholl I was alwayas like in my family. The students gave me a positive energy and the joy of moving forward

Both women presented here, had the highest score at the questionnaires applied to the students at “Horea, Cloşca and Crişan”School.