by Kaylin

Wisconsin Underground Railroad

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Page 2: Wisconsin Underground Railroad

Caroline was born in 1826 in Missouri.

Caroline’s mother was a slave and her father was a

slave owner.


Page 3: Wisconsin Underground Railroad

The day she decided to run away Mrs. Hall (her slave

owner) cut Caroline’s curly hair because she was

mad at Caroline.

When Caroline wanted to run away she told Mrs. Hall

that she wanted to visit a sick friend. She packed her

things and ran away.

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When Caroline got her ticket for her to ride the ship

she went to a group of girls because she had a plan.

The plan was that if she stayed by the girls people

would think she was with them.

In the next few days a man had told Caroline that

she wasn’t safe staying in Alton. So Caroline got a

ticket to go to Milwaukee Wisconsin.

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When Caroline reached Milwaukee she knew none

of the people there. She asked herself many

questions such as where would she stay. A man

approached her and introduced himself as Robert

Titball and asked her if she needed help. Caroline

felt like she could trust Robert with anything

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Meanwhile, back in St. Louis Mrs. Hall realized

Caroline was gone. They were furious. “Who would

do Caroline’s work now?” The riverboat company

hired a lawyer that had a Bloodhound following

Caroline’s trail.

Caroline hid from the slave hunters by hiding in

barrels and hiding in houses such as Samuel Brown

and Lucinda Duagherty’s.

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One day the slave hunters knocked on a door where

Caroline was hiding. The men demanded to know

where Caroline hiding. Lucinda told them, “No

good person would want a 16 year old.”

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Medall was a farmer helping Caroline run away, but, he was getting old and taking her to Canada was to risky for him. Edward Dyer wrote a letter to all freedom-loving people in Wisconsin and Canada to help Caroline. Lots of people hid Caroline and finally she reached Canada.

When Caroline was older she got a job and learned how to read. Caroline married Allen and had six children. There were three girls and three boys.

Today, Caroline’s children still live in Ontario, Canada. Her grandchildren remember the stories about Caroline. .