1 Why Good Storytelling Beats Good Selling ARISE TRAINING & RESEARCH CENTER

Whygoodstorytellingbeatsgoodselling - ARISE ROBY

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Why Good Storytelling Beats Good Selling


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Some reps are convinced they can’t sell a new


The next day, another rep does just that.

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Why is this?

How can some reps be so effective and

assertive, and others so passive?

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You might wonder how exactly stories apply to

the sales process. How can

storytelling improve your number at the

end of the quarter?

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A well-told, captivating story can affect listeners on multiple


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6 Benefits of Exceptional Storytelling in Sales

Benefits of


Storytelling in Sales

Motivate individuals

and groups to take action

Build trust and rapport

Make data and facts sing by becoming

applicable, interesting, and

relevant Infuse information with “stickiness” to improve retention.

Transform beliefs and

change minds

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How stories stimulate the

emotional side of our brain

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When we listen to a standard presentation

or boring lecture, the Broca’s area of the brain is

stimulated. This area deals with

language and logic.

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In contrast, when we are told a story

with rich meaning and visual cues,

things change dramatically.

Both the right and left sides are activated.

The right side (creative side) is engaged and stimulated.  

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Storytelling in business…

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As a sales rep, you have many different

tools in your toolbox.


a variety of different stories

can be told to convey a point.

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Using the correct

story type can help

elicit the action or feeling you want

from a customer.

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Here are 4 of the most common types

of stories told in business…

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Communicate your vision and inspire others to act.

Vision Stories

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Demonstrate who you are to people and create that crucial connection.

‘Who Am I’ Stories

Customers will know you’re

the type that goes above and

beyond when they hear how

you saved those kittens from the lake.

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Inform listeners of your intentions up front and create trust.

‘Why am I here’ Stories

Customers might actually become more receptive

if you tell them what you’re trying to sell.

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Share knowledge and inform others.

Company Stories

To be effective these stories need a WOW


You need to teach listeners something they’ve never heard

or considered.

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When to use stories

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In order for your story to be truly effective, you need to

nail the timing.

A misplaced

story seems forced,

awkward, and will fall flat.

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Here are some of the best times for


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Stories within presentations accomplish a few things:


Grab attention

Make facts stick

Make data relatable

and understand


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Sales stories can convey the true power of your product or


In a story, you provide context to customers and can

drive points home harder.

Use Cases (stories from the field)

are particularly effective.

Selling a product or service

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This is your prototypical “Vision” story.

When well-crafted, this can be extremely effective.

Getting a team to focus and buy-in to a


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Elements of a Great Story

Just like a sales call, stories need certain elements to succeed.

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Elements of

a Great Story

The Hero encounters a


The Stimulus leads them in the direction of

resolution or transformation..

Tension or a Conflict is exposed.

Our Hero now must maneuver challenges and obstacles.

A Crossroad where the

final transformation takes place.

In your Use Case this is where the customer purchased your solution.

The final chapter in the

story is referred to as the Moral of the Story.

The Hero has navigated the Conflict and appears transformed in an ideal


Sympathetic main

character, AKA the Hero.

The audience should be able to see themselves

in the hero and the situation.

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Still think you need help?

Download the

Guide to Better Storytellinghttp://www.facebook.com/Arise0071?ref=hl

to help improve your storytelling efforts.As you improve your storytelling,

it becomes an asset to reuse down the road.

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