What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Page 1: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Page 2: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Based on how we have produced our opening sequence, we believe that our film is something that could be produced by a major film studio through one of the multimedia conglomerates that dominate the high concept film industry. This is because it is similar to the high budget films produced by these companies which oligopolise the market as it is an action film which is fast and would require a large budget to achieve the desired impact we would want to achieve through the use of higher-end equipment and software than we have access to currently.

Page 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The main films we researched during the production of our opening sequence were the James Bond films, in particular the 3 most recent films in the international franchise: Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace and Skyfall. The Bond films are filmed primarily at Pinewood Studios which features one of the largest sound stages in the world.

Approximately $200million was pumped into the production Skyfall, and this allowed the film to take place in stunning scenery and prime locations in London. While we were limited to filming in the suburbanised village of Culcheth, if our film had such a massive production budget we believe that our film would be able to achieve a similar standard.

Page 4: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We took a lot of inspiration for our character of Agent Chase from James Bond, although we made our main character more rugged and someone who is even less accustomed to following orders than Bond is. As a result, we believe we have created a character worthy of a high end production company.

However, James Bond is a huge franchise that has the monetary input to hire stars that are already known to audiences and so help to sell the film. If our film was to be successful, we too would probably need a famous actor to take the lead role. Because of the fact that our character is similar to those already seen throughout action films, it would be easy for an experienced actor to fall into such a familiar role.

Page 5: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The opening to our film is also similar to those seen in action films within Hollywood. It begins almost immediately with action setting the basis for the rest of the film, and also raises questions in the audience that would be answered later in the film, such as what it is that has been stolen? And how exactly Agent Chase and Commander X are connected.

However, as a result of current action film franchises such as James Bond or The Avengers, it would be very difficult to wedge our way into the industry, as it is dominated by films which already have huge fan bases, and the way we would be able to do that is through distribution.

Distribution allows to film to be marketed to the target audience and to ensure the film is a success by creating a fan base as people learn about the film and want to find out more and watch it. We would create several trailers to be distributed in the weeks leading up to the film’s release. There would also be a website set up to allow people to find out more about the film, and this would form an easy and low cost way of advertising our film as it will be so easily accessible for the audience.

New media technologies also open new scopes for advertising, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Tumblr which require relatively tiny amounts of money to create a worldwide marketing campaign. These social network sites also allow prosumer marketing as people across the internet create their own tie-ins with the film, further advertising it.

Page 6: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Columbia Pictures is an example of a distribution company that could advertise our film. It is part of the multi-media conglomerate Sony and was the distributor of the 3 most recent bond films, as well as the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the Amazing Spider-Man films. Columbia has colossal scope to market in, due to the vast number of multi-media companies, converging in both technology and industry, that fall under Sony.

This can be seen in the marketing of The Amazing Spider-Man. It featured several posters and trailer, as well as merchandise such as a video game, action figures, trading cards and nail polish. A viral marketing campaign also surrounded the film which sent people on a scavenger hunt throughout cities in America via Twitter as well as graffiti logos, and both a Daily Bugle and Oscorp website.

If our film had this amount of marketing injected into it, it could become a highly successful film, as it has scope to become a game, and to have merchandise such as action figures and toys of the props used within the films. The fact that there is already a huge audience internationally for spy/action films also means that there is potential for our film to become a much larger franchise as it does have a relatively simple narrative and plenty of action. If it were to be distributed by a company like Columbia, the film could also be advertised within cinemas before their large new blockbusters (e.g. The Amazing Spider-Man 2) to raise awareness in an audience that are already fans of similar genres.

Page 7: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our film certainly has the potential to be distributed for exhibition within mainstream cinema in large cinema chains such as Odeon or Cineworld. This is because although our film may be more gritty than action movies such as Mission Impossible, it still does not require intense viewing, making it more familiar and easier to watch for the mass market. The film features one main plot line, with only one sub plot surrounding Commander X. As a result it does not challenge any of the audience’s conceptions or ideologies, like many picture house films do, and so makes for easy watching.

As an action film, Rogue would also be more adapted to being on the big screen, rather than a DVD or internet release, as it offers the experience of action-packed adrenaline for the viewer, an effect which simply cannot be matched currently.

Of course the film could later be released on DVD, adding to the cinema sales. The DVD could feature special features such as director commentary and behind-the-scenes footage and possibly an extended cut of the film to further promote people to buy it. Later the rights to the film could be sold to internet movie companies such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, and later to TV channels to further add to the revenue for the film, and to make the film more accessible to people.

Page 8: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We believe that our film could be produced and distributed by the multi-media movie giants because our film has the scope to make a profit, and that is the primary aim of any film in the mass market. To do this it would require a large budget but these horizontally integrated conglomerates would be able to fund our film and with the correct advertising campaign (which these companies are more than capable of doing) our film could become a huge success, and potentially spawn into a franchise surrounded my merchandise…