What I've Learnt

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Page 2: What I've Learnt

DRAFTS OF MUSIC VIDEO From the feedback for the music video I have learnt that the camera work

throughout the video is consistent and well shot for the whole video (however some shots were suggested were removed or re-filmed). This I learnt wasn't the key area to improve on the video as I first thought, as other points were highlighted which were key to elevate the level of the entire production.

The lip syncing was reported to need improvement so I went back and adjusted all the timings so that the artists lips fitted perfectly with the track.

Through this audience feedback on my first draft of the production I learnt that the narrative in my music video was weak and needed more attention than improving the camera work to the lip syncing. This helped me as I had something to focus on to improve the video rather than just improve what I already had, it helped me to learn that the video needed more direction.

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DRAFTS OF THE DIGIPAK Through the feedback for the digipak drafts, and continuing the

construction process on photoshop, I have learnt that there are often dramatic changes from your first draft to your final construction

I learnt that the digipak should be produced in colour, as colour is quite an important part of my music video construction and nature with the greens and earth colours should run through my video and ancillary texts.

Page 4: What I've Learnt

DRAFTS OF THE WEBSITE Through feedback on the drafts of my website I have learnt that the

website needs to display more information I learnt to include links to where you can buy the music (itunes etc) and

that the shop should be in pounds as apposed to dollars as this is being marketed as an new British artist.

The original website draft was laid out so that you had to scroll through one long page to get all the information. Through my feedback I learnt that this was hard to navigate and to find what you wanted. I therefore changed this to individual pages for shop, about, music etc so that you could quickly and easily navigate between them.

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VIDEO FEEDBACK FROM OTHER MEDIA STUDENTS Through this feedback I learnt that the music video was well received and

was enjoyed by media students (not just the ones questioned). I also learnt from both of the video feedbacks that the colour grading of the

video could be improved as it didn’t feel entirely consistent throughout At parts in the video I learnt that some shots can come across as boring or

unengaging for the audience. This could be improved.

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IMPROVEMENTS TO THE VIDEO THAT COULD BE MADE AS RESULT OF FEEDBACK (WHAT I’VE LEARNT) The colour grading could be changed to give more of a unified feel for the

entire video More interest in the video could be created through the use of a wider

variety of shots The use of location could be expanded during the music video to create

further interest to the audience as the feedback suggested that the same ‘type’ of location throughout can prove boring for the viewer.

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IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WEBSITE THAT COULD BE MADE AS RESULT OF FEEDBACK (WHAT I’VE LEARNT) A simpler layout which is easy to navigate (achieved on draft 2) More background information about Annika herself to again engage the

audience more in the artist. More synergy could be created by incorporating purple elements to

represent the artist’s dress in the video

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IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DIGIPAK THAT COULD BE MADE AS RESULT OF FEEDBACK (WHAT I’VE LEARNT) The purple of the artist dress could have been incorporated to further

strengthen the links between the media products The ‘square’ of the digipak with just the continuation of the about page

image (when folded) could have included further information or just used a different image to create variety and add interest to the digipak

I have learnt that the colours of the digipak weren’t as warm and vibrarnt as the colours in the music video. This could be changed to strengthen the artists image across her media platforms.