Arrows as swift as an eagle Raging through the air Challenging to hit the target Helpless when it strikes Envious of others that hit gold first time Rewarding endless effort Yearning for perfection

Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

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A selection of poems inspired by word play and trips away!

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Page 1: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Arrows as swift as an eagle

Raging through the air

Challenging to hit the target

Helpless when it strikes

Envious of others that hit gold first time

Rewarding endless effort

Yearning for perfection

Jaimes and Joshua

Page 2: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Heavenly up high

I stumble across its rolling tongue

Getting closer to its large, long hands

Hesitating to go any further

Rocking back and forth

Over the terrifying tight-rope

Perching on a rubber tyre

Eager to reach the finishing line

Successfully crossing my victory, panting with relief

Jemma, Hannah and Jennifer

Page 3: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Quick as lightning

Unstable as you start

Ahead the dirt circle bends

Diesel smells all around

Being reassured by people

I don’t want to stop

Kick up the speed

Energy pumping around my body

Stopping is not an option

Mark and Thomas S.

Page 4: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Keen to stay dry

Always ready to splinter the water

Yelling to others to get out of my way

Angrily splashing my opponents

King of the kayaks – that’s me

Ice-cold water as I capsize

Neglecting my safety as I panic to stand

Gulping large mouthfuls of air

Adam, Nathan and Travis

Page 5: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Heart beating rapidly

I stutter in nervousness

Getting buckled up while I wait

High off the ground

Ropes grasp my back tightly

Over everybody’s head I scramble

Petrified, I progress forward

Every step my confidence grows

Stupendously, I finish

Kieran, Liam and Daniel

Page 6: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Our Classroom

Mr Abey taught tirelessly while……

Jemma chatted continuouslyRebecca doodled happilyJennifer read endlessly

And Travis fidgeted annoyingly

Maisie day-dreamed happilyLauren wrote neatly

Tom played destructivelyAnd Heather highlighted miserably

Riona read loudlyHannah sketched quickly

Mark drifted aimlesslyAnd Abby drew neatly

Adam scribbled poshlyMegan skipped stupidlyFlorence sighed sadly

And Robyn wondered suspiciously

Page 7: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

Kieran shouted-out stupidlyLiam cried softly

Estella laughed happilyAnd Thomas gazed openly

Chloe dreamed tiredlyNathan coloured scruffily

Keavy scribbled badlyAnd Nikita chuckled madly

Daniel wailed endlesslySam stamped angrily

Joshua worked carefullyAnd Jaimes daydream silently

Jake tapped sillilyConnor groaned unapprovinglyMrs Stacey giggled unstoppably

And Mrs Thomas boomed uncontrollably!


Class 3

Page 8: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

The Lion’s Secret

I’ll never tell anyoneMy fierce mane was once a ring of red hot fireMy razor sharp teeth were once killer daggers

My long tail was once a painful whipMy gigantic paws were once the hands of a troll

My earth-shattering roar was once an air raid siren

Page 9: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

The Eagle’s Secret

I’ll never tell anyoneMy sharp claws were once a knife

My piercing yellow eyes were once searchlightsMy fluffy feathers were once part of a cloudMy pointy beak was once a pair of pliers

Page 10: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

The Piranha’s Secret

I’ll never tell anyoneMy razor sharp teeth were once daggers

My bright yellow eyes were once the lens from binocularsMy small agile fins were once the sails from a pirate boat

Page 11: Westwood Junior Poetry Yr6

The Frog’s Secret

I’ll never tell anyoneMy long pink tongue was once an elastic band

My bulging eyes were once red crystals hanging on a rich lady’s neck

My long powerful legs belonged to a catapultMy sticky webbed feet were once scuba divers flippers