Webquest "Same sex marriage"

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This is a webquest on same sex marriage as seen in newspaper articles.

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The use of technology and second languages , mainly English, make it necessary to work with and for all other subjects of the school syllabus in order to be update literate decoders of the present reality either local or global.

The use of technology and second languages , mainly English, make it necessary to work with and for all other subjects of the school syllabus in order to be update literate decoders of the present reality either local or global.

As online newspapers are suitable channels and mirrors through which all that happens is depicted ,students hold a debate to decide which relevant topics need investigation and analysis ..



As part of a whole year syllabus .students will seek for information in foreign and local newspapes about current outstanding issues which have either scientific of social relevance. Students are instructed to work in relay all through the experience so that at the end of the year they have practised working in all tasks involved in the master project based plan that encompasses many subjects.

As part of a whole year syllabus .students will seek for information in foreign and local newspapes about current outstanding issues which have either scientific of social relevance. Students are instructed to work in relay all through the experience so that at the end of the year they have practised working in all tasks involved in the master project based plan that encompasses many subjects.


Go through the different websites suggested in resources and

seek information about same sex marriage,

Determine which roles each of you will have :scanner ,skimmer

readers;deep analysts ;editors;revisers; all-task contributors.

In groups of four or five discuss your findings and share each

others’ views.

Process the information to write draft copies of journals on the

topic in Spanish and in English.

Create Group PowerPoint presentations to be added to the

school blog.

Write a final report considering all points of views and

considerations on the topic and process to be uploaded locally and

elsewhere possible.



Urls (website addresses) of online Argentine, American and English newspapershttp://www.wrx.zen.co.uk/britnews.htmhttp://www.thebigproject.co.uk/USNewspapers/index.htmhttp://www.buenosairesherald.com/http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/argentin.htm

Opera browser with voice plug-in to improve pronunciation and listening

Pop-up bilingual and monolingual.dictionaries








Students collect plenty of relevant informative samples

Students apply accurate and varied reading comprehension and data edition techniques.

Students produce very good paragraph formatting, files and images insertion, creation of hyperlinks, use of dictionaries.

Students enthusiastically apply cooperative learning strategies ,scaffolding peers and accepting being scaffolded by peers and teacher with very good use of resources and time allocation.

Students apply permanent sound metacognitive skills writing notes and readjusting learning variables.

Very good98

Students collect enough relevant informative samples

Students very good apply reading comprehension and data edition techniques.

Students produce good paragraph formatting, files and images insertion, creation of hyperlinks, use of dictionaries.

Students apply cooperative learning strategies, scaffolding and accepting being scaffolded by peers and teacher with very good use of resources and time allocation.

Students apply permanent metacognitive skills writing notes and readjusting learning variables.

Good765 (students who get this mark have the right to a make up )

Students collect informative samples of relative relevance and / or amount.

Students apply acceptable reading comprehension and data edition techniques..

Students produce good paragraph formatting, files and images insertion, creation of hyperlinks, use of dictionaries. with some mistakes or omissions,

Students apply cooperative learning strategies sometimes scaffolding and accepting being scaffolded by peers and teacher with monitored use of resources and time allocation.

Students apply frequent metacognitive skills writing notes and readjusting learning variables with the aid of monitors.

Below standards4321(Students who get these marks are considered especially so as to include them in next stages of the Master project with readjustment of all possible variables to get better results)

Students do not collect enough informative samples or lack relevance.

Students apply inaccurate or limited number of reading comprehension and data edition techniques.

Students produce poor paragraph formatting, files and images insertion, creation of hyperlinks or/ and their use of dictionaries is scanty or improper.

Students do not commit themselves to applying cooperative learning strategies .Scaffolding and /or accepting being scaffolded by peers and /or teacher is infrequent .Their use of resources and time allocation .is questionable.

Students very seldom apply metacognitive skills or write notes or readjust learning variables .

Rubrics for assessing webquest



In the school web page log make a comment giving your opinion on this WEBQUEST

The main findings of your production refer to:

Editor’s point of view.Society’s outlooks.Differences with ours.Differences among all.Similarities to ours.Similarities among all.• How do you think the

webquest could be improved?• Do you find the topic and the

way of working interesting?• Had you ever thought of

working with newspapers in the second language?


Prof. Stella Maris Berdaxagar


Gral Pico

La Pampa



June/August 2010

Instructor :Aurelia García