Video Research 2

Video Research 2

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Video Research 2

From viewing this music video I can see that each artist is rapping individually alone so that the audience can pay attention only to them. Having an artist to perform by them self suggests that the director done this deliberately so that the audience can listen carefully to what is being rapped by the artist which they can relate to their life style. I will be implementing the same method of having the artist to rap by himself therefore the audience will pay more attention to him and what he is saying and focusing on him within the music video.

Within the same video many shots have been utilized to catch the audience attention. The shot that most stood out from this music video was the close up shots of the artists face. Using a close up within a video allows the audience to see the artist facial expressions. I will be exploiting the use of close up shots within my music video to show the main casts emotions when he faces hardship during the narrative storyline because using this type of shot will allow the audience to identify how he is feeling at that time and place.