European Women Interactive Learning 11.6.2012 | Gaziantep- Turkey Using the ICT tools Dimitris Raftopoulos Head of Strategic Leadership Unit 3L Research Institute 1

Using the ICT tools

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3L Research Institute: Using the ICT tools

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Page 1: Using the ICT tools


European Women Interactive Learning

11.6.2012 | Gaziantep- Turkey

Using the ICT toolsDimitris RaftopoulosHead of Strategic Leadership Unit

3L Research Institute

Page 2: Using the ICT tools


Learning Experience Framework

1. Team building activities

2. Absorption of the e-material

3. Trainees practice

4. Evaluation


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Team building activities

Title of Activity Shake Hands

AimThe aim of the activity is the participants to know each other better

Description of activity:

All the trainees participate in this activity, including the trainer. In this activity the trainer requests from all

the trainees to greet each other through a shaking hand.

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Team building activities

Title of Activity Personal Object


The aim here is to facilitate a connection among the trainees and trainers and stimulate their creativity.

The purpose of this activity is the learners to select an object that best characterizes them, or reminds

them an incident or an adventure. After all participants having reflected on the story they wish to share,

each one will share their experience related to the object with the other participants.

Description of activity:

All the participants are asked to find an object that would characterize them. This object can be

something personal like a pen or a notebook etc or it can be something random, like an object that is

already in the room where the workshop is held.

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Team building activities

Title of Activity Needs and Expectations

Aim To know the expectations that the trainees hold on the project

To notify them about the aims of the workshop

Description of


Task 1: Group Discussion

The trainer asks the trainees to finish the statements mentioned below. Then the trainees write their

thoughts on the paper and stick it to the wall where the 3 sentences were written.

The trainer announces:

On the wall there are 3 big papers with following statements to finish, use your post-its to document

your thoughts:

1. I want to get to know here…

2. What I want to happen is…

3. Tomorrow I will end the workshop with…

Task 2: Group Discussion

The trainer introduces the trainees to the following discussion topics:

A. What are your expectations from this workshop?

B. What is important for you here?

C. What are the objectives of this project; you think you are able to meet them?

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Absorption of the e-material

Title of Activity E-lessons absorption

Aim The trainees are introduced to the basic ICT tools examined

Description of Activity:

Task: e-material absorption

The trainer asks from the trainees to access the e-platform and watch the e-material. The trainers have to

point out that the flash lessons demonstrate best cases of the activities that the trainees will perform

themselves later on.

After the trainees access the e-platform where the e-material is published and they absorb the e-material. The

e-material is constituted of interactive flash lessons (Table 2). Other available resources might be e-books and

videos. In this first stage the trainers/trainer might answer simple self-assessments questions (included in the

flash lesson) in order to evaluate their comprehension about the subjects presented

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Choose a cultural related subject

Task 1: Choosing an interesting to the participants cultural topic to work on for the learning experience.

The trainees with the guidance of the trainer will proceed in identifying an interesting to them cultural topic after a short discussion

between them. The trainer will provide useful onsite feedback and walk them through the next steps. The trainers will:

Have to identify an interesting topic

Identify the resources needed

Locate the resources on the world wide web and the available material

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Trainees’ Practice

Task 2: Creating a mind map at bubbl.us website

The trainers will access the bubbl.us site website and create their mind maps. In their mind map they will record their

organisational approach, information, data, material and tools to use, as well as the management of the tasks of the group, so that

they will learn how to:



Manage resources (information management)

Use a new and innovative tool such as bubbl.us

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Trainees’ Practice

Task 3: Creating a timeline at Dipity website

For this activity the trainer will ask from the each trainee to:

Seek information online and e-material (text, videos) that is already published in the e-platform about cultural content and creative an

interactive timeline at Dipity website

The trainees in order to use the functions of the platform have to create new accounts on the website

After organising the material collected, the trainees will start inserting the respective events in the Dipity timeline developing a time

learning path with information regarding their selected cultural theme. This is a collaborative task by all the participants of the learning


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Trainees’ Practice

Task 4: Development of the Power Point presentation

The trainer instructs the trainees to create a Power Point presentation containing screenshots with the steps followed until this point.

For the presentation the trainees are given the following guidelines:

Please create a MS Power Point presentation in which:

You describe the content of the e-material you found in the e-platform (subject)

Present the concept of developing the cultural topic

Present the steps followed when finding the resources online and in the platform (book binding) (provide screen shots with web


The steps followed when organised the content found online in a timeline in Dipity website (Provide screen shots of the

development of the Dipity timeline

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Trainees’ Practice

Task 5: Developing a MS Word document

The trainer urges the learners to create a document:

Please create a short report in MS Word in which:

You present the ICT and soft skills gained through the whole process so far. While also explain the positive effects this training

approach had to your personal development.

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Trainees’ Practice

Task 6: Developing an interactive presentation in Prezi

In particular, the trainer instructs the trainees to create an interactive presentation in Prezi online tool, presenting all the deliverables

they have developed so far:

Please follow the steps listed below:

Visit the Prezi website

Create a new user account

Create a New Prezi in which you will present every deliverable developed so far:

o A brief description of the original idea related to the cultural subject,

o The exported concept map created in bubbl.us,

o The final Dipity timeline,

o The Power Point presentation,

o The MS document.

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Presenting the results

Title of Activity Presentation of the Achievements

Aim The trainees learn how to present information in front of an audience

Description of Activity:

Task 1: Delivery of the tasks

This is a group activity. The trainees will present their findings concerning activity 3.1 Developing the

presentation in front of the rest of the team members.

Each group present its efforts on the tasks assigned. Each member of the group will be assigned to a

role. (e.g. 1 or 2 trainees will take up the presentation of the work done in Dipity site; another trainee will

present the Power Point Presentation, another one the final presentation in Prezi tool, and so on).

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Getting feedback

Title of Activity Feedback and group discussion

Aim The trainees will receive feedback for the work presented so far

Description of Activity:

After the end presentation all the trainees can take feedback on their work, from all the participants. The

trainer has a supportive role, he/she can offer instant feedback on the wok presented or can urge the

learners to do so. In particular the trainer should:

Acknowledge what approaches were correct and what not

Describe the correct way that the tasks have to be approached

Connection to Key Competences:

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Communication in foreign languages

Social and Civic Competences

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Evaluation process

Aim To evaluate the results

Description of Activity:

Task: Online Questionnaire

In this part the participants are asked to answer an online questionnaire that is hosted at the e-platform.Task 2: Group Discussion

What you think you earned from this experience? Did the learning approach meet your expectations? If you could change something what that be?

In order to have a better view on how the participants performed it is crucial to take into consideration:

The scores trainees achieved in the flash lessons The level of performance in their presentations & deliverables The level of collaboration between the members of each one of the groups

Final inspection on whether the overall learning goals set were achieved or not.

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Let’s start!