Unit 3 pr1 production research

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Lauren Allard


Page 2: Unit 3 pr1 production research

RECCEA Reece (Location Recce) is when you scout the area of your chosen location, you gather information about your chosen location. The location Recce has to be filled out during pre-production before filming starts, during the planning of the project. The location Recce would contain images of the chosen location, of each area where you will be filming. This helps the director decide of lighting, if the right lighting would work in this location or area. Where to place the equipment, if the location has enough space.

For each location a Recce form needs to be filled out, taking photographs and videos of the area when it is empty helps. Measurements of the chosen location would be needed in the Recce form if possible, for a floor plan. In the Recce form it’s best to list out anything that cannot be removed that the crew and cast would have to work around.

For example: This image is of an old abandoned room, if someone was going to film a short film/documentary/film/advert etc. they would have to take pictures and mark things that they cannot remove that they would have to work around,

• Window• Hole in the floor• Wires

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LOCATION SCOUTINGA location scout is a role as one of the crew members in a production project. The location scout’s job is to find a location that fits a scene perfectly for either a TV show, film or advert. The location scout uses the script that would contain details of the ‘dream’ location and finds something similar that they can complete their stage of production in.

Location scouting is finding the perfect location that matches the scene in the script. That the writer or writers have created. Location scout’s often drive to the locations by themselves or with others to check out the chosen location to make sure that the area is perfect for that scene in the project.

For example: For the film ‘The Woman In Black’ the writer would hand over a copy of the script to the location scout, who would research different locations that match the description given to him/her. The location scout would then go to the location and scout the area, taking pictures or videos to take back to the rest of the crew. Location scouting is important when it comes to producing any project in the media industry, for documentaries, TV shows or films it has to be done.

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CHOSEN FIELD.In order to start any media project, the producer would need to take care of some of the basics. The producer would need to arrange transport, they would have to send emails to arrange the transport needed.

For projects like documentaries the producer would have to send some emails and letters for gather some professionals that know information and facts about the main topic that would be featured in the documentary.

For example the TV show Most Haunted investigates the supernatural in some of the most haunted buildings. The show is classed as a reality/Documentary. The producer of the show would have to email experts that have information that can be delivered in the show. The producer would have to arrange transportation and equipment, clothes, catering. They would have to emails or letters to the experts and the owner of the buildings to get permission to film in this location, and to feature their information on the show. They would sometimes ask the experts to feature in the show to help film the show/documentary when using the location

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In order for this project to be produced and aired to be viewed by the public it has to be promoted by an employment agency. The employment agencies promote the project to grab the attention of people who are looking for a job in this business. This helps gather a team together to make the production bigger and better.

The Guardian is a media based newspaper aimed at people who are in or hope to be in the media industry. The Guardian promotes job opportunities for people who are looking for work in different media sectors.

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TREATMENTA treatment is a short story narrative written in simple non technical language (e.g. Camera angles, transitions etc.).

The treatment evokes on how the audience will experience the film (production) when it is on the screen, writing in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they see, hear and feel on screen. Describe the story and introduce the characters. Write the story and add detail and description so that it helps the other members of the crew create the rest of the production, the more detail added into the treatment the easier it is for the reader.

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LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Copyright: Copyright is a big issue in the media industry. Legal protection is advised so that someone else cannot use their product in their name, classing it as theirs. Technically stealing their media product.

Health And Safety: Health and Safety is important in the media industry, especially parts of the industry that require equipment. For example – In the film and TV industry a risk assessment has to be completed, noting all the health and safety risks and how the issues certain things will cause can be prevented.

Employers Rights: All employees in the company all have employers rights, which have to be taken into account by the employer. These rights include: Pay sick Leave, Request breaks, Training Time. And many more.

Harm and Offense: TV producers are responsible on protecting children and other viewers from unsuitable content that would appear during the broadcast of a TV show.

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MARKET RESEARCH The collection and Analysis of information about the market within the product, the researcher is in. For example: If a Producer was creating a new radio station, he/she would have to research into other radio stations that have a high percentage of listeners daily. The producer would look at the radio stations and find out what makes it so popular and well known. The presenters? The music? The content? The USP?.

This market research would help the producer with his/her own product inside of the market. This would help the Producer when it comes to avoiding copyright, and any other legal issues.

Example of Researching into other companies in the same market, and sector.