Using LinkedIn for career development UKSG Conference Glasgow 2015 Anne Knight and Ayesha Peeran

UKSG Conference 2015 - Using LinkedIn for job hunting, career development and professional networking Anne Knight and Ayesha Peeran Cranfield University

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Using LinkedIn for career development

UKSG Conference Glasgow 2015

Anne Knight and Ayesha Peeran

All about Cranfield (in 60 seconds!)

• Founded in 1946, gained University status in 1969

• Entirely postgraduate

• Two campuses, Cranfield and Shrivenham

• Specialise in fields of aerospace, agri-food, defence and security, energy, environmental technology, manufacturing, transport system and management and leadership.

A Premier learning experiencefor professionals

• among 1% of business schools with

triple accreditation • three times winner of the prestigious

Queen’s Anniversary Prize• the UK’s only university with a

Postgraduate Loan Scheme.


• Customised Executive Education

• Engineering and Technology


Ranked Top:

6 in the UK, No.1 MBA15 in Europe, &

46 in the world.




Our learners: 4,430 Postgraduate

760 Doctoral

20,000 CPD

Our alumni: 58,000+

Over half:

Study part-

time whilst in employment

Come from

outside the

UK (110+ countries)

What we’re going to cover

• Overview of LinkedIn and how to use its free tools

• Expanding your professional network

• Keeping up-to-date with news and recent research

•Social Recruiting Survey Results 2014 Page 7

Social media isan essentialrecruitmenttool acrossindustries.


Jobvite 2014 Job Seeker Nation: Mobility In The Workforce Study

Which of the following social networks do you use for recruiting?







What is LinkedIn?

• World's largest professional network with over 332million users – and growing!

• Over 17+ million users in the UK

• 2 members joining every second

• 3.5M+ active company profiles

• 1.8M+ jobs at any one time across all sectors

Six degrees of separation

Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer.

Using LinkedIn


How does it work?

Lots of people are on LinkedIn.

You have a LinkedIn profile.

You have LinkedIn Connections.

You get LinkedIn Emails.

But now what?

LinkedIn is more than about establishing connections. It’s about helping you become more productive.

Build your knowledge

• Explore job roles – what job titles are there in x, what organisations do people in x work for?

• Look at careers paths – how people got into their role

• Identify organisations to target (by sector or location)

• Research organisations – what sort of people do they employ

• Identify contacts to target

• Have a LinkedIn routine

How to use your LinkedIn profile to engage employers

• Achieve 100% completeness on your profile

• Have a clear professional photo

• Use keywords and skills – select these from your CV

• Build your network by connecting with relevant people.

• Get recommendations from people you have worked with

• Search jobs using the job search section of LinkedIn

• Stay Connected & contribute by regularly checking your profile, updating updating your details when necessary and connecting with people.

Other ways for employers to find you…

• Contact Details; remember to add these to the box on your profile

• Make sure your profile is public so you can be found! Manage your settings

• Customise your URL i.e. “http://linkedin.com/in/yourfullname.”

• Update your profile regularly using status updates. You are more likely to come up in

• Get recommendations! 90% of people believe that recommendations are useful in gaining trust.

• Add websites if they are relevant to your job search. If described accurately, these can enhance your google search rank.

• Join and participate in groups will get your profile seen!

• Follow companies & their updates for industry news and job links

LinkedIn groups

• Join groups to expand your network of contacts, up to 50

• Can automatically view most profiles and send messages to people in the group

• Groups useful for asking questions and sharing information

• Change settings to ‘weekly digest’ for large groups

Errors to avoid

• Unprofessional or no photo

• Poor grammar and spelling

• Not updating status regularly

• Long wordy summary

• Not using key words

• Not being active

Links to creating and improving a profile

• LinkedIn resource centre • book a free webinar• Helpdesk https://help.linkedin.com/app/home

• Look after your online reputation• http://www.onlineidcalculator.com/index.php

Online look at profiles

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

Using LinkedIn for Keeping up-to-date

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