Turkey: the benefits of a future EU membership

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Turkey: the benefits of a future EU membership

Beginning of negotiations with EU

12 December 1999: recognised as a candidate for full membership

3 October 2005: formal beginning of negotiations by adoption of Negotiating Framework

Based on: Screening process (first stage)Three pillars


North Turkey is an invaluable bridge between Europe and Asia.

As a member, it would re-invigorate Europe’s relations with fast evolving regions like the energy rich Caucasus and Central Asia.

EU would help by preventing the expansion of the islamic threat, in the Middle East

Unique geo-strategic positionStrength of NATO’s second-largest army

would greatly add to European security.



Semi-democraticThe access to membership will provide

Turkey the incentive to improve the domestic political climate of the country

Turkey is a member of NATO since 1952. If it leaves NATO and cooperate with non-NATO states, it would prove a very strong enemy.


Turkey's economy is growing rapidly, in contrast, to the majority of the established EU states.

GDP: $820.2 billion (2013)Per-capital income has increased six-fold and

the average Turk is now better off than his Romanian and Bulgarian counterparts in the EU(which joined the EU during the last enlargement wave of 2007)

Excellent opportunities for future investment.

Source: tradingeconomics.com

Turkey’s growth compared with the rest of the world

Source: IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)


Turkey has been entwined in Europe’s history since the Ottomans crossed the Bosporus in the 14th Century. The country’s westward outlook has accentuated under the republic since 1922.

EU membership could be a catalyst for resolving the Kurdish issue as well as relations with Cyprus and Armenia.