Treasure in the mind

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Page 1: Treasure in the mind

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Treasure is in the Mind

Page 2: Treasure in the mind

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Treasure is in the Mind

Swamivekanad asked once “ where does the true resources of nation hides?”

The answer cannot be a general one like, it is in the earth crust, water , air , forest ,land or people etc etc

The true resource hides in the Mind of the Children.

Thus prosperity of nation is decided by the quality of Minds.

Page 3: Treasure in the mind

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Man is product of Mind.

The picture of our today's personality was the once a thought or desire happened in the life, This gradually cropped up into action & turned up to the present.

Mind gives shape / dimension / image / value / attraction / perception / capacity etc to make the personality.

So the word “MAN” could be read as MANA ( in Hindi) Which means “So the Mind so the Man.”

Page 4: Treasure in the mind

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How man is different from Animal ?

Man has a : Better Dreams. Better imaginations Better planning Better challenge Better determination Better execution Better knowledge to decide the right or wrong one

and Humanity to live. Though the Man comes from the specie of animal

but never fall in that category from the above.

Page 5: Treasure in the mind

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Mind is the invisible but its’ fruits.

When you look at the a big flourishing / fruit bearing tree.

Our eyes will look first at its’ bearing Fruits / Flowers, then its enormous shape, greenery , lush leaves, branches, or children / birds playing on it.

But only invisible part of the tree is its ROOTS. If roots are not strong nothing will seen to the world. Similarly Mind is the root of a Man’s personality.

Page 6: Treasure in the mind

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What is Mind ?

Mind is just like a software of the physical Body.

It is not like any other part or organ of a human body, which can be shown.

It could be said that it exists between the Brain & Body.

All the human senses works like a antenna for mind and finally mind symbolizes as a sixth sense.

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MIND is a Bad or Good one?

All minds are equal by Birth.No one is borne in the world with Good or Bad mind.The difference exists from uncultured to cultured or

Trained or untrained mind. Mind is like a carbon if cultured it becomes a diamond

otherwise a black one. Mind is like a gene of a Alludin’ lamp.Mind is like a wish tree – A story says that a man came

under a wish tree, he got all that he wished. He was so happy finally when he wanted to sleep, he thought of a cruel animal to take the advantage of loneliness. Suddenly there appeared a cruel animal and ate way. Thus mind wish completed.

Page 8: Treasure in the mind

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Who forms the mind tree of children‘s ?

Home environmentNeighboring environment School environment Social Media environmentFriends environmentAll these certainly directly or indirectly

cause to make a negative or positive impact on children’s mind in there growth (personality).

Page 9: Treasure in the mind

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How mind rejuvenates ?

A statistics gives that a child has been spoken negatively an average of one lakh & forty thousand times till the age of 18 years.

Eg. Do not go there / Do not do thatYou cannot do that / You are unfit / not

possible for you. / it is waste / useless It is dangerous / it is difficult / it ruins / it is

foolish etc.

Page 10: Treasure in the mind

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Negative thought is loosing of freedom

A baby elephant use to be chain its leg to teach that it cannot be broken. Same thing holds true for that elephant even when it becomes a mighty size. Though the elephant has enormous energy, it does not believe that it can break the chain. This is how the negative impact acts on mind.

Page 11: Treasure in the mind

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What attracts to the mind ?

Mind generally takes interest in the easy path, short cut routes, By pass system, irrational approach, easy going, gossiping. All it takes as granted by the examples of surrounding or from the functioning of society.

Children learn more from surrounding / from day to day happening examples rather than simply reading in the class room or following books. That is the reason a problems of confusion crop up in society or in national level.

Page 12: Treasure in the mind

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Where is the solution ?

The solution to the problem is not in the recruitment of police / guards , making new rules, installing cameras, increasing the punishment level, spending money on hi-tech things etc.

The true solution comes from right quality EDUCATION.

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Education is not the count of literacy rate.Education is not the no. of certificate holders.Education is not the no. of educational buildings.Education is not the completion of time bound syllabus.Education is no the profession which earns more money.Education is not the transferring knowledge from book to mind.Education is not the which gives EGO.The true education is not in the measurable quantity but in

valuable quality.The true education transformation of man into Human being. Education means enlighten the life.Education is not teaching but practicing for better life.

Page 15: Treasure in the mind

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Who is the maker of a Nation ?

The amount or quantity of things are not necessarily be the true indicator for measurement of Happiness. If so all rich countries could have been happiest one.

Therefore development of science and technology, more products like communication, Transportation, medicines etc are only facilitator for the better services.

Page 16: Treasure in the mind

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Who’s hand is having the Fortune of a Nation ?

Fortune of nation is not in the hands of industrialist / not in the hand of professional / politicians / in any physical resources.

Swami Vivekananda says that the true fortune of nation lies basically in the hands of TEACHERS.

Teachers mould the children with right tool of education to make fit for the betterment of nation.

Therefore education system should be as Holy as Temple. Then only the value of education has meaning & purpose.

Page 17: Treasure in the mind

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Food For Mind

Love yourself. Believe you can. Never underestimate. Good habits protect & develop the positive image. Compete oneself because you a unique / origin, not the copy of some

one. Nothing is impossible un till attempt it. Learn Encouragement even for small attempt. Enthusiasm is the motivating energy. Appreciation is tool for mind attitude. Teach failure is not the insult it is the courage to attempt or move

ahead. Do not argue but discuss things ? Never think what other think of you..

Page 18: Treasure in the mind

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Food For Mind

Doubt splits the personality. Get the clarity. Think & act at good qualities which give the true results. Discuss without labeling as a messenger for that. Discipline is not enforced with punishment but with importance and necessary. Time is never short for achieving , it is not respecting the value of time. The day you serve some one needy, you think you are a rich man. Hard work is not the solution but the smart work. Do only what you enjoy & nourish you the rest you are in heaven . Listen to respect do what respect you. Doing same mistake make you handicap. Life is not measured by few statistics but measured by its completeness in

purpose. Ultimately cherish what you have not worry on what you do not have. Know

that nobody on earth have everything. You become master only when your mind obeys your command.