Hecho por : Francisco José Alcón Piñero y Pedro Ganfornina Falcón

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Hecho por : Francisco José Alcón Piñero y Pedro Ganfornina Falcón

The origins :Its origins come from celtics beliefs . The party celebrates in honour of Samhain , the dead god of the Celtics. October 31 was the end of the year and all the community celebrated it will enormus fires because they thought that in winter the division between the world of the death and the world of the living would disappear .

Samhain´s Photos

History :It all began more than 2500 years ago, when the Celtic year finished with the end of the summer, just the 31rst of October.

What did the celts do to avoid it ?

They made their houses look dirty and they decorated them with bones, skulls and different unpleasant things so the dead would be frightened and wouldn’t get in their homes. That’s were all the tradition about the costumes and decorating your houses come from.

Celtics Photos :

By : Francisco José Alcón Piñero and Pedro Ganfornina Falcón . 4ºAFor : Sacry .