Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.co m 1987 Street Ave City, State 60623, US. Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.co m 1987 Street Ave City, State 60623, US. Tissue Culture Biotechnology Feb – 2012 The Guide Fun Fruit Nutrition By: Afida Zahara Adzkiya Alifah Farah Gusmaniar Indah Puspita Aziz Ridha Astri Indryana

Tissue culture

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Page 1: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

Tissue CultureBiotechnology

Feb – 2012

The Guide


By:Afida Zahara AdzkiyaAlifah Farah GusmaniarIndah Puspita AzizRidha Astri Indryana

Page 2: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

Definition of tissue cultureFunFruitNutrition

Tissue culture is an activity to cultivate a tissue of plant vegetatively to be a plant that has similar property to its parent in a short time.

Plants can be multiplied using this technique as plants have a totipotency ability, meaning that from a tissue they can grow and develop into new individuals. Tissue culture is used to solve food shortage problems.

Page 3: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

Tissue culture was found and well

known by F.C Steward, a plant physiologist

from United States. Who did his research in

1989. Steward try to make tissue culture of

carrot and he is success.

Tissue culture well because the

work of Muer, Hildebrant, and Riker in


Information Layout Slide with TableFunFruitNutrition

Page 4: Tissue culture

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The Various Uses of Tissue Culture

• Obtaining a lot of germs in a short time with similar property to the parent.

• Making plants with properties we want.

• Tissue culture is economical from aspect of time , space, and energy.

• Produce plants free from virus and disease.


Page 5: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

The Procedure of Tissue Culture Technique

Preparing growth medium

Preparing tissue

Cultivating tissue in liquid

growth medium

Moving plant whose root bud and leaf bud

have grown to another solid growth medium

Cultivating plant in pot

containing soil

Cultivating plant in actual


Page 6: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.


Preparing growth medium.Substance that must exist in growth medium consist of minerals (macro element, such as C, H, O, N and micro element such as Zn, Mo), amino acid, vitamin, sugar, and hormone in certain amount.

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Preparing tissue.The tip part of a young shoot, such as root and leaf tips, are cut into 1-1.5 mm³. Next, the tissue is sterilized using 5% hypochlorite calcium and is washed off several times with sterile aquadest.

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Cultivating tissue (explants) in liquid growth medium.Explants are placed in a mixer table (shaker) that shakes at 60-70 times per minute. The mixing is performed for 6 hours a day for 1.5 – 2 months . Shaking is meant for faster distribution of substance and food absorption as well as process of gas exchange. In about 2 months, callus will grow in this liquid medium.


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Moving plant whose root bud and leaf bud have grown to another solid growth medium.


Page 10: Tissue culture

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Cultivating plant in pot containing soil.The plants whose rot bud and leaf bud have grown are removed to another solid medium to be separated, so bigger plants can grow.


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Cultivating plant in actual land.Before being cultivated in actual land, the plant from solid medium is moved or cultivated first in a pot that contains soil that has been given fertilizer. If the condition of plant has been strong, it can be moved to actual land.

Page 12: Tissue culture

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Question Time

Apakah objek yang dikultur oleh pempopuler tekhnik kultur jaringan (Muer, Hildebrant, and Riker) sama dengan objek

yang dikultur oleh F. C. Steward?

Tidak sama.Hildebrant berhasil mengembangkan tekhnik kultur jaringan pada sel-sel rambut dari jaringan mesofil daun tanaman monokotil.Muer berhasil menumbuhkan tanaman lengkap dari kultur sel tunggal.Kalau Riker kami belum mengetahui apa objek yang dikulturnya, namun pada logikanya itu pasti berbeda dengan objek yang dikultur oleh F. C. Steward.

Page 13: Tissue culture

Balanced Nutrition Coming to Fruition www.funFruit.com1987 Street Ave City, State60623, US.

Question Time

Question from Sabila:“What kind of plant that usually used for tissue culture?”

Pada dasarnya semua jenid tumbuhan dapat dikultur, karena semua tumbuhan memiliki sifat totipotensi di jaringan meristem (ujung akar dan batang). Namun tumbuhan yang biasanya dikultur adalah:-Yang pertumbuhannya lambat atau susah-Memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi-Banyak bergunan bagi masyarakat-Contohnya adalah tanaman anggrek, jati dan tebu.