The White House. By: Anton Bondar School: 913 Form : 6 G Teacher:S.V. Khodako Moscow 2014

The White House Anton Bondar

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Page 1: The White House Anton Bondar

The White House.

By: Anton BondarSchool: 913Form : 6 GTeacher:S.V. KhodakovaMoscow 2014

Page 2: The White House Anton Bondar

The Irish architect James Hoban designed the White House in Washington D.C.

Who designed the White House in Washington D.C. ?

An architect.

Page 3: The White House Anton Bondar

The work on it began in 1793 and in 1800 it was completed.

When did the work on the White House in Washington D.C begin? When was it completed?

The origin.

Page 4: The White House Anton Bondar

The mansion is the home of American presidents.

Whose home is the mansion White House?

Whose ?.

Page 5: The White House Anton Bondar

When it was built it didn't have the name 'White House'.

The name.

Page 6: The White House Anton Bondar

During the war with the British in 1814, the second war for independence, the building was damaged.

When was the building damaged? The reason of the rebuilding.

Page 7: The White House Anton Bondar

Some time later they painted the building white to hide the marks on the walls.

Why did they paint the building white ?

The new colour.

Page 8: The White House Anton Bondar

The name "Executive Mansion" was used in official documents until President Theodore Roosevelt established the formal name "White House" in 1901.

What name was used in official documents until President Theodore Roosevelt established the formal name "White House" in 1901?

The old name.

Page 9: The White House Anton Bondar


Page 10: The White House Anton Bondar

1.The ……..architect James Hoban designed the White House in Washington D.C.

c. Irishb. Welsh

a. English

Page 11: The White House Anton Bondar

2.The work on the White House began in ……………..it was completed.

b. 1793 and in 1800

a. 1893 and in 1900

c. 1739 and in 1900

Page 12: The White House Anton Bondar

3.The mansion is the home of ……….presidents.

a. American

b. British

c. Russian

Page 13: The White House Anton Bondar

4.During the war with the British in…….., the second war for independence, the building was damaged.




Page 14: The White House Anton Bondar

5.The name "Executive Mansion" was used in official documents until President ……………established the formal name "White House" in 1901.

b. Theodore Roosevelt

a. Thomas Jefferson

c. Barack Obama

Page 15: The White House Anton Bondar

1. Ю.Е.Ваулина, О.Е.Подоляко. « Английский в фокусе»Тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА» 6 класс.Издательство «Просвещение»,2013

Resources :

2 https://www.google.ru/search?q=the+statue+of+Liberty+pictures&newwindow=1&espv=2&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=xXFHU9DsIMij4gTCk4HQBg&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=960&bih=649&dpr=1#newwindow=1&q=white+house+pictures&tbm=isch&imgdii=_

3. http://skhodakova.ucoz.ru/load

Page 16: The White House Anton Bondar

The White House.

By: Anton BondarSchool: 913Form : 6 GTeacher:S.V. KhodakovaMoscow 2014