Holly Taylor, Charlotte Wickens, Daisy Steel and Pete Scrimshaw.

The pitch

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Page 1: The pitch

Holly Taylor, Charlotte Wickens, Daisy Steel and Pete Scrimshaw.

Page 2: The pitch

• The name of our production company is: Warped


• We chose the word ‘warped’ because the definition of it

is ‘ to make or become bent or twisted out of shape,

typically as a result of the effects of something’,

• We liked this concept as it links to our chosen genre of

psychological thriller in which things are twisted and that

aspect is encouraged.

Page 3: The pitch

• The chosen name of our film is The Searchers.

• We chose this as it summarises the overall plot line so

it’s easier for the audience to know what it is about so

they can decided whether they are interested or not.

• Also the fact that its only two words long makes the

audience question the mysteriousness and may

encourage them to find out what they are searching.

Page 4: The pitch

• The main character is Pete Scrimshaw

played by Pete Scrimshaw, Pete is the

missing person who everyone is looking

for, he is dark and inexplicable.

• The other characters Daisy, Charlotte and

Holly. Their role is to find Pete and they

are very determined and private.

Page 5: The pitch

• Pete has gone missing from a mental institution and the

staff there do not want to contact the police as it would

ruin their reputation and company so instead search for

him themself. The searching characters give up hope

after countless efforts which always fail, the film fades to

black, it then reveals the missing person is in fact alive

and is still moving on. It leaves the film on a cliffhanger

and then shows where the searching characters went

wrong as the missing person tricked them or led them in

the wrong direction.

Page 6: The pitch

• Who are the character and what do they

look like and behave like.

• The setting in which the plot takes place.

• Montage sequence

• Parallel editing

Page 7: The pitch

• The Silence of The Lambs: This influenced us as the

setting was in a prison so sparked the idea we could also

do this.

• Psycho: This sequence influenced us when planning

what genre to do as we thought it would be interesting to

do a psychological thriller to keep the audience

guessing. Also in the film, there is an example of

someone pretending to be someone else which makes it

very mysterious and hidden.

Page 8: The pitch

• Our target audience is predominantly

female but also males are included.

• Our age range covers the groups of 15-24

and 25-34 because of the research we

found on pearl and dean.

• We aim to appeal to the viewers who

frequently watch psychological thrillers so

that they could recommend it to their


Page 9: The pitch

• What do you like about the genre

psychological thrillers?

• We're making a missing person related

plot. What do you think of this idea?

• Do you have any advice for our up and

coming film?