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The Lusitania & Zimmerman Note

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Page 1: The Lusitania & Zimmerman Note

Lusitania &

The Zimmerman Note

MAST HSUS HIS – Period 4Ms. Richardson

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AIM: How did the sinking of the Lusitania and discovery of the Zimmerman note change American foreign-policy?

SWBAT analyze the reasons for the United States entry into WWI.

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Main Causes of WII

•M – Militarism •A – Alliances• I – Imperialism•N - Nationalism

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• British leaders decided to use their navy to blockade Germany to keep essential goods from reaching the other country.

• Germany responded by attempting to blockade Britain and began sinking Allied ships using its U-boats, or submarines.

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Sinking of the R.M.S. Lusitania • British ship sunk by a

German submarine on May 7th, 1915.

• 1,191 passengers on board were killed, including 128 Americans.

• Ship was carrying weapons and other contraband.

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The Zimmermann NoteJanuary 1917

• Proposed an alliance Between Germany and Mexico.

• If the US declared war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on the United States.

• Shocked Americans

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Document B: Woodrow Wilson Speech

Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot be. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind.

The German policy has swept every restriction aside. Ships of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom of the ocean without warning.

Neutrality is no longer possible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved. The world must be made safe for democracy.

Source: President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress, April 2, 1917.

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• Role of the Writer: Who are you as the writer? A movie star? The President? Student?

• Audience: To whom are you writing? A senator? Yourself? A company?

• Format: In what format are you writing? A diary entry? A newspaper?

• Topic: What are you writing about?

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• Role of the Writer: Yourself (1917)

• Audience: ______________

• Format: Letter or Journal Entry

• Topic: Why America should or should not stay neutral in WWI.

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Terms and Conditions

• Write no less than four paragraphs.

• Must include: neutrality/foreign policy, Lusitania, and Zimmerman note.

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March 11, 1917Dearest Abigail,

I hope this letter greets you with good health and fortunes. I am writing to you about the war in Europe as I believe my worst fears will soon be confirmed and America will enter the war. President Wilson stated we will be neutral, however, with the sinking of the Lusitania and discovery of the Zimmerman note I fear neutrality is no longer possible.