The Literacy Project Game Development

The Literacy Project

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The Literacy ProjectGame Development

The Learning SpaceCreating a positive cognitive impression of and a sense of attachment to the learning space, through cultural relevancy, complexity, mystery and enchantment.

Graetz, K. A. (2006) The psychology of learning environments. EDUCAUSE Review

[online], 41 (6) pp. 60-75.

Chapman D.D. & Stone S.J. (2010) Measurement of outcomes in virtual environments.

Advances in Developing Human Resources [online]. 12 (6), pp. 665-680.

The NarrativeContextualising the learning goals, describing the mission and providing the cover story for game-play.

Dickey, M.D. (2006) Game design narrative for learning: Appropriating adventure game

design narrative devices and techniques for the design of interactive learning

environments. Educational Technology Research and Development [online]. 54 (3), pp.


Colne, C. (2003) An anatomy of narrative curricula. Educational Researcher [online]. 32

(3), pp. 3-15.

The Game-PlayA scaffolding approach that mimics the cascading information theory for game dynamics of creating a “simple but staged process to avoid information overload” (Schonfeld, 2010).

Schonfeld, E. (2010) TechCrunch: SCVNGR's Secret Game Mechanics Playdeck.

Available from: http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/25/scvngr-game-mechanics/

The Role of the TutorThe tutor's role becoming more one of practitioner, mentor and actor alongside learners rather than aloof from the learning experience.

de Freitas, S. and Neumann, T. (2009) The use of ‘exploratory learning’ for supporting

immersive learning in virtual environments. Computers and Education [online]. 52, pp.
