Media Studies Coursework: The Holy Demon Opening Sequence Evaluation

The holy demon opening sequence evaluation 07.03.15

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Media Studies Coursework:

The Holy Demon

Opening Sequence Evaluation

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Question 1:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?Mise-En-Scene

In terms of costumes, I have followed the general convention within films of the superhero genre by having the main protagonist, the Holy Demon, wear a costume that hides his true identity. However, unlike the costumes of particular superhero characters from films of the same genre, like The Incredibles (2004), Batman (1989) and the Superman film franchise (1978-2006) that consist of only portions of their faces being masked, I have had the Holy Demon wear a mask that covers the entirety of his face. This is so that it would be a lot more understandable to the audience why his identity would be unknown to other characters, which is a convention that has previously been done so with the superhero characters in the films of the Spider-Man/The Amazing Spider-Man franchise (2002-2007 and 2012-2014) and Iron Man (2008). It would also maintain the realistic atmosphere which I am aiming to create throughout the opening sequence, rather than a fantasy-like atmosphere that various films of the same genre, which I have stated previously, consist of.Additionally, I have challenged the general conventions of the superhero genre of having the setting and location of the main protagonist’s local residence be either set in the United States (the Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-present), which consists of Iron Man living in Los Angeles, and Captain America living in New York City) or in a fictional residence (the initial Batman film franchise (1989-1997) and The Dark Knight trilogy (2005-2012), which is set in the fictional city, Gotham) by having the setting and location of the product be in the United Kingdom. This is primarily represented through the use of the costumes worn by the Bank Robbers, which consist of very low-key coloured hoodies. It is uncommon of criminal characters to be wearing these costumes in a majority of films of the superhero genre; instead they generally and stereotypically wear leather jackets and knit caps (The Mask (1994), Spider-Man (2002) and Spider-Man 2 2004)). However, it is common for criminal characters in British films to be wearing hoodies (Shifty (2008) and London to Brighton (2006)) . This assisted in creating the realistic atmosphere that I aimed to create, and also reinforces the British nature of the product.Although, I have reinforced the conventions of the superhero genre of having the majority of scenes and shots consist of very low-key lighting and colours, which therefore reinforces the realistic and mature atmosphere of the product. This was originated by the superhero film, Batman Begins (2005), which influenced future films of the same genre, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) and Man of Steel (2013) to consist of similar low-key colours and lighting so that the product would attract an adult audience rather than just its target audience, children and teenagers, which is the primary goal of my product as well.

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SoundDuring the getaway car and car park scenes, there is evident ambient sound which I have included to assist in creating a realistic atmosphere. This sound technique has generally been used in various films of various genres; mostly to create a normal, average environment, which I have challenged and only used to create a realistic and tense environment and atmosphere. This is partly how The Dark Knight created a suspenseful and intimidating atmosphere; most prominently in the street as Harvey Dent interrogates one of the Joker’s henchmen, who is anxious and horrified.Additionally, in terms of sound, I have challenged the general conventions of the film’s sounds being produced after the logos by including dramatic static sound effects and the voiceover of a police woman character being produced during the final logo of my film company, TD Productions, which is done so to have the audience be instantly interested in the film; making them want to continue watching the film to see what it is about. This sound technique has been executed by previous films of the action adventure and superhero genre; Quantum of Solace, the Spider-Man trilogy and The Mask (1994), which have done so for the same reason.

Cinematography and EditingDuring the getaway car scene, I have followed the convention of having there be various action match cuts to short takes of the car to create a fast pace; therefore making the audience feel excited and enthralled. This editing technique has been executed in a number of film products of the action adventure and superhero genre in which there is a car chase; including Spider-Man (2002), Quantum of Solace (2008) and The Dark Knight (2008). However, I have slightly challenged the convention of the scene being shot with a steadicam through the majority of the sequence (as seen in the previous film products that I have stated) by having the shots be handheld instead. This therefore creates a sense of realism in the sequence, and increases the tension too. Also, my opening credits have challenged the general conventions of the film’s title being presented to the audience at the end of the title sequence, rather than after the film companies’ names and before the remaining credits (which has previously been done so in the film, Godzilla (2014)). This is so that the audience do not know of the Holy Demon before he makes his first appearance and so that they only know of his name after he makes his appearance, which would make the character appear more mysterious to the audience during the opening sequence. Also, having the film’s title being presented after the credits will signify the opening sequence’s end to the audience.

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Question 2:How does your media product present particular social groups?

My opening sequence consists of three primary characters, but only two stereotypes being portrayed; the most evident one being the ‘superhero’ stereotype:The main protagonist, the Holy• When leading normal life, is average human being – bright coloured yet faded shoes, genes, jumper represent middle class.• Hidden identity, Masks – Low Angle Shots, High Angle Shots, OTS Shots, Costume, Match On Action.• Fighting for a cause – Décor, Score.• Supernatural-appearing costume – Colour, Costume.• Righting wrongs; no weapons; battling for truth and justice – Body Movement.• “Mild-mannered” – Challenged. Silent; representing seriousness.The final stereotype represented to the audience is of the region, London; specifically in East London, which is location of opening sequence.• Violent – Props• Criminalistic – Costume• Common and Lower Class – Décor, Setting, High Angle Shots, Low Key Lighting

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Question 3:What kind of media institution would distribute your product and

why?Once the producers have completed the post-production process of the product, it would later be processed through the distribution stages, which would mostly be as expensive as the production and post-production stages. This is because the companies would generally pay about a third of their budget on the marketing, which would consist of advertising (e.g. billboards, posters, competitions, magazine front covers, viral marketing, TV spots and trailers) and interviews with the cast and crew on chat shows and news corporations. In order for the production company to be able to do so, it would have to organise in doing so with its distributor(s).Due to my film being aimed at a mass audience, because of it being of the currently popular sub-genre, superhero, and also of the incredibly popular genre, action adventure, my distribution company would have to be an American company, because major companies in the United States generally own a large amount of money (more so than the majority of British companies); which would assist my production company in being able to advertise the film internationally; therefore causing it to become widely recognised; creating a bigger possibility of it becoming a financial success. This has been noticed with recent superhero and action adventure films of the twenty-first century, including The Avengers (2012; distributed by Walt Disney Motion Pictures, and earning $1,518,594,910) and Avatar (2009; distributed by 20th Century Fox, and earning $2,787,965,087). However, unlike those two films, my product is a British film, which minimalizes my production company’s chance of having an American company be the distributor, because of American action adventure/superhero films consisting of a higher budget; giving the product a lot more potential of becoming a financial success, and making the companies a lot more inclined in being the film’s distributor.Although, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures is one of the few American film companies that has been known for distributing financially successful British action adventure films; including the James Bond film series; beginning with GoldenEye (1995) to the present, with Skyfall (2012) being the most financially successful; earning a total of one thousand, one-hundred and eight point six million dollars worldwide. Additionally, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures has most recently distributed RoboCop (2014), a film of the superhero genre, which grossed two-hundred and forty-two point seven million dollars worldwide; their first successful superhero film, which may signify that Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures is now more inclined to distribute films of the superhero genre, as before, the superhero films that they have distributed were unsuccessful among both audiences and critics (The Meteor Man (1993) and Superhero Movie (2008)). These reasons make it all the more likely for the American film company, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, to distribute my product.

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Question 4:What would be the target audience for your product?

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Question 5:How did you address/attract your target audience?

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Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies during the process of

constructing your product?

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Question 7:Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product?