The Dream of a Cyberpunk Future? Presented by Zak, Nicola, Jenn & Tae

The dream of a cyberpunk future seminar presentation

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Page 1: The dream of a cyberpunk future seminar presentation

The Dream of a Cyberpunk Future?

Presented by

Zak, Nicola, Jenn & Tae

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Introduction Cyberpunk is a genre which is distinguished by the

technology focus and futuristic orientations, however it is set in the not to distant future, which makes it different to other branches of sci-fi.

Neuromancer has been the case study for many works done on the relationship between cyberpunk and comedy, because it has been a vehicle for social and self examination.

This journal article is: An evaluation of William Gibson’s Neuromancer looking specifically at the use of comedy within

Neuromancer To suggest that comedy can be used to examine

current human and social relationships, and make changes to the future

→This is done through the application of Burke’s theory of ‘comic corrective.’

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The Comic Perspective, Entelechy, & Dialectical

Tension The comedic perspective in Neuromancer, and comedy in general allows us to look at ourselves and examine situations from a new angle. → Comedy and Cyberpunk go hand in hand, as it allows a

critical reflection of our relationships, society and the lifestyles that are lead.

As written in the article: “the comic perspective can allow individuals to recognize

that the path that they are following may lead to a devastating end, thus encouraging them to shake off their tragic tendencies and actively seek new alternatives”(p.


The comedic perspective in Neuromancer is not about resigning oneself to a certain way of life, it is meant to allow for a new perspective and path to be taken by an individual or society.

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Burke’s Theory of Comedy Cyberpunk comedy allows the audience to gain an attitude

where they can reflect on themselves whilst learning about the mistakes they have made, or could make.

Burke suggests: comedy in cyberpunk shouldn't just effect the

individual. He maintained that ‘‘comic frame of reference also opens up whole new field

for social criticism’’ (p. 326). the comedic corrective allows us to escape from the

future we are heading into, by recognizing what is wrong and providing the motivation to change.

there is something special about imagining a not to distant future through cyberpunk–and by critiquing society in such a comedic way, it creates the desire for all humans to create a perfect future.

This leads society to use the term perfect ironically

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Conclusion of First section Neuromancer can be viewed as a cyberpunk comedy with

an intended comedic message. The comedy is present to allow the audience to critically reflect, not only on themselves, but on society as a whole.

This will hopefully mean that in the future technology will be used for a better cause, and we might even be lucky enough to gain perfection in the world!

But that is only if we take the step back now and realise that something needs to be done!

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William Gibson & Neuromancer

He created a lens for examining what he understoos as the increasingly important role that IT plays in the lives of humans.

His aim as a writer is not so much to provide specific predictions about the future but rather to find a rhetorical context suitable to examine the role of technology in our society.

He is not a high-tech guy excited about the possibility of a technologically structured future but is rather a cultural critic who hopes that his audience will critically examine the world around them.

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Neuromancer The first novel to win the science

fiction triple crown Because it was one of the first

works of cyberpunk and breathed new life into science fiction.

He predicted some IT developments in this novel

e.g. the emergence of cyberspace, global computer networks, hackers…

It is important to examine the ways in which the dialectical tension within this novel since its ‘fiction’ increasingly become our lived reality.

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Enacting the Comic Frame in Neuromancer

In Neuromancer, Gibson takes various items of the current society and evolves them by stretching them casuistically to create his future world which is not so far from the present day. It illustrates how the world might be if the present unchecked

fascination with information technology continues to flourish unabated the practice of technological enhancement.

It is also used to examine the degree to which humans can become part of technology.

E.g. In Gibson’s future world… The brain becomes not just a biological entity but also a central

processing unit for a human Narcotics are both incredibly powerful and easily accessible Cities have rotting cores inhabited by mutants and technologically

enhanced punks Weapons have been made more cruel and devastating Privacy must be purchased The computer constructed world of cyberspace is more real and

vibrant than the human world

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Enacting the Comic Frame The idea of a computer that can think for itself and devise

an intricate plan for enhancing itself contradicts our understanding of computers as tools that are used by humans.

The idea of intelligence, or wisdom, is not a concept that tends to be associated with circuits, files, and keyboards. This planned incongruity reverses that The Dream of a Cyberpunk Future? assumption and makes humans the tools of the computer.

The dialectical tension between the possibilities of powerful computers and artificial intelligence may result in a critical assessment and revaluation of the current trends toward increasingly powerful computer networks.

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Considering sub-cultures… The subcultures of today, stretched to their logical

end, are no longer satisfied with piercings, plastic surgery, or wildly coloured hair but have moved on to more invasive and alarming aesthetic changes.→ These illustrations encourage the audience to

think more critically about contemporary practices such as plastic surgery, tattooing, and other body modifications.


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Dialectical Tension & Critical Self-Reflection

Dialectical tension: tensions that occur when relationship goals conflict;

relationship differences that usually revolve around differences in the desires for connection and autonomy, predictability and novelty, and openness and privacy

Newromancer is an illustrative case where discursive space for social critiquw and a comic perspective are constructed through dialectical tension.→It encourages the audience to reflect on trends within


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A critique of current society The cyberpunk genre is often set in the future of a futuristic setting

which in contrast to the present prompts a critique of current society, technology and trends in culture.

According to Burke (1973): individuals can gain a better understanding of their world

through rhetorical constructions of authors or in other words a make believe alternative world.

→ Through Neuromancer the audience becomes more aware of current ideas towards technology by reading about a possible future.

According to Moore (1998): by embracing dialectical tension the audience can recognise and

resist power dynamics by standing outside of mainstream society and actively seek the possibilities of corrective action.

→The dialectical tension of Neuromancer allows the reader through a comic perspective to imagine a world that is not predetermined or set.

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As an influential new form of social criticism

Neuromancer and cyberpunk fiction in general has been characterised as an influential new form of social criticism and to an extent can act as a vehicle for social change through promoting self-reflection and critical assessment.

William Gibson has been criticised for not making suggestions for changes to the current status quo. Sponster (1992) explains this through ideological

grounds “Refusing to propose progressive politics even through its dystopian future opens up considerable space for resistance to the logic of late capitalism”.

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Works to raise awareness However Neuromancer instead works to bring about raised

awareness about technology through self-reflection. Gibson states his text “is about the present. It is not about

an imagined future. It’s a scary way of coming to terms with the awe and terror inspired in me by the world we live in”

(Quoted in Beard 1999, p.5)

Gibson deliberately used his novel in this way to raise awareness about the possible implications of technology and society. This method is interesting as it relies on its audience’s

ability to pick up on the implied meaning in the text. e.g. Pengo, a German hacker:

who was so inspired by Neuromancer. He decided to hack into an steal data from the U.S

computer networks and sell it to the Russian KGB (Zuckerman, 1991, p.103)

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Conclusion Burke (1073) assumes that instead of individuals gaining

insight on society they instead gain insight into themselves and act to change themselves rather than society at large.

There are many oppositional readings on Neuromancer, recognizing that not everyone will reach the same conclusion towards the future as Gibson intended is important but it is still of note that dialectical tension is a useful rhetorical technique for encouraging individuals to examine and critique current social norms.