The Bermuda Triangle By Jordan G, Caleb W, Jordan R

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The Bermuda Triangle

By Jordan G, Caleb W, Jordan R

Page 2: The bermuda triangle[1]

What is The Bermuda Triangle?

•Stretches between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.• Many ships and planes have disappeared. Most of these cant be explained. • Mysterious disappearances have been going on since about 1492.•There are many a theory as to why these ships and planes disappear so mysteriously.

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What are some of the stories about the Bermuda Triangle

Douglas DC-3

•A Douglas DC-3 disappeared on December, 28, 1948•All 32 passengers were never found, and no trace of wreckage was found.

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What are some of the stories about the Bermuda Triangle

Flight 19

• On December 5th, 1945, flight 19 disappeared.•It consisted of 5 torpedo bombers, each piloted by trained pilots. •They were never seen again.

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What are some of the stories about the Bermuda Triangle

The Marie Celeste

•On December 5th, 1872, a ship was found abandoned•They had thought that the crew had just left in a hurry•The crew on the Marie Celeste were never heard from or seen ever again.

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What are some of the disappearances?

The Marie Celeste Flight 19 Douglas DC-3

What are some of the theories as to why so many vessels

disappeared? •The Magnet theory•The Gas theory•The Alien theory•The Atlantis theory

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What are some theories about how they disappeared?


Some people believe aliens are the reason why the vessels disappeared.

Some of these people think that there is an underwater base in the region.

Others think that vessels are confused by a downed UFO.

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What are some theories about how they disappeared?


Some people believe that the strange phenomena is caused by the lost city of Atlantis.

The city was believed to be powered by crystals and it is thought that these crystals cause the strange disappearances.

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What are some theories about how they disappeared?

The Magnetic Theory

The Bermuda Triangle is thought to be at a point on the earth where there is high magnetic activity. The high magnetic energy causes compasses to spin and could confuse navigators.

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What are some theories about how they disappeared?

The Gas Theory The Bermuda

Triangle is situated over a large oceanic trench.

It is believed that this trench occasionally releases gas which lowers the density of the water. Because of this change, boats can no longer float.

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No-one can explain the mysterious disappearances that occur in the Bermuda Triangle. The most Interesting disappearance of all is The Marie Celeste because they actually found the ship in perfect condition but apparently, the crew had abandoned it in a hurry.

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"Bermuda Triangle." Student Resource Center. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Discovering

Collection. Gale. Christchurch City Libraries. 9

Nov. 2010 <http://find.galegroup.com.libezp01.slc.ac.nz/srcx/infoma

