Terrorism Terrorism means the use of violence and intimidations especially for political purpose. It is directed against persons, groups or government. We hear of terror and violence daily. It has become an international phenomenon. Even the advanced science and technology is unable to forecast or check it so, it is growing grim day by a day. A wise man says: ”Terrorism is not a new activity. Even the primitive barbarians were involved in it. The big fish have always been swallowing the small. The stronger tribes, in the past, used to rob and murder the weaker ones.” It occurs due to different people. Individuals terrorists commit it of their own accord. Some international terrorist organizations work in a planned secret way. They hire and train the terrorists to use them in the hour of need. There are many cause of terrorism. First, the growing rate of unemployment among the educated young men. Young men are the great cause of terrorism. Secondly, rising prices of the commodities of life spread discontentment among the people which cause terrorism. Thirdly, some international agencies try to topple a foreign government. Such people plan bomb explosion at railways stations, airports, bus stations, big markets hospitals and other public areas. They create a sense of insecurity among the people. Besides bomb explosions, hijacking of plans and kidnapping of the rich or the high ups for ransom also include in terrorism.


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Page 1: Terrorism

Terrorism Terrorism means the use of violence and intimidations especially for political purpose. It is directed against persons, groups or government. We hear of terror and violence daily. It has become an international phenomenon. Even the advanced science and technology is unable to forecast or check it so, it is growing grim day by a day. A wise man says:”Terrorism is not a new activity. Even the primitive barbarians were involved in it. The big fish have always been swallowing the small. The stronger tribes, in the past, used to rob and murder the weaker ones.”It occurs due to different people. Individuals terrorists commit it of their own accord. Some international terrorist organizations work in a planned secret way. They hire and train the terrorists to use them in the hour of need. There are many cause of terrorism. First, the growing rate of unemployment among the educated young men. Young men are the great cause of terrorism. Secondly, rising prices of the commodities of life spread discontentment among the people which cause terrorism. Thirdly, some international agencies try to topple a foreign government. Such people plan bomb explosion at railways stations, airports, bus stations, big markets hospitals and other public areas. They create a sense of insecurity among the people. Besides bomb explosions, hijacking of plans and kidnapping of the rich or the high ups for ransom also include in terrorism.Terrorism in Pakistan is not so old. It started a few years ago. Different governments over the years have maintained ban on new recruitment. Daylight robberies at gunpoint are committed. Banks and commercials centers are plundered, hijacking and looting of buses and wagons have become a daily routine. Prices of essentials are increasing discontentment among the common people. Keep in mind:

Page 2: Terrorism

“Peace has never come from dropping bombs. Real peace comes from enlightenment and educating people to behave more in a divine manner”. Different steps can be taken to check terrorism. First, the government should force the people illegally present in Pakistan to leave their country. Second, no one should be allowed to keep unlicensed weapons. Third, there should be effective secret services to report all kind of terrorists’ plans. Forth, people should be vigilant enough to recognize the suspects. Fifth, important public places should be properly patrolled.