Technology in the film industry

Technology in the film industry

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Technology in the film industry

Page 2: Technology in the film industry

Consumer products

Products you would find in a home

The functions of the product

Use in the film industry Pros Cons

TV The function of this product is to view what your game consoles playing or what channel is on the box you pay for.

They use TV to view what footage they have already shot to see if they need to reshoot.

You can watch programmes on them and you can plug a game console into them and play them.

They are expensive. They can be fragile.

Camera They are used to take photos and recorded videos.

In the film industry there camera can be a lot bigger for the purpose of just using them to film.

They can take really nice high quality photos/videos.

They can be quite big to handle. Expensive.

Computers/ Laptop

You use them to do work and use them for surfing the internet.

They are used to keep a copy of the scenes that have been recorded and to keep track of what need to be done next.

They are easy to use. Can be very slow if you have a lot of programmes open.

Editing Software You can use it if you are creating videos for YouTube or if you are doing work for a media subject.

It is used to create the film and making sure the film is perfect. There is normally a couple people working on the editing .

They are very good for making videos

It can be very bad if they crash while editing.

Smart Phones Used for normal phone purposes like texting and calls and also used to surf the internet and for apps. They also record and take photos.

The use of a phone in the film industry is to contact your actors, crew and use if you are not on the computer for emails

The camera can be high quality. They can be easy to find stuff on.

A good phone is going to be very expensive.

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Satellite and Cable

What it is? Pros Cons

Satellite Satellite is where it starts off at the producers then through to satellite then to the customer. Sky does it over satellite .

The satellite is in space so it shouldn’t get damaged.

If there is a thunder storm it could disconnect you for a while

Cable Cables are underground and signals are set through them to get the shows sent to the people subscribed. This is could also be Freeview. Companies that do cable TV are Virgin and BT.

Quick internet to give better access.

Wire could get damaged underground by animals

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Analogue and Digital

What it is? Pros Cons

Analogue Analogue TV you would have to set up yourself, so you would have an aerial to make sure it is receiving signal. Normally you wouldn’t get many channels with it.

It was good at the time when TV’s had just came in.

You would have to set it up every time and there isn’t many channels. you many have to rewire.

Digital Digital TV you don’t have to set it up yourself it had connection straight away. There was the digital switchover a few years ago.

It is more reliable than analogue. It is the most up to date way to watch TV. You can access most TV channels.

If the signal goes it may take a while to connect.

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What it is? Pros Cons

Internet The internet is where you can connect with people all over the world.

The pros of the internet are you can use it to do research for work and talk to people over social media and find images of your hobbies.

The cons of the internet is when people create site where you can download films and other programmes. A site that people go to pirate films and TV shows is pirate bay.

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What it is? Pros Cons

Interactive This is when you can get apps that interact with a TV show or you can vote who you want to win/go through to next round. Shows that do this are X-Factor and Britain's got talent.

They help get new talent to show off. The person who wins starts making it into the charts. You can get apps on your smart phones to play along and vote the person in or out.

They are rigged so they either let really good people through or really bad people through. There is so many rounds to even get to the actual TV shows.

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High Definition

What it is? Pros Cons

High Definition This is when your TV show or film is in really high quality and doesn’t look fuzzy. Most TV channels are now making HD channels so people with Smart TV can enjoy the program more.

There is less fuzziness. Sound can be clearer.

More Expensive one if you want a smart TV and second to pay for the HD channels.

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What it is? Pros Cons

3D This is where you can view a film in 3D and feel like it is in the room with you. Some films that had the 3D feature to them are Avatar, Alice in Wonderland and How to Train Your Dragon.

You get to experience it in a different sort of view.

It can hurt your eyes after a while and if you where glasses that could make it a worse experience you have two pairs of glasses on. You may not have a TV that has the 3D feature built in.

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Pay Per View

What it is? Pros Cons

Pay per view This is where you pay every-time to watch a certain TV channel/Program. This normally happens on the sports channels for boxing.

Get early access to the program you want to watch.

It can get very expensive you watch them most of the time. This could also happen with film sites online.

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On-Demand Viewing

What it is? Pros Cons

On-Demand viewing This is where you can view a program has been shown one day then it goes on to the on demand as a catch up. Some channel that do On Demand are BBC iPlayer, Itv Player, Channel 4 All 4.

If you have missed on episode of a series you can go and watch it the next day.

It can go after a few days of being on like the news will come off after a day.

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Streaming content

What it is? Pros Cons

Steaming content This is when a YouTuber or someone does a Live stream which normally you can just click on the link and it will take you to the stream. They can do this for hours on end to either do it for fun or for charity. There is a ton of sites you can watch streams on but the main one you normally see people streaming on is Twitch.

The content of the stream can be something you are interested in.

It could start cutting out on the streamer end or you end so it could be very laggy.

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Digital recorders

What it is? Pros Cons

Digital recorders This is where you can watch films through TV something like Netflix and Love Film. These you pay for each months to watch films/TV programs.

You can watch all the films that are on the sites. They can give a free trial.

It can be expensive paying each month to just use the service. There may not be films you want to watch.

Netflix is a site you pay monthly to watch films and TV programmes.

Love Film will send you movies of your choice to you house and when you have finished with it you can choose more too watch.