Stage 3 Have your Say Team Name Samaritans First Member Prakhar Gautam Second Member Harsh Mankad College Name IIM Bangalore

Team Samaritans IIMB Casia 2014 Round 3 - Case Solution

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Team Samaritans (IIMB) case solution for social media crisis management - turning the tide in your favor.

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  • 1. Stage 3Have yourSayTeam Name SamaritansFirst Member Prakhar GautamSecond Member Harsh MankadCollege Name IIM Bangalore

2. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 3. Shoppi.comThings startingto go wrong Mens shaving lotion Bad packagingShoppi.com1 dayresolutionassuranceStill no resolution!Shoppi.com 4. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 5. Shoppi.comDear Anita,Our most sincere &unreserved apologies for theinconvenience this episode hascaused.We will reach out to you in thenext hour with definitiveresolutions.You are important to usThis is just not where we stop.Watch out this space for more. 6. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 7. Terminate guiltychannel partner withimmediate effect12Hand deliver the packageby a top executive OR Setup a video conferencewith apology3 With Anitas consent, have the apologyvideo recorded4 Gift Anita a Shoppi loyalty card with bonus points & flexible timelinesSpend at discretion Discount incentives on her regular brands (use Business Intelligence)Surprise in store every time you shop 8. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 9. S o c i a lC a m p a i g n s1234 10. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 11. I n c e n t i v i z e1Allocate Points toChannel PartnersBased on performancePoints translates to monetarybenefitsWith economic recovery2Points basedReviewCreate Levels Higher the LevelBigger theIncentive 12. What wentwrongTURN THETIDECHANNEL PARTNERMANAGEMENTRESPONSEMECHANISMAPOLOGIZE &COMPENSATELAUNCHCAMPAIGNSEXISTINGUP NEXTWHAT FOLLOWS?COMPLETEDFUTUREWHAT&HOWSOSImmediate Going Beyond Apology Short Term Long Term 13. 13Have a ResponseMechanism No AutomatedresponseCustomizedHuman Replies2In case of a complaint Evaluate the severityACT Accordingly 14. What, How &When ToRespond